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Questions tagged [parameters]

A parameter is a variable, it is used in a subroutine to refer to one of the pieces of data provided as input to the subroutine. These pieces of data are called arguments.

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Are there any flow URL parameters/properties I can set that stop the first focusable element in my screen flow from being active/highlighted?

I have a flow and I'm accessing it via URL and parameters. It works very well, but I'm having a small cosmetic problem when viewing the flow via purely URL. The problem appears to occur on the first ...
rmarq423's user avatar
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Will a URL with a static query parameter work in an engagement split if you don't need the query string tracked?

Say I have the following static URL: In my journey, I want to exit any user who clicks that URL. When configuring this as an engagement split, SFMC lists the ...
Peachy's user avatar
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Will activating Parameter Manager overwrite any utms that have been manually applied to links?

We currently do not use Parameter Manager in Marketing Cloud. Instead, all URLs are manually created with the correct UTMs (source, medium, campaign, and content) and added separately to emails. With ...
user150053's user avatar
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Personalization strings

Is there any personalization string that brings the name of the journey? I need to automatize the utm_campaign in Parameter Manager but it only allows me to use the Email name. Is there any trick to ...
malena's user avatar
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UTM solution for Dynamic Email

We have a dynamic email template where we populate content via AMPscript from a Data Extension for different locales. I'd like to enable Web Analytics Connector for our account however I'm not quite ...
DBK's user avatar
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Passing String Variable from LWC to Embedded Screen Flow

I have an LWC in Experience Cloud where I’m trying to pass a variable which I grabbed as a URL parameter to a flow embedded in the LWC. The html file renders the output from JS, but when I try to pass ...
Taku's user avatar
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Adding new Apex class

I have a problem with my Apex classes. I have code which would take amount and divide it by each month to have forecast. I have code: trigger Income on Opportunity (before insert, before update) { ...
Szymon Rola's user avatar
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Why do annotation parameters not use a comma as separator?

Looking at the official documentation for the annotation InvocableMethod we can see that the parameters - unlike other languages I know - do not use a comma as a separator for the parameters. Any ...
Semmel's user avatar
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How to get the parameter value from LWC when this parameters was passed from lightning record page

I want to pass a parameter value from a Lightning Record Page to LWC, but I did not get the parameter value. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <...
Bruce Wang's user avatar
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Process map of objects from LWC in Apex controller

I'm creating new records in my LWC and have a map to allow for updating values before doing the save and I finally got the LWC to communicate with the controller, but the values sent seem to be empty, ...
Irene's user avatar
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How to pass value to attribute in visualforce page

I have an attribute which I want to pass to a visualforce component, how do I achieve this. Currently I get the error: expecting a boolean Photoshoot="{!IF(!opportunity.Quote__r.Photoshoot__c!='',...
Thomas's user avatar
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Get Parameter ID from the Community URL after redirect

I have a screen flow that displays the accounts that a user is associated with. There are hyperlinks to display the name and when clicked opens a new browser with https://my_custom_url/pocdiy2/s/...
user125877's user avatar
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Unable to pass parameters to visualforce page - Error "Value provided is invalid for action parameter 'templateId' of type 'Id'"

I have a visualforce page that I'm using to redirect a user to a second and final visualforce page in an attempt to bypass a CSRF Token request (it's from a managed package). I can't seem to get the ...
KB2021's user avatar
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Get recoird id Error attemp to de-reference a null object

I'm using apexpages.currentpage().getparameters().get(‘id’) but when i run the class the developer console returns: attemp to de-reference a null object this is the url: ...sandbox.lightning.force....
Lucas's user avatar
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Incorrect IF formula : expected 3, received 4

I need to add some lines into a formula and I started it but I'm stopped with the following issue : Incorrect number of parameters for function 'IF()'. Expected 3, received 4. I saw there's another ...
TDFR's user avatar
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How can I pass a parameter into the batch class?

