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Running into "INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST" While Converting Lead

I have a custom Apex page(VisualForce Page) on the Lead Conversion Button Along with the controller and apex class for lead conversion There is a picklist field [Picklist__c]on the lead which is a ...
Sahil Tatkare's user avatar
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Send email in dynamic actions

I have a question, I'm configuring my org for Salesforce mobile and I'm using dynamic actions and dynamic forms for the case record layouts, however, using dynamic actions I can't set the sending ...
Luis Henrique's user avatar
2 votes
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Looking for User Management setting enableCanAnswerContainUsername in Salesforce UI

I am currently trying to deploy the UserManagment.setting metadata but running into some issues due to environment versions. I have decided to manually configure it but cannot seem to locate where to ...
Wesley's user avatar
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SOQL- Writing query with multiple LastModifiedDate filters

new to SOQL. I am trying to write a query to retrieve a list of Ids from a few objects filtering each by their LastModifiedDate. Here is what I have so far: SELECT Id from Object1 where (...
Daniel Minton's user avatar
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Leave 'amp;' out of my link in Marketing Cloud

I want to link to a Typeform survey using a generated link that includes Fname, Company and Account Manager. I got the link working, but when I send out an email, Marketing cloud includes amp; in the ...
Sjors's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Mail not sent to contact in journey in SFMC

For a subscriber in our marketing cloud org, email is not being sent even after it has successfully entered the journey. Subscriber is not in unsubscribed or held status. Subscriber does not belong to ...
Sebastian George's user avatar
-1 votes
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Data segregation for high confidentiality

I work at a bank and we currently use one single org to simplify our processes, but we have a department with highly confidential info. I’m trying to find a way to “separate” the data from this ...
Luis Bazzoli's user avatar
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Help LWC new modal and lightning record form

I have put a LWC lightning record edit page in my modal however I cannot get it to create the record when the button is in the footer of the modal. If btn is the lighting record edit form and not the ...
justkeepswimming's user avatar
1 vote
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Salesforce Assignment checker claiming the output from my method is wrong when it's not

Trying to finish the final assignment for the Visualforce Basics, Create & Use Custom Controllers after checking the challenge it says as "The method 'getNewCases' isn't working as expected. ...
castithan21's user avatar
-1 votes
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Sales force org claiming my custom controller doesn't exist when it quite clearly does

currently having a bit of an argument with my org during a challenge as to whether or not the custom controller I wrote exists or not, I think it quite clearly does as shown in the screenshot below ...
castithan21's user avatar
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Can we invoke a screen flow immediately when one screen flow is closed?

I have a scenario where I need to open a VF page that displays the data from the Object which is updated in the Screen Flow. Until the transaction is completed in the first Screen Flow I can't display ...
Ameer's user avatar
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Build Test Class For Invocable Apex Class (Invalid type: FilterObjectsByIds.filter)

I'm having difficulties building a test class for an Apex Class I found online, being used in a Flow to help update records from a many-to-many relationship. With the current setup, I get the error ...
joshholloway's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to sum values from a List of Double [closed]

I'm in need of help figuring out how to add values present in a list of Double. For example: List<Double> doubleList = new List<Double>({1.5, 2.2, 3.4, 4.8}); How do I add 1.5 + 2.2 + 3.4 +...
MoLim's user avatar
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2 answers

How to find Case in SF and attach the email

Email-to-Case functionality has been stopped for a while due to some issue in our Org. Inbetween the time the Case was not created in the Salesforce. We received all the emails as errors in our ...
Tom's user avatar
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SFDX Plugin HelpClass is not a constructor

I'm building a custom sfdx plugin but getting this following error when calling the command with -h param: HelpClass is not a constructor. This happens only when calling my plugin like this sfdx ...
ondrakr's user avatar
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Preheader isn't appearing in Inbox [duplicate]

I was trying to discover why preheaders of my new Marketing Cloud customer, isn't appears on email inbox. First I duplicated one of the emails they are used to send and inserted a preheader test ...
Felipe Arbex's user avatar
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Onclick function to change SLDS vertical navbar to active

