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Find URLs in with Regex with SSJS

I am on a mission to extract URLs from all the emails unfortunately I am getting stuck on regex with SSJS. My plan is to call the Content Builder API (/asset/v1/content/assets?$filter=id=12345)for the ...
weliott's user avatar
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Retrieve Data extensions in Salesforce marketing cloud

I was wondering if there's any way to get all the data extention available in different BUs with created date and last modified data - so I can delete those which are not in use. Is there any way ...
Faisal Siddiqui's user avatar
-1 votes
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Day light saving in SMS using ampscript

We have written code Ampscript code to cover the day light savings for this year, but we need to update this code to work fork every year based on the day light saving dates(As day light saving dates ...
Kas16's user avatar
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Multiple catalogues same BU Einstein SFMC

I want tu publish more than one web catalogue in a unique BU. I'm trying to update all of them in a unique catalogue, adding an indentifying field (Eg: Website_Region) in order to choose the catalog ...
Marc Garcia's user avatar
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Journey Builder with DE Entry contains duplicate Contacts for Reminders

We would like to create a Journey that sends a one-hour reminder email before each event starts. Since a contact can have multiple events in a day, we would like to send a separate email for each ...
Arch's user avatar
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What should we use as Primary Key and how does it relate to Send Relationship

At the moment our SFMC account uses Email Address as the Primary Key for all of our data extensions. We also always set up the Send Relationship as Email address relates to Email address. I've run ...
user150053's user avatar
-1 votes
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Automate deployment activity via API or SSJS to Pause, Save and Resume API Event journey after a change to the Email tempate

We would like to have external management of transaction specific content blocks within email templates used in API Event journeys. We plan to have the Email template with standard header (top panel) ...
Sam's user avatar
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SFMC Filter users by Sent Email Name

I would like to know if it's possible to Grab all users who have received an email based on the Email Name sent, not JOBID. I've tried JS inside an automation, but for some reason, it does not ...
eddyrc7's user avatar
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What to do if only a subset of records entered the Journey due to 'Evaluate new records only' setting in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

I set up a Journey in Salesforce Marketing Cloud with a Data Extension (DE) as the entry source containing 10,000 records. The DE is overwritten daily before the Journey is scheduled to start. I ...
teddy23's user avatar
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How does Exit Criteria in SFMC Journey Builder work when checking against Entry Data Extension?

I'm setting up a journey in SFMC, and I want to define exit criteria for when a subscriber is no longer present in the Data Extension that serves as the entry source. Specifically, I want to know if ...
teddy23's user avatar
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Create an upsert DE with SSJS

I am trying to use SSJS to retrieve the DE names of all DE's in a particular folder (folderid = 14273, not sure if that needs to be in quotations), and save them in an upsert DE (DE name = Dede). The ...
houjicha's user avatar
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Possible to update a User-Initiated Send to target a different email?

Basically what I'm trying to do is set up an automation with a send definition and be able to update which email that send definition sends out. Automation runs on a weekly basis so I want to be able ...
Xankar's user avatar
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exclusion script for a matrix based on criteria type

I'm trying to write an exclusion script based on multiple criteria. Here's my general setup: In my Sending-DE, I have a column called "criteria-type" - in my Exclusion-DE, I have 5 criteria ...
michael ganz's user avatar
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Representing a custom Content Block in the Blocks pane of the Template Builder [duplicate]

I am working on template setup for non-html users- if I define a custom Content Block for a specific element(a button configured with certain colors and sizes, or a header block made in a HTML element)...
Trevor's user avatar
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Issue with Editing Email Template in Salesforce Marketing Cloud (Lock Icon)

I'm encountering an issue with editing email templates in Salesforce Marketing Cloud. There’s a lock icon in the top-left corner of the template, which prevents me from making any changes directly to ...
teddy23's user avatar
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Combining Path Optimizer with Send Time Optimization

Current situation: We do a 50-50 split along with STO for AB testing. This means if we have an audience of 50k, 25k would get the winning email, and 25k would get the poor-performing email. This seems ...
user162211's user avatar
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Joint report – Grouping Issue – unable to display in dashboard

we currently have a live dashboard with 20 panels/reports – however, one important panel/report we’re unable to display. It’s a joint report – with a pull thru ratio created. The ratio is correct and ...
Jayson Australia's user avatar
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WhatsApp not executing the AmpScript function

We are using a Cloudpage to track whether the WhatsApp CTA links are clicked. For this, a Cloudpage is embedded in the Meta template as the base URL for the CTA, with UTM parameters dynamically added ...
Rushikesh Pandit's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to capture Subscriberkey in Text response in mobile connect

we have sent outbound message and capturing mobile number and subscriberkey into data data extension and now when user responds to outbound with keyword Accept, we need to update the response to ...
Kas16's user avatar
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Is there a central place in Mobile Connect to edit the JOIN keyword logic much like the STOP keyword?

