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Problem with sending e-mail using Messaging.renderStoredEmailTemplate() method

The email is sent after the Case is created via Email-to-Case. When sending an email using this method the email is sent to the user and to the user who is given as whoId (documentation here. Does ...
Kamil G.'s user avatar
-1 votes
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In flexcard, Embed Lightning datatable inside lightning card?

I have a requirement, In flex card, I need to embed lightning datatable inside lightning card. And the lighting-card should be embedded inside tab. The tab needs to be embedded inside tabset. I need ...
Sibghatallah Bhat's user avatar
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SFDX:Retrieve source in Manifest from Org - Unable to load components

Following output is being displayed while authorizing and trying to retrieve sources from Org from VS code editor using SFDX:Retrieve source in Manifest from Org 3:31:28.131 sf org:login:web --alias ...
kalyan Konchada's user avatar
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Auto-Complete Case Milestones

I am hoping someone could please help me with Auto-Complete Case milestones. I have implemented a Class as well as a Trigger from this article public class MilestoneUtils { public static void ...
Kyle May's user avatar
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Error on OpportunityShare records

I have written an Apex Sharing class, I need to share the Opportunities to the users who has the Same role as Opportunity Owner in the Org, and this is not for the entire Org Only for few roles, the ...
Naveen Varada's user avatar
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Flow question! Interesting Use Case

I've built a reminder email flow that basically sees every step that an Approval Process takes and send a reminder email accordingly...The two issues I'm having are; When a step is "Unanimous ...
Dmitriy Gee's user avatar
1 vote
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Which conditions are necessary to enable the Event Monitor functionality?

I would like to confirm which conditions are necessary to enable the Event Monitor functionality. Currently, I can only see the sandbox environment, and under Company Information, I noticed that the ...
YHsuan's user avatar
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HELP! I thought this was an easy request but nothing is easy with Salesforce!

I swear every time I get a request from a user that seems simple, it NEVER is! haha I have a use case of when a record is created or updated, I need the flow to check if 8 fields have been updated and ...
Dmitriy Gee's user avatar
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How do I check a related object record within a Flow?

I have a use case within a record triggered flow where I need to check if an Opportunity that triggered the flow has a record created within a related (master-detail relationship) Object before ...
Dmitriy Gee's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

Line: 5, Column: 24 static can only be used on methods of a top level type

I have a Apex Test Class and in the debug I'm getting the following error: Line: "5, Column: 24 static can only be used on methods of a top level type". That's my code: @isTest public class ...
Rafaela Muraca's user avatar
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Does changing Salesforce callback url for a app invalidates the current Access or Refresh tokens?

Suppose I am changing the Callback URL of the salesforce app, will it invalidate the access and refresh token of the salesforce app which were generated via the previous callback URL?
Bhaskar Dabhi's user avatar
1 vote
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I have an issue with creating a pubsub event from Omniscript to a LWC component

I have an issue when trying to create a pubsub event from an omniscript to lwc. I have imported the pubsub library from omnistudio namespace and then registered with omniscript action but when the ...
Muhammed Rishdhi's user avatar
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Facing problem to retrieve product data from ConnectAPI - Guest User

i'm currently working on a Project that have B2B module, and i'm trying to retrieve product data from ConnectApi.CommerceCatalog.getProduct to a Guest User, but when i call the Apex controller, this ...
Matheus Cunha's user avatar
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Flow Table HTML to Email Template

We're working on an email template that we created via Flow. We have a Rich Text Area field called Invoice Lines Rich Text created on the custom Invoice object that is being used to dynamically fill ...
Jimmy Guillian Labausa's user avatar
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Flow Reminder Emails 30 days away, 15 days away...?

I have a use case where a director is requesting reminder emails to be sent per the following criteria within an Opportunity; When a Proposal Due Date (custom date field) is 30 days away and there is ...
Dmitriy Gee's user avatar
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How to find title and data categories for archived and deleted knowledge articles?

I'm using the Salesforce REST API to retrieve archived and deleted knowledge articles. However, I'm not able to find the title and data categories of these articles. APIS: Archived: /services/data/v60....
Atharva Vadapurkar's user avatar
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How to carry forward URL parameters in Experience Site?