Iam working on a visualforce page with SLDS As you can see option B is highlighted as li class has slds-is-active on it. But it remains the same as it is throughout. Is there a way I can change the ...
CcMda's user avatar
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Salesforce Help Portal keeps refreshing all the time after logging in

I tried to submit a case to Salesforce support from the account of our client's user. After logging in to with user's credentials I experience the following - everything is in English ...
Przemysław Długoszewski-Tamoń's user avatar
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Location is not coming up in LWC [closed]

I have created a text box "Customer Entererd Location Name" and want this picklist to look up to user location and do an auto search . It should show up all the existing location when user ...
Anonymous's user avatar
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How to set insecure API?

I set Secure API to site where client fills some data to form and this data in JSON format pushes to Salesforce. All values of grant_id, cliend_id, client_secret, username, password+security token in ...
oldgunner's user avatar
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How to find which sandbox a user was created in?

A friend asked me how to figure out which sandbox their user was created in because the username is not being allowed to be reused. Attempts to use Forgot Your Password? at have ...
AlwaysThinkin's user avatar
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Pull extra CRM Data into a Distributed Marketing Data Extension

I am building a Distributed Marketing Email that needs to have the senders contact information and ideally a photo. (Phone, Fax, Name, Title, Email, etc.) Is there a clean way to gather that from the ...
Russell Brown's user avatar
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run quick action from batch

I am new to Apex but thanks to the community I learn quickly. I have been looking for a solution to my problem for a few days that is why I am talking to you. i want to run a custom quick action in &...
user88735's user avatar
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Can I save any files that I have modified while running a program on Heroku?

I'm running a discord bot which uses the quick.db npm package. Quick.db saves to a .sqlite file, which was handy since I could edit some code and restart the program without the file being completely ...
AMysterium's user avatar
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Error log in to help salesforce

Maybe this is not the place to ask this. In a Production org, I try to open the link of Help, but it takes me to this two URL before log me out in the page. ...
roquer's user avatar
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3 votes
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Confirmation that Spring '19 Custom Help Sections/Items are fairly basic

In Classic, a Visualforce page or an SObject displayed using layouts could have help information associated with it, accessed through the top right corner of the page. We used a zipped static resource ...
Keith C's user avatar
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From a field set, retrieve field's help text

I have code that retrieves the fields in a field set. I can retrieve the fields' labels. However, I want to be able to retrieve the fields' help text. Is there a way to do this? Schema.FieldSet ...
Michele Kleinhomer's user avatar
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Salesforce Lightning:Displaying Custom Banner Component on case record page when Case Owner is not equal to login user

I have to Displaying Custom Banner Component on case record page when Case Owner is not equal to login user. For that i created lightning component. But problem is every time I have to reload the page ...
0 votes
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When attempting to use REST API to delete multiple object records like so: h t t p s://,a1r0x000000001,a1m0x000000002,...
Josh's user avatar
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Can a "Help Settings" Visualforce page set on a custom object be surfaced in Lightning Experience?

Our custom objects have their "Help Settings" attributes set up to reference Visualforce pages that in turn display HTML content from a static resource included in our managed package. This material ...
Keith C's user avatar
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Lightning Dashboard

Is it possible in Lightning dashboards to have a little circled I or similar feature that provides more information about what the report is displaying? I know you can have a similar feature on fields ...
BarelyPerry's user avatar
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How to open a case with the Premier Support Number?

I have found a my premier suppor number for my org. How do I open it/ attach it with the ticket case (so I can get support quicker) I have been told it is quicker as its a paid service we have.
TheAdmin's user avatar
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How to deliver large volumes of help content for a managed package?