Here's my scenario. Whenever a subscriber texts STOP to my short code, I have a Code Snippet embedded into the STOP message to update a Salesforce flag from TRUE to FALSE. However, for JOIN, I don't ...
Mike Marks's user avatar
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Query the records to whom Have not been sent an email/sms/Mobile push since last 2years

in our Existing System we have 31M Contacts. NOw we wanted to Delete The Contacts who did not received any of communication from our end. like email or sms or mobile push. And we are trying to query ...
Raj2302's user avatar
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using ContentBlockById vs directly adding AMPscript in a Code Snippet

I have several emails that use the same AMPscript logic across different email. I'm wondering if there is a significant difference between calling the AMPscript via ContentBlockById in a Code Snippet ...
teddy23's user avatar
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How to format space in between bullet points in Marketing Cloud (No experience coding)

I don't have any experience coding and I don't know HTML, but I have a bulleted list in a Marketing Cloud email and I'd like to add some space in between the bullets. Ideally, someone can tell me ...
svd582's user avatar
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Issue with Using TriggeredSendCustomerKey in SQL Query for _Sent Data View in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

I'm sending emails in SFMC through Automation Studio. I have an automation that runs daily and triggers an email send activity. I'm trying to generate reports using SQL queries from the _Sent data ...
teddy23's user avatar
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How can I get Rows from a specific Data Extension and add them to another one using SSJS?

I want to insert the rows from an existing data extension with the same column structure into another one using SSJS within Automation-Studio. I am using SSJS because I want to add them dynamically, ...
Den_wob's user avatar
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How to Retrieve All Active Subscribers in Child Business Unit with BU-Level Unsubscribes in SFMC?

I need to send an email to all subscribers who are currently subscribed in a specific Child Business Unit. Our account is configured with "Subscribers will be unsubscribed from this business unit ...
teddy23's user avatar
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Monthly double email sends in SFMC without affecting sender reputation

I currently send around 200,000 - 250,000 emails per month using SFMC, with a dedicated IP and a good sender reputation. I want to start sending an email to the entire subscriber base, which is around ...
teddy23's user avatar
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JS Code in Browser AND Server

Is there any practical way to write JavaScript functions such that the same code can be executed in BOTH a Landing Page written in AMPscript AND SSJS executed on the server (other than copying the ...
John Lewis's user avatar
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Encrypting ContactKeys to share with a vendor for use as a querystring GET parameter in a QR code

I've got a data extension with over 2500 records in it that I'm trying to modify as such: take the 'ContactKey' value, encrypt it using EncryptSymmetric() in AMPscript, and then assign the 'Encrypted ...
HaloToxin's user avatar
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Ampscript UpdateSingleSalesforceObject Function in Loop

Im getting a 500 - error on my code and can't figure out whats causing it. Im trying to build a custom preference center (cloud page) that updates corresponding contact point consent records in ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Salesforce Marketing Cloud SMS API Error: "Unable to find ShortCode for definition, countryCode may be required"

Body: I'm working with the Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SFMC) API to create an SMS definition for transactional messages. Below is the API request I'm sending: POST /messaging/v1/sms/definitions/ HTTP/...
Nitin Palla's user avatar
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Getting the mobile push subscription for each subscriberkey

We have a data extension with a subscriber key column. We need to ensure this column is populated using either the device ID or contact ID. Additionally, we want to determine if contacts are ...
MHG's user avatar
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As an Annual Technical Health Review what goals you would like to see and achieve from your Marketing Cloud instance? [closed]

In your opinion which should be the 3 health goals for Marketing Cloud that would be beneficial to track and strive for an organization from an Annual Technical Health Review perspective from the ...
Jimmy Vaswani's user avatar
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Mobile Push SDK - silent push

We are implementing SFMC mobile push SDK and mobile dev are having an issue. In android - push notification works only when the app is active. when app is closed + in lockscreen - push notification ...
Christian Solayao's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud export multiple csv files into one zip file

I have 3 data extension that I would like to export into SFTP individually as csv, and then combine them into one zip file. I get exhausted of researching this and thought I ask experts here to help. ...
Araarso's user avatar
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How is an Einstein Email recommendations block created?

