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Questions tagged [pdf]

Portable Document Format (PDF) is a file format used to present documents in a manner independent of application software, hardware, and operating systems.

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Create a button in two custom objects

this is my first Apex Class and Visualforce. EDIT DESCRIPTION_18.11.2024: I want to generate PDF from TWO custom objects - Faktura__c and Przychody_nowe__c. I added a button to generate PDF via ...
SalesForce Maxto's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Replicate the VF renderAs="PDF" Functionality Using LWC

We currently have a VF page (rendered as PDF) that generates invoice data. We use it in several places in the org: it's accessible via a record action on the Invoice record page, it can be sent as an ...
Asdrubal Grande's user avatar
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How do I turn a base64Encoded PDF file into an open PDF with apex

We are trying to make an integration app for salesforce. The flow is: User Clicks a button Salesforce sends data to our system Our system returns a PDF document That PDF gets displayed for the user ...
The Lemon's user avatar
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Omnistudio serverside Document Generation Images

Perhaps someone faced the following problem: I'm trying to generate a PDF using the omnistudio documentgeneration process using Apex (server side), but I can't dynamically insert a photo from a record....
Roman Storonskyi's user avatar
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Using blob variables in apex code [duplicate]

Good afternoon, A while ago I made a post on this topic to see how to send blob variables from a visualforce to the controller. Finally I did not find any solution that was useful to me, so I chose to ...
Banzoni's user avatar
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2 votes
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Issues using jsPDF library in an LWC

recently in our org we have needed the ability to create PDF files. I am aware you can do this using visualforce pages with the render as PDF method, however we would like the pdf to be styled more ...
Jake Colledge's user avatar
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Image on PDF Quote

I have an image field in QuoteLineItem and I want to show it in the Quote PDF, but the images look like this, does anyone know if it is possible to show an image in the Quote PDF
Edgard Batista's user avatar
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Image is rotating to left in Visualforce Page using RenderAs="pdf"

I'm facing an issue: I'm creating a PDF and using the image stored in the files object. I'm creating a Visualforce page with RenderAs="pdf". The image is appearing, but it's rotating to the ...
Aditya Narwade's user avatar
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Extra Page When Printing Web Pages in Lightning Experience

When printing web pages in Lightning Experience, there is always an extra page. This is true for any Record pages, App Pages from Lightning Component or Lightning Page Tabs. Adding css in Lightning ...
Sid Fortunato's user avatar
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OmniStudio DocGen - macro support

Has anyone successfully generated documents with Omnistudio Document Generation that contain macros? It works fine with Word documents, but not with PDFs. Does anyone have a workaround or solution for ...
Hamza's user avatar
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Create PDF (or other exportable file) out of a LWC

How can one export a LWC as a PDF? (Same as this post, with a slightly different angle) A couple hours of research have not yielded any useful results Requirement: Create a way to export the LWC so it ...
Miguel Diaz's user avatar
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div not working as block element in renderAs Pdf in VF page?

I am generating a pdf using renderAs pdf in VF page. In the page the <div> is not working as it should(block) , It is overlapping with its parent div .Here is the pdf: Here is the VF page code: ...
Sahil Gupta's user avatar
2 votes
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getContentAsPDF() - Internal server error

I am trying to generate a table of records in pdf and sending it as email attachment from apex by using getContentAsPDF() method . The method works fine until we are processing more then 12 records. ...
Sahil Gupta's user avatar
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display pdf in Iframe in lwc

Getting below error while displaying a pdf in iframe in lwc top.location='' My HTML : <iframe id="...
Sahil Gupta's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

getContent() works in JS Button but not in Quick Action LWC

I am working on converting some JS buttons to Lightning. These buttons invoke an Apex class that calls getContent() on a VisualForce page with a renderas attribute of PDF & then store that output ...
Jack Odell's user avatar
-1 votes
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Vİsualforce page Currency decimal formating [duplicate]

i want to format my currency in visualforce page pdf. Intead of 123,456.78 i want to display 123.456,78 I mean, integer parts will separate with dot. Decimal parts will separate with comma. I tried to ...
Hakan Cenk Kalınoğlu's user avatar
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1 answer