How can I pass a parameter into the batch class? How do I change the executeBatch to add a parameter? I need a parameter to make the query dynamic. The Status can be changed. Id bc = Database....
FenTro's user avatar
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Passing subscriber data from Email to Cloudpage in Different BU

I currently try to do the following: If a subcriber hits a button in the email i want to pass- the subsciber information from Email into a CLoudpage which is in a DIFFERENT BU. CloudPageURL function ...
Werner Holm's user avatar
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Passing a method as parameter from a parent LWC to a chil LWC

Hello, I develop on an existing LWC and there is something I don't understand. There are 2 custom LWC and the parent LWC calls the child LWC by passing a method (from him) as a parameter the child LWC....
Oupat's user avatar
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Not able to pass form information to a FormHandler cloudpage which is located in parent (different) BU

I have a cloudPage with a form and i need the values to be stored in a DataExtension in current BU and then pass the values to a FormHandler Page which is stored in another BU (same Account) I want ...
Werner Holm's user avatar
-1 votes
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The formula expression is invalid: Incorrect number of parameters for function 'IF()'. Expected 3, received 2

Receiving an error when trying to save the below formula. The requirement is that if the first variable is empty, to retrieve the value for the second variable. IF({!var_EmailAddress_1} = "",...
user115088's user avatar
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apex pass parameter null

I'm trying to pass a pasrameter to mi apex class to search a contact but when i debug that parameter in the apex class, always return "null" and i dont know why... someone knows why? Thanks! ...
Luca Pattin's user avatar
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HTML Email Template URL Base64 Encode

Based in question HTML Email Template URL Encode That it exposes the problem like: <a href="{!URLENCODE(Contact.Region__c)}">Click me</a> I am trying ...
shakaran's user avatar
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get Param return undefined [closed]

my code is : ({submit : function(component, event, helper) { var msg = component.get('v.inputValue'); var mainMsg ="Hey this is "+ msg + "." ; var ...
Tushar Goyal's user avatar
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Add Parameter to Aura Components Apex Controller

I am relatively new to aura components and am having trouble understanding the interconnectivity between files when using parameters in functions. I added the "enrollmentId" parameter along ...
Austin Kelly's user avatar
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LWC build Title component [closed]

In the process of developing an lwc component that can accept values such as Title, font size and icon name during LWC configuration and the padding and margins should be same as Salesforce out of the ...
Diamond's user avatar
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What is the correct way to pass parameters to Lightning JS controller from anchor <a>

I have anchor tag in the lightning component and trying to get the value on user click the hyperlink. //cmp <aura:iteration items="{!v.refDataList}" var="refData" indexVar="...
indrasen neelam's user avatar
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How to Send user attributes from Interaction Studio to Cloudpages

I have a popup that appears when a user visits the sites homepage. This popup asks the user to update their email address by visiting a cloudpage. The campaign only targets specific users, and ...
mozzy69's user avatar
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Parameter Manager: Set default value for parameter but still allow it to be edited in email properties

We use the following WAC string (I put in line breaks so its easier to read): utm_source=%%__AdditionalEmailAttribute1%%​ &utm_medium=%%__AdditionalEmailAttribute2%%​ &utm_campaign=%%...
Ben's user avatar
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2 answers

action.SetParams not passing parameter through to Apex Class as expected

I'm currently modifying a Lightning Component that someone else created. As such, I'm trying to get the hang of how to work with Aura as I haven't done it before - only Apex and a bit of Visualforce. ...
callum202's user avatar
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Unable to pass parameter to apex controller via JS

I already had a working apex function with various string parameters that I pass via the JS helper. I just added a new String parameter "reasonPick" to the apex function however when I try ...
Franky's user avatar
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Pass object of custom class as parameter to another class

I want to make something like in the code below, but it didnt work. Erorr: Method does not exist or incorrect signature: void method1() from the type SObject. public with sharing class Test1{ ...
Samuel143's user avatar
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How to remove parameters from my URLS [closed]

I have parameters at the end of my product URL and I do not know at to remove them. Here is the type of parameters I have : ?categoryID=10100#start=0 I thought it would be in URL rules but I couldn't ...
Jill Olivier's user avatar
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How To Get URL Into Controller On Mobile

How do I get the URL (specifically the parameters) into my Controller from a VF Page when the device is a mobile phone? The VF Page is housed on a Community Page. I can get the URL param just fine ...
Spatula's user avatar
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Navigating to a component in Communities