From the Email ,there is a call to action, which forwards them to my experience site with some parameters This experience site which serves guest users has a page which requires them to fill their ...
Dharmin's user avatar
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How to identify if a given user is already linked with SALESFORCE_AUTHENTICATOR. I want to delink user from SALESFORCE_AUTHENTICATOR using an apex logic but before doing it I want to put a validation ...
Anuj_sa90's user avatar
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Query Records Within Salesforce Flow

I was wondering if anyone happens to have a resource or know a way to query existing records in Salesforce through Salesforce Flow? Essentially, I have Web2Case enabled with the company case field on ...
Tornubari's user avatar
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Content Note Owner loses access to edit Note after an edit by other user, wanted to retain the edit access for owner

If user A creates & owns the note and later other User B updates the same content note then after the update User A will not be able to edit the same note even though User A is the owner. [This ...
Ravi Roy's user avatar
-2 votes
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SOQL "FOR UPDATE" keyword Understanding

Can someone please help me in understanding of the FOR UPDATE keyword in SOQL. Exactly when should we use this, what is the need to put an explicit lock on record? Whenever we do any DML, by default ...
Nitish Yadav's user avatar
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Error : the URL returned from login must be set in sforceservice

I am a new SFDC sysadmin. I am trying to import data into sandbox environment using data loader and I am seeing the error "the URL returned from login must be set in sforceservice" when ...
Anvitha's user avatar
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Display total in headline bar, is a trigger my only option despite being read only?

The goal is to add a total to the headline bar in the Accounts layout. I will be using the Account object and from there it will need to pull "Total" from a custom object. The custom child ...
Unknown_Person's user avatar
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How to get these two functions in LWC to not run at the same time? How to get one to wait for the other to be finished?

connectedCallback(){ this.blurHandler = () => this.testFunction(); this.beforeUnloadHandler = () => this.testFunction(); } I am getting the issue where both of these events the blur and ...
James's user avatar
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How to use regex pattern with replaceWithEnv in replacements property in sfdx-project.json before deploying or creating package?

LWC js file content: import FIELDS from '@salesforce/schema/namespace__XYZ__c.namespace__Status__c'; sfdx-project.json: "replacements": [ { "glob": "file_path", ...
Ashish Rajbanshi's user avatar
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How can we enable 'Industry Integration Solutions' in Salesforce org to access 'Integrations Setup' as per Salesforce documentation?

Currently, it's not visible in our org. Need assistance on enabling this feature. Thanks! We are following the below document.
Darshan A Patil's user avatar
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2nd Generation package should be developed in which org?

I am quite confused with the 2nd generation package dev process. Based on the documentation here, I ...
Wayne Ni's user avatar
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How do I make my Flow see the steps of the Approval Process as it jumps from step to step per criteria?

I hit a complete brick wall with creating a logical solution for a flow I’m working on. Maybe you guys can steer me in the right direction? 😊 I’m creating a flow that will send email reminders for an ...
Dmitriy Gee's user avatar
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Classic Email Template doesn't transfer merge fields within a Flow?

I have a use case where I'm creating a reminder email for an approval process. We have a custom solution from a 3rd party so I'm unable to re-create the email template used. The Approval process has ...
Dmitriy Gee's user avatar
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How to Unit Test Standard Platform Event in Trigger

I have a trigger on FOStatusChangedEvent, which is a standard event in Salesforce triggered when the FulfillmentOrder status is triggered. I need some help on how to unit test the standard platform ...
chanpelayo's user avatar
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In ScreenFlow can we use output of a picklist component in a formula?

I am trying to build a reactive flow screen I have added picklist component (Approval_Options) to the screen. Its choices are Approve_with_Change and Approve_with_Nochange I have also added a user ...
user2790625's user avatar
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LWC data table row action delete using refreshApex not updating table

I have a row action delete function in a LWC data table. The delete works, but the issue is that the refreshApex() is not updating the table and the user needs to manually refresh the entire page. I ...
Unknown_Person's user avatar
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VisualForce EmailTemplate With unrelated Custom object Data Needs to be sent as email

I have struck in a particular scenario where i need to showcase a data table of unrelated records in the email template. Initially i have created the Email Template. On click of a button in LWc im ...
pavan kumar's user avatar
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How to disable inlinedit option on list views for a specific profile only?