I have watched a thousand videos about Einstein Email Recommendations, read a thousand articles on the subject, but I have not seen any real or fictitious example of how to set up an email with ...
Marc Garcia's user avatar
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How to Connect Group Connect and how fields and LINE id are attributed?

I'm new to Group Connect and we're thinking of implementing the solution for asian countries, however I'm bite confused. For the Mobile Connect for example for SMS we have Phone Field or we can link ...
TaouBen's user avatar
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My queries have an error near ALL

Here's my query: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT TOP 2500 * FROM [CM_Engagement_2024_use] WHERE phase = 'Primary' AND school_category = 'Maintained' AND Role IN ('headteacher', 'deputy ...
Thu Ha Larkin's user avatar
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SQL to get a list of running journeys that haven't sent any emails in the past 90 days

I ran a simple SQL to see how many 'running' journeys I have in my system. There are hundreds. This is the data I want: To get a unique list of journeys in SFMC that have a journey status of "...
user162211's user avatar
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Interactive Email Page || Update <title> tag

While working in Interactive Emails, I noticed that the system adds some default code above your Interactive Email Form page![check highlighted in yellow screenshot] Hence my title is over written by ...
Vishal Kumar C V's user avatar
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Will a URL with a static query parameter work in an engagement split if you don't need the query string tracked?

Say I have the following static URL: In my journey, I want to exit any user who clicks that URL. When configuring this as an engagement split, SFMC lists the ...
Peachy's user avatar
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Contact Key and Device ID

Is there a possibility of extracting all my contacts in SFMC that have a populated Contact Key and Device ID is not null? I want to export this list onto my FTP
Molo's user avatar
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Automating SQL Queries for Data Views in Salesforce Marketing Cloud to Handle Journey and Email Version Changes

I'm currently using SQL queries on Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Views to generate reports based on emails sent via Journey Builder. Here is an example of the query I'm using: SELECT j.JobId, ...
teddy23's user avatar
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How to trigger multiple journeys from a single automation in SFMC?

I'm looking for a reliable way to send emails to different groups of recipients hourly. Initially, I planned to handle this via SQL queries + Send Email activity in Automation Studio. However, I'm ...
teddy23's user avatar
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IIF AMPscript function in Web Analytics Connector not working as expected

My Tracking String in WAC is the following: utm_source=Email​&utm_medium=%%=v(@utm_medium)=%%​&utm_campaign=%%emailname_%%​&utm_term=%%linkname%%​&utm_id=%%jobid%%​&sfmc_id=%%...
Gio's user avatar
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How to send multiple records per person from Data Cloud to Marketing Cloud in 1 segment?

I am working with Salesforce Data Cloud and need to send data to Marketing Cloud where one person can have multiple records (e.g., multiple cart ids). When I create a segment in Data Cloud and ...
teddy23's user avatar
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Provisioning company's root domain as private domain [duplicate]

Business has a use case were financial adviser click on quick send in Salesforce CRM and that triggers API and journey in SFMC. Currently production BU has ( associated with SAP. ...
Arun surwar's user avatar
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Question on strange Payload Status using REST API

I am trying to get data from DE and then Push those data into Journey Event. Good thing is it's working and bad thing is I am getting the below error while testing the solution in CloudPage... In my ...
Sohail's user avatar
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Should you mark finished SFMC journeys as 'Stopped'?

It's a pretty basic question. I'm trying to put together a 'recommendations' paper for an organisation. To understand their journeys, the first thing I did was download the list of all the 'running' ...
user162211's user avatar
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How to handle FALSE boolean values on Cloud page in Marketing Cloud?

We are implementing a cloud page that will act as a subscriber center. We have created this code: %%[ If RequestParameter("submitted") == "SaveChanges" then /* Get the checkbox ...
Daniel Ferm's user avatar