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How can we add a File Link to the Record in Salesforce user interface?

Looks like we can add a file link using Dataloader or sf data upsert bulk command by populating ContentUrl field but we can't really do the same thing in the User interface. Is this a platform ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Omnistudio serverside Document Generation Images

Perhaps someone faced the following problem: I'm trying to generate a PDF using the omnistudio documentgeneration process using Apex (server side), but I can't dynamically insert a photo from a record....
Roman Storonskyi's user avatar
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Use multiple nested object information to generate documents using Salesforce OmniStudio

I am trying to configure Omnistudio to generate a document using fields from multiple objects listed as follows. Account-->Order-->Order Line Item --> Invoice Here is the SOQL query that I ...
Namrata Paranjape's user avatar
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POSTMAN form-data in APEX

I have a problem, I have a call in postman to add a document in base64 with some information that works fine: data and dataExp are a series of metadata to classify the document and in content64 is ...
Banzoni's user avatar
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Visualforce Blobs variables in apex code

I'm here to tell you about a problem I'm having and what I think should work is not working for me. The main problem is that I am integrating Salesforce with a new document manager. The administrators ...
Banzoni's user avatar
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Possible reason for inserting a ContentVersion causing a row lock error on ContentFolder?

I've got some code to insert a ContentVersion in a Queueable so that it can be read later by another Queueable or a Platform Event once all the files are prepared. The insertion is nothing fancy: ...
Aidan's user avatar
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Salesforce Branding for Mobile Metadata

Is it possible to retrieve metadata for settings of Salesforce Branding for Mobile application? I have found only metadata for logo stored in documents/Salesforce_Branding_Resources but it is nowhere ...
Łukasz Franczyk's user avatar
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Is there a good mechanism for making small images such as logos publicly available?

I read that "public" static resources are only accessible if already cached which probably explains sporadic results I've had: Public specifies that the static resource data cached on the ...
Keith C's user avatar
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How to save a report's result as a csv document in salesforce

I have a report that needs to run monthly and save its result as a CSV document inside salesforce. The report is currently scheduled to run and send the result as an email but the request is to change ...
Bahman.A's user avatar
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Check if any input on the page is focused lwc

I want to execute some logic in specific moment(from my LWC) if no Inputs has the focus on my Page. So I want to know if there is the focus on some input on the page ? (Logic is executed from an Event ...
Vitalii Dehnerys's user avatar
-1 votes
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Querying all documents(files) in folder

I have a folder with lots of photos. I am trying to access the files of that specific folder, preferably via API. I am able to query a specific document in that folder via the document endpoint with: /...
user121746's user avatar
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Is it possible to have folders under the Opportunity / Notes & Files tab?

I tried to find out if it's possible to create folders where files can be stored, but all I can find is having the "File" tab separate and accessing the folders there through Libraries. Once ...
Anna Spasova's user avatar
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Create Custom fields on Document object

Is it possible to create Custom Fields on Document object. If not is there documentation which says that custom fields cannot be created on Document Object.
Deepak Agarwal's user avatar
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Salesforce integration of quip (Free trial)

Hello i want to integrate Quip in a salesforce sandbox to create a Proof of concept for a client. I created a quip domain with the free trial. Than in the domain i linked it to my salesforce sandbox. ...
Reda Benhaddou's user avatar
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Unable to get all elements in List<Dom.XmlNode> [closed]

I'm trying to iterate through a List<Dom.XmlNode) in order to get all elements, but I am only able to get the first two (header - body) Here's my code: String xml='<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:...
robruf's user avatar
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Posting a Document as per ApiDoc always fails with error 400

I have taken the Api Documentation for uploading a document to SalesForce. After trying to get it to work in my usual programming language and failing I have decided to try it directly in the console, ...
Halest's user avatar
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Generate external link for Document download

I'm trying to generate an external download link for a Document record I've created previosly on my org. I've tried with URL.getSalesforceBaseUrl().toExternalForm() + '/sfc/servlet.shepherd/document/...
molinet's user avatar
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Possible to download ALL attachments from all my customer accounts in one go?

Having a Legal review of my customers accounts where we store all the signed legal agreements inside. Is there any known way to download all attachments from my 300+ Accounts?
SKaye's user avatar
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Document not uploading to notes and attachments from VF page

I have a VF page where the user is to upload a file and a custom controller to save this to the notes and attachments section of the object record. I'm receiving the following error when hitting the ...
patriciajlim's user avatar
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Display an image (document) in a word document (generated from visualforce)

I would like to display an image (which is a document externally available) in a word document (generated from a visualforce page). The point is that works only if the image URL is with a HTTP and not ...
Oupat's user avatar
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Document/Static Resource URLS in Email Templates in Source Control

Let's say that I have a Document or a Static Resource which stores an image that I use in an email template. The .email file within my project directory will have something that looks like this: <...
Mitch Spano's user avatar
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How to get email attachments for classic users to come from Files rather than Classic Documents [closed]

When a user in the Salesforce Classic interface creates and email and wants to attach a file, Attachments from Classic users come from (Classic) Documents, Attachments from Lightning users come from ...
Blue Cougar's user avatar
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CPQ How to Hide Preview Button

Is there a way to hide the "Preview Button" while generating a document within CPQ?
ebar's user avatar
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Classic Email Letterhead

Is there a way to create professional letterheads similar to Classic Email Letterhead with Lightning? If not is there a way to use a file in the Classic Email Template instead of a document?
Michele Kleinhomer's user avatar
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LWC: How to access clientHeight from within a component

I currently have document.documentElement.clientHeight in one of my LWC components. However looking at the latest release notes for Winter '20 it seems like this way of accessing the clientHeight will ...
Arthlete's user avatar
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Alternatives to Static Resource