How to disable Custom list view inline-edit option for fields for a specific profile ? .
Basha's user avatar
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Salesforce Certification or Salesforce real life projects? [closed]

Which is more important Salesforce Certification or Salesforce real life projects? I already have 4 Certs (PD1, App Builder, Associate, AI Associate) and 1 year work experience. But I do NOT have any ...
Sainik Basu's user avatar
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After Enabling the namespace class not executed from LWC

I have a LWC that passed the parameter as an Object, which worked fine. However, after enabling the org's namespace, the apex method was not executed with that object parameter and threw an Internal ...
Naveen Tiwari's user avatar
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How to escape # in the redirect_uri for OAuth2?

I am redirecting user to salesforce for OAuth. It is giving me the error that unsupported response_type. When i debugged in the detail then i found that it is due to # in the url. How can i escape #? ...
Bhaskar Dabhi's user avatar
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Visualforce unknown property on inner repeat for wrapper list

When I am trying to reference each of the list values within RowData I get an "Unknown Proprtty" error. When I remove the inner repeat below the table renders with the values that are not in ...
Unknown_Person's user avatar
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smart Capture does not work with iphone

I have a smarcapture that I added this code snippet to pass by url a parameter of a question and it works in android and pc but it does not capture the IOS information. const form = document....
Jefersson Gomez's user avatar
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Variable does not exist, when trying to assign values to wrapper properties

I am trying to create a custom controller and populate a wrapper class that will be used on a Visualforce page. Two unique values and multiple lists of the holdings. I am getting errors that say "...
Unknown_Person's user avatar
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Assigning data to properties and "Variable does not exist:" Error

I am trying to create multiple tables based on how many Account Numbers a single Name has, ex) one Name but has 3 different Account Numbers so three tables will be generated with the stocks that each ...
Unknown_Person's user avatar
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ReferenceError: Datetime is not defined

I'm trying to convert current time in hours and getting an error called DateTime not defined help from Anyone? import { LightningElement,api, track,wire } from 'lwc'; import { NavigationMixin } from '...
Raghu's user avatar
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pass parameters from a smart capture to another landing page

i am modifying a SmartCapture to send captured parameters to another landing page but they do not travel through the url. it redirects fine to the other landing but the parameter is not sent, this is ...
Jefersson Gomez's user avatar
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FLOW_ELEMENT_ERROR|Operation not valid for this user type when creating Oppt related to contact via PlatformEvent Triggered Flow

I have a flow that triggers by a trigger that publishes a platform event, in the flow I do some fields updates, and I create a task and an opportunity related to the targetId passed from event to flow....
Nabil's user avatar
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How to execute apex method only on first button clicks , Restrict apex method calling for further clicks? [closed]

I Have a requirement to call the apex method only once after the first click of the lightning button. For the next time button click the requirement to stop calling apex method ones again. For that, I ...
Basha's user avatar
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How to stop apex methods runs every by clicking lightning button?

After clicking a lightning button processing "changeOwnerCase" method logic but here how we can restrict this method should run only one time instead of running everytime button clicks. ...
Basha's user avatar
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Account List Not Being Sorted in Descending Order Using Wrapper Class

I have been learning Apex in the last few months using different platforms to do Apex Challenges. I am currently working on a challenge where the List Account has to be sorted in descending order, but ...
Luis Escalante's user avatar
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Approval Process skips the approver after some time?

I’m stumped and I hope you can help me. I have a requirement for a multistep approval process that’s already in place. For a specific approval step, I need to add functionality that waits for 48 hours ...
Dmitriy Gee's user avatar
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Best Practice to store Salesforce credentials outside Salesforce for Python Integration

At the moment, I'm using Python to integrate one of our databases into Salesforce using simple-salesforce package, and at the moment, all the Salesforce credentials are stored in the code itself. Is ...
jackson's user avatar
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How to setup a DX Project Workflow to customize Production

I am trying to understand the workflow of creating a DX project from an existing Production Org so that I can port over all metadata to a DevHub and ScratchOrg in order to make customization. I am ...
Ricardo da Silva's user avatar

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