I have a simple parent child component. This is surfaced in the community, and for some reason, the parent component is not able to call the child component via the lightning:navigation service. I ...
jojopogi's user avatar
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On second navigation to sub-tab window.location is pointing to main tab url

I am using query parameters in the URL to pass attribute to app page sub-tab. let paramsURL = decodeURIComponent(; If I open the tab first-time it open without any ...
JaydeepGo's user avatar
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Writing a formula ... IF more than one picklist field (of 10 fields) has a non-blank value

Hello and Thanks in advance, How do I write a formula to fire as true, if more than one (of 10) different picklist fields has a non-blank value? If have tried ... ( IF(NOT(ISPICKVAL(Field_A__c,"&...
DU Admin DP's user avatar
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Passing parameter from Lightning Component to Apex Class

this is probably a very common use case but I am struggling here. I want to make a query in apex based on a string I am sending from my component to the class. But it is not pulling any data. Here is ...
Jan Tonnet's user avatar
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How to get status of a checkbox from visual force page to controller

I am trying to show an error message when the checkbox is not checked. How do I pass the checkbox parameter from visualforce page to controller so that I can compare the status of checkbox and display ...
Kiran G's user avatar
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Passing parameters from test methods

I am facing difficulty in passing parameters to apex method from test method. In apex method, I am getting parameters from my VF page. Example of Apex Method: public PageReference create_contact() { ...
Badar's user avatar
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Cannot include User lookup in navigation url

I am using the Spring '20 feature Navigate to a Record’s Create Page with Default Field Values to create a detail page URL button on the Account page called "New Opportunity". It ...
skycafe's user avatar
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Special Characters in rest API URL

Is there any way to handle a & in a params being sent in the URL of a restAPI call. So that the system doesn't think this the end and start of a different params? The URL being sent is below: /...
Steven Hodge's user avatar
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Can i use Trigger.* in Batch constructor?

This is my batch constructor : public void RelateContactAccounts() { Map<Id, List<Id>> accountContactRelationIdsMap = new Map<Id, List<Id>>(); for (...
Farkous's user avatar
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LWC pass date to @wire apex - how to initialise date variable?

I have a component that on first load should display all accounts where a last verified date is 2 years or older. The component has a date selection field where the user can select a different date, ...
Irene's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud UTM issue: Parameter Manager + Redirect issue + AMPscript

Im facing a redirect issue in my MC email links. Steps to reproduce: Creating a dynamic link with AMPscript Example: SET @magentourl = CONCAT('https://www.example.*/cart-link/cart/restore?token=',@...
RobSource's user avatar
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UTM tag issue in Parameter Manager (Web Analytics Connector)

I was just testing the parameter manager in Marketing Cloud. All utms I need are shown in the link when I send an email via journey builder. But now I noticed that there is a weird code added after ...
Nikki's user avatar
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How to pass map values on client side from component to controller

I currently have a child component to which I pass some map values from a parent component to an attribute in the child component on the client side. I used an example which gets map values from ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Is it safe to get currentPageReference in connectedCallback

I have a lightning component that may or may not accept query parameters. In the connected callback, I am trying to grab parameters from currentPageReference and if there are query params then I ...
lambad's user avatar
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When LWC invokes a function, is it possible for the function to access arbitrary attributes in the invoking element?

Let's say my LWC has the following code: <c-widget-tile widget={widget} onwidgetselect={openWidget}></c-widget-tile> Assuming widget contains the data for an instance of Widget__c Is it ...
Brian Kessler's user avatar
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Complex type passed by aura component to apex method

we have this inner class: public class Documents { @AuraEnabled public String type; @AuraEnabled public List<Custom_Document__c> documents; } And we use it in a method declared like ...
DarkSkull's user avatar
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LWC "Record Detail Page" for Custom Metadata Type

I'm exploring a concept that involves exposing Custom Metadata Type records to business users in a read-only format in a kind of pseudo-record-detail-page in Lightning Experience. My requirements are:...
Matthew Souther's user avatar

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