Our org has exhausted the limit of static resources. Mostly used in storing badge images for the certifications and exposed as a downloadable URL on customer community. I want to remove these images/...
P P's user avatar
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Formula field in word template mail merge

I'm trying to include a formula field in my word template to do mail-merging but my formula field does not appear. Other custom fields shows properly but not my formula fields. Any help?? Thanks in ...
Javier's user avatar
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Document.fullScreen API implementation in Lightning Web Components(LWC)

I was trying to achieve full screen on an element in Lightning Web Components but was unable to use Document.fullscreen API. I tried var elem = this.template.querySelector('svg'); if (elem....
Nishant Sharma's user avatar
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SDOC extract compound field values

Is there a way to extract the values from a compound field, such as the 'mailing address' on the contact record?
SavvyGoat's user avatar
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Display a PDF in Salesforce from Blob data

For our project, we need to get a PDF via API from an external private filestore, and display it within a Lightning Component. With the blob that is returned, if I set that to the src of an iFrame, it ...
Luke's user avatar
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Not able to send email with HTML template (S-Docs)

My following code is working for generate the s-doc as expected but it is not sending email with HTML template. Id sDocTemplateId = [Select Id from SDOC__SDTemplate__c where Name = 'PDF template' ...
Code_Vision's user avatar
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Share the public link of a contract from a community

Hello, I develop a community and I need to display a button when the customer click on it, he download the file which is a PDF file stored like a file in a contract record. I read the documentation ...
Oupat's user avatar
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Add Image to External Objects

I have created an External Object Customer . I need to add documents as well such as passport pic & pdf document. The data is now saved as binary from the database that I load data from. My ...
Dana Y's user avatar
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Disabling 'Populate Custom Fields When Uploading Files' feature

I'm using lightning:fileUpload component to load files, and I came accross a new, unnecessary feature. Recently when adding file, the button on popup window displaying uploading status changed from '...
Szosteczka's user avatar
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Need to give guest profile access to documents

I need to give the guest user profile access to view files/documents (PDF, Excel, Word, etc.). I have a public Customer Service/Napili community with Knowledge set up. Guest users can see the ...
Rochelle Currier's user avatar
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SteelBrick - Generate Document in Word(doc) Format

In SteelBrick CPQ, is it possible to generate the document in docx format? If yes, how?
Saumya Gaikwad's user avatar
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Save text in Document object of Salesforce in ISO-8859-1/ANSI/ASCII format

Text in Document object of salesforce are being saved in UTF-8 now, but I need to save it in ISO-8859-1/ANSI format. When I do the following, and try to download the document and look at it's ...
Divya's user avatar
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Using Apex or API, how to determine who has access to a Document Folder?

In Salesforce UI, I can assign access to Document Folders. How can I determine who has access to a Document Folder with Apex or API? I thought I would find an object like "FolderMember" or similar, ...
Doug Ayers's user avatar
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Salesforce weekly data export and GDPR compliance

Many customers leverage the Weekly Data Export function to download Salesforce data. How can one still leverage this function while being GDPR compliant? Would uploading the zip folder to ...
Andy Hitchings's user avatar
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Jquery document.ready function is not working after calling apex method

I have jquery document ready issue. I wrote the below code and document.ready function is working until the apex method is called. Once apex method is called, the event is not firing. I need some help....
nat18's user avatar
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Saved image in Documents and I need to reference as URL

I have an image that I have saved to Documents object in Salesforce. I need to be able to reference this as a URL I keep seeing reference to servlet url, but nothing on how to build one: /servlet/...
user48743's user avatar
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I want to insert the json file into documents object through lightning

My code is: @AuraEnabled public static string savedocs(String con, string name){// parameters i am getting from Js healper class. Here con is the JSON string contains list of object data. ...
Arjun Reddy's user avatar
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How to attach a document to Contract that has fields auto populated and formatting saved

I am trying to automatically attach a document to the Contract Object when I create the object, but with fields auto populated (think DocuSign). I've tried a few things in Apex, but keep running into ...
Evan's user avatar
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Can I display video in Lightning Component which is stored in Documents or SF Files?

With Static Resources it works fine, but if I'm trying to use Documents and Url like /servlet/servlet.FileDownload?file=0698E0000008w5e as source URL for <source> tag - it prevents me from ...
V_Mase's user avatar
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Uploading from large CSV file without Dataloader?

I'm trying to upload a csv file from VF page. I'm using the inputFile component within apex:Form tags, and using blob data type in controller class and then converting it to string. The problem I'm ...
SalesforceNewbie's user avatar
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REST API: Insert or Update Blob Data

Looking to the community for some help on this one.. I've been using postman to deliver a multipart message with the binary data to upload a document to a document folder through the REST API. The ...
Tony H.'s user avatar
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Add watermark to PDF document [duplicate]

Is there any way to add watermark to certain PDF files stored in document folder? We would like to do a dynamic watermarking capability to the documents with confidential information of user who ...
Gops's user avatar
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What contributes to Salesforce File Storage?

I was asked by one of my colleagues to delete the the files of one inactive user since he's currently the top user by file storage. I know I can delete some of his files in the documents tab but is ...
jema's user avatar
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apex:image on visualforce page not updating on page reload when user updates the image document it uses

When a user uploads an image on my Visualforce page, it correctly adds or updates the document in a document folder in Salesforce. When the document is added or removed, if I refresh the page, the ...
Tyler Dahle's user avatar
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How exactly do you update/insert documents in apex?

I have a very simple update here: Document emailDoc = emailLogoDoc[0]; emailDoc.Body = newLogoData.emailLogo; emailDoc.Url = Url.getSalesforceBaseUrl().getProtocol() + '://'+System.Url....
Tyler Dahle's user avatar
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