We have been using ZIP static resources included in our managed packages for help content. These are exported from Confluence and linked into our managed packages via Visualforce pages (so that $...
Keith C's user avatar
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Removing blue "TLS 1.0 disablement" header permanently from help pages

Any tips? When i click to close it, and reload the page, the blue header appears again. It is at every help page. I need to close it every time to be-able to read the first lines. I've already ...
Kasper's user avatar
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Documents in Customer Communties

Am trying to add help link in a visualforce page which points to pdf uploaded in documents tab.But looks like documents is not available in Communities.What's an alternative for adding this help ...
sfdc's user avatar
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Filtering a custom list on a visual force page

Any ideas whats wrong with my code i am trying to filter a custom list on a visual force page. Thank you inm advance. Apex Class: Public class IssueController { Private String baseQuery = '...
Jack1904's user avatar
1 vote
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Rootstock (for Salesforce) Support

Does anyone know of any resources that support the ERP/MRP product Rootstock inside Salesforce beyond their "Customer Resource Center"? no Community/etc on their website; almost nothing (currently) ...
AMM's user avatar
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Customise the help link on standard homepage components?

There is a help link on Homepage components (see screenshot). I know that you can use the Help settings to redirect this link to a different URL. Is it possible to customise the parameters appended ...
Jazzer's user avatar
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Redirect to new lightning page be clicking button. Setting parameters to component in new page

I have lightning component which I put into lightning page using App Builder. The component display table with field history tracking like in the Salesforce Classic. Also there is a button on ...
Margarita's user avatar
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Is it possible to use text from InboundEmail as a trigger for workflow?

I was wondering if it is possible to use a text or a key word from email subject or body to trigger a workflow that updates the date field. Can this be done only through apex? If so, is it related to ...
John's user avatar
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get Object name in custom help page?

I've edited a custom object to include a reference to a custom help page. That page is a VF page with a controller class. For "Context-Sensitive Help Setting" I have "content Name" = "myCustomPage". ...
SeanW's user avatar
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Follow Up Error! Insert Failed. portal account owner must have a role: []

Okay, after running into a plethora of errors, I tried attacking this a different way. This is the error I'm currently getting: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first ...
Daniel Sassone's user avatar
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Apex if statement to test if user has a company email address

After some serious help, I've achieved what I was hoping to achieve in my code. However, now I need to add one more piece. Essentially, I need to test if the User being added has an email address ...
Daniel Sassone's user avatar
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List has no rows for assignment to SObject - Test Class

Another one of these, I know. I have been looking at similar errors for the last few hours with no luck. I tried using a "Try" "Catch" workaround with no luck, I tried using an Array, I tried making ...
Daniel Sassone's user avatar
1 vote
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How can I Hide the button on (activity history Standard layout)based on the field selected on Accounts

I have 3 fields on Account and 3 different buttons on contacts On Account If Field A has value then Button 1 should appear to the User On Account If Field B has Value then Button 2 Should appear ...
Revanth's user avatar
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Email Segment - Click Behavior Query Help

I'm trying to build a segment based on click behavior, but I'm not that familiar with SQL and running into issues. I'm hoping that someone here might be able to help :) Essentially, I'm looking to ...
Jessica's user avatar
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Not able to login to salesforce help

I'm not able to use sso to log into the help section of salesforce. Do you have any idea what I'm doing wrong? Salesforce displays the following error message: We can’t log you in because of an ...
Christian Deckert's user avatar
3 votes
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Support: How to go straight to cases-list on a client org? How to clone cases?

Today I noticed a change in the Help&Training section. Last Friday (2015-10-23) it was more Aloha now it looks more Lightning. But... the clickpath to the cases list is very long and time ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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how can i get the total number of quantity via workflow

I need to get the total number of quantity via workflow. I created a workflow that will get the quantity but it only returns one quantity of the product in my products related list. What i need is the ...
sfdclearner's user avatar
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What to Study for 401 Developer Exam [duplicate]

Hello I am wondering what is the most up to date Study Materials for the latest version of the 401 Exam. i have been to all usual Sources like the trailhead or workbooks but i am curious if anyone ...
Al Harrison's user avatar