Visualforce displays decimal number 0.43 as .43

I am trying to display numbers with up to 2 decimal places in my Visualforce PDF. If the number is bigger than 1 (i.e. there is no 0 at its front), the value is shown correctly. However, in cases ...
hajidayi's user avatar
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Visualforce saving PDF fails because of PageReference and getContent() in Experience Cloud/Community

I created a Visualforce page quick action on Opportunity object. It has an iframe to another visualforce page (renderAs='pdf'). The Visualforce Page action (parent) has a custom button to download the ...
Ozan Soğukpınar's user avatar
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1 answer

S-Docs for Salesforce - Inserting Hyperlinks [closed]

I’m using the free version of S-Docs for PDF generation on Opportunities. Although the help documentation mentions being able to insert hyperlinks in the template editor, I do not see this button as ...
Alexis Frisch's user avatar
-1 votes
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Uploading 200 pdf into MC and needing the link in a data extension [closed]

I need to upload over 200 pdfs into MC every quarter. After that I need each pdf link to be inserted into a data extension. I've been doing this by hand but is there any way to get the link into the ...
Keria Shadow's user avatar
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Trouble loading PDF.js lib in LWC

I have trouble loading the PDF.js library in my Lightning Web Component. Whenever I load the page with the component, I get : PDF.js could not be loaded undefined Twice, this additional error popped ...
Domovyak's user avatar
-1 votes
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AppExchange to generate PDF of a record

I need a free app to generate PDF of a order with the order items in a table, I need to choose the fields that will be displayed, also I need a header and the logo needs to be changed to another one ...
Alexia's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Export Complete Wave Dashboard as PDF with Visualforce/Lightning

Is it possible to get the Wave dashboard as a PDF document or in the mail as an attachment programmatically with either a VF page or Lightning? I have tried the VF page code to get it as a pdf option ...
user140077's user avatar
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2 answers

jsPDF is not working in LWC

Trying to generate PDF with JSPDF library but getting below error message when I'm trying to preview the PDF through Community or record pages in salesforce. Error TypeError: Cannot destructure ...
mandeep singh's user avatar
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How to generate e PDF in Apex from a VFP containing multiple aura components and attach it to an email

I currently have a VFP without any controller attached to it which displays some aura components and passes them input values from URL parameters. This is used to print a pdf or paper version of the ...
Frans's user avatar
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Getting Error 'An internal server error has occurred' while passing invoice template html data from LWC to Visualforce Page to render as PDF

Html Code : <div class="invoice_container" style="width: 100%; max-width: 900px; margin: 0 auto; padding: 20px; font-family: Arial, sans-serif; color: #333; background-...
Pratik Bokade's user avatar
1 vote
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Overcoming Salesforce API Heap Size Limitations in Document Retrieval - Need Advice

I am currently working on an integration project involving the Salesforce API. My project uses an Apex class to call a Quarkus service that interacts with a Document Management System (DMS) on Azure. ...
Kévin's user avatar
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Format Amount in Vietnamese in vf Page

I am having a requirement where I have to display amount coming from apex in Vietnamese format in VF page. As there are lots of amount and lots of calculation going behind it so I can't do it in Apex. ...
darkshadowrule's user avatar
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Visualforce Page: How to display all the content/data in a single VF PDF page

I am trying a display a content/data in a pdf in VF page rendered as PDF, but in pdf the content is splitting into multiple pages which I dont want, is there a way we can try displaying everything in ...
Sagar 's user avatar
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Not able to render HTML in PDF using jsPDF library in LwC

I am trying to build a simple custom pdf in LwC using jsPDF v2.5.1 library and loading this library using loadscript in rendered callback method, now I am trying render HTML content in PDF using doc....
Sagar 's user avatar
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LWC save or print as pdf

I have built out an LWC to that I'm displaying externally in a community (public). I trying to put a print/save button on the LWC to print/save the LWC as a PDF. I've looked into jspdf and some others,...
mackmama's user avatar
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Visualforce CORS Error Even When Origin Is Whitelisted, Headers Are Also Set

I'm creating a PDF viewer using Visualforce and the PDF.js library. My project doesn't include react. When I try to execute pdfjsLib.getDocument() passing the URL of a PDF stored in Salesforce itself, ...
Emmanuel_M's user avatar
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PDF File Preview Not Showing Correctly - Setting "Display alternative file previews" Doesn't Work

