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Running into "INVALID_OR_NULL_FOR_RESTRICTED_PICKLIST" While Converting Lead

I have a custom Apex page(VisualForce Page) on the Lead Conversion Button Along with the controller and apex class for lead conversion There is a picklist field [Picklist__c]on the lead which is a ...
Sahil Tatkare's user avatar
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Can we invoke a screen flow immediately when one screen flow is closed?

I have a scenario where I need to open a VF page that displays the data from the Object which is updated in the Screen Flow. Until the transaction is completed in the first Screen Flow I can't display ...
Ameer's user avatar
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Build Test Class For Invocable Apex Class (Invalid type: FilterObjectsByIds.filter)

I'm having difficulties building a test class for an Apex Class I found online, being used in a Flow to help update records from a many-to-many relationship. With the current setup, I get the error ...
joshholloway's user avatar
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Onclick function to change SLDS vertical navbar to active

Iam working on a visualforce page with SLDS As you can see option B is highlighted as li class has slds-is-active on it. But it remains the same as it is throughout. Is there a way I can change the ...
CcMda's user avatar
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run quick action from batch

I am new to Apex but thanks to the community I learn quickly. I have been looking for a solution to my problem for a few days that is why I am talking to you. i want to run a custom quick action in &...
user88735's user avatar
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From a field set, retrieve field's help text

I have code that retrieves the fields in a field set. I can retrieve the fields' labels. However, I want to be able to retrieve the fields' help text. Is there a way to do this? Schema.FieldSet ...
Michele Kleinhomer's user avatar
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Filtering a custom list on a visual force page

Any ideas whats wrong with my code i am trying to filter a custom list on a visual force page. Thank you inm advance. Apex Class: Public class IssueController { Private String baseQuery = '...
Jack1904's user avatar
4 votes
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List has no rows for assignment to SObject - Test Class

Another one of these, I know. I have been looking at similar errors for the last few hours with no luck. I tried using a "Try" "Catch" workaround with no luck, I tried using an Array, I tried making ...
Daniel Sassone's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

What exactly the getter and setter method does? [duplicate]

How and why getter adn setter methods are used in apex? For Ex: What does this line of code does? Public String companyname{get;set;} And where in your code these methods be ideally used?
happy's user avatar
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Why does trigger create two projects in production but not in sandbox?

I've created this trigger to create a project upon an opportunity being closed won. In our sandbox the trigger is performing properly. However, in production it is creating two projects for one ...
Andrew Sims's user avatar
3 votes
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Using getSelected() method of StandardSetController class

I am new to salesforce. My purpose is to display all the values of the selected checkboxes on one page, to the pther VF page. I studied that this can be done by getSelected() method. But I am unable ...
happy's user avatar
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How to change the object specific help link text

I have added custom help links to my objects to go via VisualForce pages and then redirect to our companies documentation website. This is all working fine. I have been asked to try altering the text ...
Dan Temple's user avatar
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Adding 'does not contain' logic to trigger

My current Apex Trigger places the last activity subject into a custom field I created for both leads and opportunities. I am rather unfamiliar with triggers and I am still unsure exactly what I can ...
Alex's user avatar
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