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-1 votes
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Anyone know who to use the /ui-api/object-info/

The documentation says to use a GET operation to see if an object supports the UI API. But I don't get how to use that URL. I've tried some ad-hoc GET REST requests and no URL I try works... /ui-api/...
Ken's user avatar
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Org Chart custom UI edit in LWC not working

I am using Balkan Org chart (Trial version) in LWC. There is a feature to customize the Edit form ( As per it, the first thing that I have to do is to create ...
Brav's user avatar
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-1 votes
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How Can I Change the UI for the Lead Standard object?

Is there a way to change the UI of the lead object page that appears when we click on the lead tab which has a list of lead records.
java learner's user avatar
0 votes
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Can you create a Visualforce Page that fills the entire document body?

I've created a test Visualforce page in a test app. Is it possible to setup your own page without this standard Salesforce header at the top? So no tabs, global search or setup icons - just an empty ...
Chap's user avatar
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LWC equivalent of lightning:unsavedChanges?

I have an LWC component that maintains state for changes the user is doing, without immediately updating those changes into the underlying records. I therefore run the risk of the user "...
Phil W's user avatar
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Lightning layout horizontal alignment Issue

I am trying to align the component layout as pictured below but I am not successful yet. It appears that I am missing to make use of layout and layout item using horizontal align but not sure how to ...
user28452's user avatar
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Status field in Highlights Panel not showing in certain profile

I hope someone can help me coz I'm stuck. So I have a page layout and lightning page which is being shared my multiple profiles. However, it seems like the status in Highlights Panel of my Lightning ...
Saber M's user avatar
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Facing challenges while editing table content in richtext box and formatting tr td and table tags

i am havig a requirement where in reports needs to be generated with a data in structured format, i have used and tags to create a table with hidden borders, here the issue is that i was not able ...
Lone Warriour's user avatar
0 votes
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Transactional email behavior using the Send Flow

I am new to transactional emails in Marketing Cloud and am being presented with a business case where marketers want to send legal updates to customers based on certain legal business requirements i.e....
Tazzy1234's user avatar
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1 answer

i want ui:inputradio label to display to the right of the radio currently it is to the left followed by radio?

I want the radio button first and the label to the right of the radio button here is my code <tr> <td width="150px" class="uiLabel-right form-element__label uiLabel"&...
Lone Warriour's user avatar
1 vote
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CSS link button not responsive

I am creating a link button purely using CSS and HTML. This is because I want to pass the html structure to an external system. It works perfectly fine when the browser tab is maximized. but when I ...
SFDC Learner's user avatar
1 vote
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How to prevent page unresponsiveness using aura javascript

I am uploading an excel sheet (xlsx and CSV) using sheetjs library. I want to read excel sheet and show the data in the datatable. When I am uploading large number of records the chrome is giving page ...
Sukruti's user avatar
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Change Duration on Out-of-Box Toast Duration

Is there a way to change the duration of an out-of-box toast message? The scenario is that I'm opening the edit page Specifically, the case message that says "Case xyz was saved" whenever ...
Jeff's user avatar
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DRY Code for datatable row

I had a suggestion from another engineer to directly assign rowData since the rowData property name and selectedRule property name are the same, but I am having some issues with it and I am not sure ...
Kristina's user avatar
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On experience cloud for mobile (android) button 'Save' is not visible on standard record creation window (screen attached)

In the android mobile version of experience site on object list page I have a standard 'New' button (without override), which opens the standard record creation modal. When user logs in to the system ...
Mari's user avatar
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1 answer

Single Currency Org, How to display (AUD) next to currency field on Opp object?

I'm an Admin on a single currency org, set to Australia (AUD). Client would like the currency to display next to the currency field. Apart from enabling multi, is there another way to be able to ...
Grace Morgan-Maxwell's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

Want to do the UI like this please help me how to put colored dots after status in html [closed]

want to show the image on UI like this
Hidden's user avatar
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2 answers

getRecords on LWC only returning one record

I am trying to get an array of usernames from a list of user ids using getRecords. Using the documentation from getRecords, I am able to get one record. I intentionally used the same userid in the ...
Kristina's user avatar
2 votes
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How To Get All The Favorites In Salesforce?

I am using as reference this documentation: And it says that by doing an HTTP GET request to this url &...
Lin linda's user avatar
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Salesforce Console Layout how to achieve UI look

I was looking at some old dreamforce recordings and I saw this salesforce console app. Here is a link to the recording - they start showing the app at around 12 minutes My question is how did they ...
Thomas Gunn's user avatar
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Address State and Country not visible on the records

Dear friends I have an interesting problem. The address fields are not correct visible on the records. On the account page I see all address fields, but on the Address record and Service Territory I ...
Константин Манков's user avatar
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How to set pageBlockSection with 2 columns equally spacing in the Vf page

I am using pageBlockSection with columns as 2 and inside this block I am using panel group. The issue I am facing is that there are 2 page block section in my code but the first page block section ...
Reettik 's user avatar
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Lightning icon inside a tag not working properly

I have used html table to show list of records with custom pagination and sorting in lwc component. For sorting, I need to have up and down button along with text on headers.(Clicking on header text ...
Pankaj Andhale's user avatar
0 votes
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parse case description field in aura component

I have a request to parse the description field and extract multiple values for certain entries such as: username = xxx fname = aaa lname = bbb. Once I have extracted these values they need to be ...
Daryn's user avatar
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how to align combo box and help text near in LWC

I have one combobox in popup and i am adding one icon near to combobox field but its not alligning correctly <div class="slds-modal__content slds-p-around_medium" id="modal-content-...
shantu's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to get code coverage report for LWC unit tests with JEST?