I have a problem with PDF File previews which are attached to Account records in Salesforce. When users enter inside the 'Related' tab and try to preview a PDF file, not all the contents inside the ...
Emmanuel_M's user avatar
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Quote PDF generated from Community Page is blank

I am trying to automate generating Quote PDF Documents. My goal is to create a button, which creates Opportunity, Quote and QuoteDocument. I am using such code for generating QuoteDocument: String ...
adkowal's user avatar
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dynamic input value in my vf page is not getting save while I save vf page as an attachment

I have a requirement that I have to create a form where some values will be prepopulated and some values will be filled by user then on clicking on button, page will be rendered as PDF and then attach ...
vidushi agarwal's user avatar
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display paragraph based on conditions

I have a VFP and I'd like to show some of my paragraph based on conditions. Here is one example of my code: <apex:outputText rendered="{!Offer__c.Offer_Type__c == 'Conditional' && ...
bbas's user avatar
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I want to add image on Visualforce PDF but i cant change its size

<table border="1"> <tr> <th>Before Trial Image</th> <th>After Trial Image- 1ST Week</th> <th>After Trial Image- 2nd Week&...
user131546's user avatar
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How to set header height in visual-force pdf and issue in content over laying in pdf

My issue is table content overlap in second page please guide me to increase header height ========================== My issue is table content overlap in second page please guide me to increase ...
Ravi Mavenprofserv's user avatar
-1 votes
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PDF from SFMC Cloud Page?

I am looking for a way to use Cloud Pages to build a PDF. Use case: User gets email with a link "click here for account summary" and the info needed to build the account summary is in a DE. ...
JulieHurtz's user avatar
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Visualforce pdf - only show footer on even pages

I am trying to make a visualforce page that omits the footer if certain conditions are true. I made a test page that uses apex:repeat to only show the footer on even-numbered pages, but it's not ...
Tom's user avatar
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Is it possible to call a LWC from Apex?

I need to create a PDF document completely customizable and I decided to use an external JS PDF generation lib (PDF-lib) to create the documents from a LWC instead of using the Visualforce PDF method. ...
Luis Fernando Kumruyan's user avatar
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SFDC Probelm while viewing preview in LWC

While previewing the document , it is showing no preview, please give input if possible , and i have pasted the code below handleDocumentView(event){ console.log('view button called'); console.log(...
sharanabasava jnv's user avatar
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Issue with PDF file using getContentAsPDF

I am creating attachment with paypal invoice using getContent method in apex and attaching file under record but there issue with pdf file. it's not creating properly Here is my code : String ...
uday chavan's user avatar
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problem with adding custome font and pdf-lib

I am trying to use pdf-lib to create and edit pdf files. Imported libraries as static resources, source code from here[email protected]....
Kam Kaliev's user avatar
-1 votes
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How we can export data in PDF format in lightning web Component?

html:- <template> <lightning-card title="Account to Contact Communication in LWC" icon- name="standard:contact"> <div class="slds-var-m-...
Crazy XYZ's user avatar
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How to pass data from javascript controller to iframe in LWC

I am trying to pass a pdf as a preview to an Iframe in LWC. Note: a preview, not showing an existing pdf I followed following example: How to render a PDF generated with jsPDF in a LWC How do I pass ...
Thomas's user avatar
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How to create pdf using pdfjs library in lwc

I have a lwc in which I try to render a pdf. I have zipped the pdfjs library and added this as a static resource. In my template I can call the library as following: <iframe id="...
Thomas's user avatar
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Charts in Visualforce generated PDFs in early 2023

I needed to return to this subject this week and Googling revealed some potentially misleading fairly complicated solutions. There are multiple posts on the subject here e.g. Image Charts in ...
Keith C's user avatar
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Unknown Property Error using Custom Controller When Trying to Save Visualforce Page Pointing to a Controller

I am using an invocable method along with a controller to feed a list of records being returned from the flow and invocable method, into a VF Page in order to render multiple records with the field ...
user avatar
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Converting HTML String into pdf and sending through REST

I have a string having HTML content with me inside a apex method(this class is not linked to any vf page). I need to convert the HTML on the fly into pdf and send through rest API. I know we can ...
PK SF's user avatar
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