I was working on the unit test setup for Lightning Web Components with Jest and tried to figure out how to get a code coverage report but found nothing in the Docs. By running: sfdx-lwc-jest --...
Sebastiano Schwarz's user avatar
1 vote
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Cases Page Layout Design Question

I've added a field to Cases that relate to an Opportunity. 'Insurance Carrier' I'd like that field of the Opportunity to surface under a Tab in the page layout instead of in the details of the Case. ...
mels.c's user avatar
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2 answers

Wrapper and custom object in list

How to show this elements in html. I am new in salesforce and programming public with sharing class StockMarketSharesWrapper { @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true) public static List<Wrapper> ...
1skora's user avatar
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Lightning Aura Component: Embedding child component has kind of Border

I have implemented a custom lookup component and i added this component in another Lightning Aura Component as a child. My problem is that the child component is having something like a border, which ...
Giorgos Galaios's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to alter binded UI data? [closed]

Lets say I have searchResult.zipCode and I want to alter the data in it before it is rendered because it returns a full zip code and not the first 5 digits of it, like how we regularly use zip-codes. ...
Tristan Berger's user avatar
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How to add a custom field to Address Compound Field on Account

Requirement: Add a custom field to the address compound field on the account object. Salesforce provides a street, city, state, state code, country, country code and zip code in the address field. I ...
Rupesh Yanamadala's user avatar
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Not able to find elements of a sfdc login screen using UIautomater

We have created native Android mobile App using 'com.salesforce.mobilesdk:SalesforceSDK:8.+' mobile sdk for the login functionality in the app. We use the Community url for login. We are trying to ...
Balashankar's user avatar
1 vote
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Customize the CSS of lightning-helptext

I am trying to customize the borders of the standard help text and using in a LWC component like below: I would like the popup to look like a rectangle instead of the curved border.
ismail kartit's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I can block the option to paste in ui: inputSecret?

I would like to know if you can block the option to paste in a component, ui: inputSecret <ui:inputSecret value="" aura:id="input1" class="field row-of-icons" ...
Felipe Peña's user avatar
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Custom field updating in database but not showing in UI

I have a custom field on the Case object, which is of type Number(18,0). This field is originally null, but after a trigger call, it gets updated to a certain value fetched from an API. I have ...
ThePorcius's user avatar
1 vote
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LWC: Product Selection Component for arbitrary objects? [closed]

TL/DR: Is there a known implementation of the (standard) product selection component on Pricebooks that is working with any object? On the Pricebook we have a default component that looks like that: ...
coffee_bear's user avatar
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License Display Name Change

I am looking for a way if we can change the display name of licenses which are shown under Company information in UI. Please let me know if this is possible, Thanks.
Kumar Vivek's user avatar
2 votes
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The differences between Aura and LWC inheritance, how to inherit the UI HTML Markup from ancestor component?

When an Aura component inherits another Aura component, it inherits both the Javascript and the HTML. So the html of ancestor component can be reused in the descendant component. While this is not ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Best approach to use/port/migrate an open-source React component to LWC

I want to use an existing React Component as a LWC Lightning Web Component in a Salesforce app. It's a complex component with a Github repo full of Subcomponents. Everything is written in Typescript. ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
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Private Settings managed packaged issue

Have someone ever faced package named Private Settings? There is need to take a glance at the classes methods if it possible. I'm gonna use that one to reach out custom API but don't have a clear idea ...
pincet's user avatar
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Disable Setup Button in Salesforce but also need "View Setup and Configuration Permission" in Profile for Metadata Deployement

I have a lightning component that is used to create and edit Metadata using Metadata API Deployment.I have created a System admin user for this because only System Admin user has "Author Apex&...
Panda's user avatar
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Get dynamic input field values in Aura

I'm building a dynamic custom UI which is configurable via custom metadatatype. I declare field label, datatype, position(left/right columns on UI) etc on the CMD. I populate fields using aura:...
Anurag's user avatar
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Not able to select multiple picklist values using lightning:select

Lightning Ui namespace is deprecating soon hence we are migrating Ui namespace tags to the lightning namespace. We have used the below tag to select multi picklist values with the Ui namespace. Now ...
Anil Kumar's user avatar
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How to show a specific field only on record detail page, hide in new pop up page in default object UI?

Good day! I am using default UI of Salesforce, so no customization or anything. Everything is default, I want to achieve the solution of my problem by using default UI. So, I actually want to hide a ...
Mehedi's user avatar
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Hide vertical scrollbar in lwc lightning datatable

How to hide vertical scrollbar in lwc lightning datatable. I have enabled lazy loading. I tried with height, but when there are less records, vertical scrollbar is not coming. But it didnt solve the ...
Jairam's user avatar
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How to put the big statement in one line

Hi I need to put the two big statement in one line as shown in the below, can some one help me out for this below is the screenshot when i am putting it in one line then i am getting below ...
shreya's user avatar
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Insufficient Privileges in Email Body pane on contact Activity Email

My client has a weird bug where they can see the whole tab for Email in the Activity Tab on the Contact page, but the rich text editor for entering the body of the email shows an Insufficient ...
hgolov's user avatar
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How to put a over in the LWC that is displayed on the overing of the mouse on the link

I need to put an event in my lightning Web component "onmouseover" whenever user bring the mouse over thetest i need to display a badge full of message, currently it is not coming as ...
Tamang's user avatar
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HTML markup in single line in grid [closed]

I need to put the value in single line in the grid in the extreme right of the LWC component. can anyone help me out for this. below is the code HTML Markup <template> <main class='...
Rohan tams's user avatar
1 vote
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Where to find the CSS styles behind a Salesforce CSS class?

Background The Lightning Design System shows the CSS classes you can use for a finite number of scenarios. The problem I don't like this. I prefer being able to understand what is actually being ...
Brandon's user avatar
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