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Can you create a Visualforce Page that fills the entire document body?

I've created a test Visualforce page in a test app. Is it possible to setup your own page without this standard Salesforce header at the top? So no tabs, global search or setup icons - just an empty ...
Chap's user avatar
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How to set pageBlockSection with 2 columns equally spacing in the Vf page

I am using pageBlockSection with columns as 2 and inside this block I am using panel group. The issue I am facing is that there are 2 page block section in my code but the first page block section ...
Reettik 's user avatar
3 votes
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$User.UITheme not working on viualforce page

I'm trying to detect on a visualforce page that is the page opened in a classic or Lightning view in Salesforce. For this I'm using "$User.UITheme" and "$User.UIThemeDisplayed" on the visualforce page ...
Jitesh Goel's user avatar
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How can I add multiple white spaces between fields?

There are ways to create one white space (&nbsp;, <br/>), but I don't know how to create multiple consecutive white spaces between two fields. I've tried using InputHidden fields, <br/>...
user avatar
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Injecting components on standard Salesforce pages

This is more of knowledge question. I want to detect all the phone fields on the salesforce standard page and convert them into a hyperlink, on clicking of which some action needs to be performed. I ...
Yogesh D's user avatar
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Better way to embed external application UI in Salesforce

I am looking for a good option in terms of adaptability to lightning to embed a external applicaiton in Salesforce UI( A VF page or Lightning component). On doing some research I identified below ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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'actionSupport' is not working when inputField is included in same 'form'

What I am doing ? I have 3 fields in an object Account(lookup to Account),User(Lookup to User) and Permissions(Multi select picklist). I needed to only show few values from all the values in ...
Rajeev's user avatar
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inputSelect after render error [Cannot read property 'getElementsByTagName' of null]

I have this inputSelect <ui:inputSelect value="{!v.cardType}" disabled="{!v.memberCard.isFirstHousehold}" class="slds-select" aura:id="assignToSelect" change="{!c.updateSelectedCardType}"> &...
Carlos Lopez's user avatar
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OutputPanel causing extra lines on VF page

For a long time, I was trying to find out why there have been extra lines on my VF page and I just figured it out. Its due to me wrapping an outer panel with another outer panel. What I'm trying to do ...
user2582622's user avatar
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Multiple list views in a tabbed page - only one renders

I have a visualforce page with a tab panel and included enhanced lists under tabs. Example: <style> .activeTab {background-color: #236FBf; color:white; background-image:none} ....
jaw999's user avatar
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How to get left padding on PAGE not to the previous outputText?

I have two objects Top Object SubObject Now under SubObject , I have two types of records 1. Parent 2. Child Parent record can have child parents and it's child . For example - ----> Parent1 ...
Rajeev's user avatar
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Problem with displaying data?

I have created a custom profile from sys admin profile and assigned it to a user with salesforce license. Now, this user is unable view the data from a particular VF page. What could be possible ...
Venky's user avatar
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Is Lightning the way forward? [duplicate]

At this point, when starting with new implementations is it better to go with Lightning Framework for UI and better UX, or to continue with Visualforce based UIs?
Rafat Khan's user avatar
3 votes
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adding a contact while creating an activity

This must not be a new idea. A salesperson starts to enter an Event, realizes their Contact isn't yet added to the CRM, and would like to add on the fly. Can we do this without canceling the entry ...
jaw999's user avatar
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5 votes
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Beta / Pilot program for Lightning for the Desktop?

Is there any official or unofficial pilot program for Lightning for Desktop?
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
4 votes
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UI Design Query : VF vs JS frameworks/libs like Angular,jQuery

Our team is a much younger team with only a few yrs of exp in SF. Recently SF informed us via mail that they will be removing/modifying the home page component code written HTML/JS and recommended us ...
Iamauselessrightbrainer's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a visual style guide showing the default UI of visual force pages?

I am a UX designer and am relatively new to SF/VF. I would like to see the default visual styles of VF pages. Is anyone aware of a visual style guide for VF pages? I get lots of results for CSS ...
user7978's user avatar
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How to add selectoption values to CRON Expression Dynamically from vf page?

I have a controller as public String CreateCronExpression(String Time, List<wrapper> daylist){ map<string,Integer> mapofDayAndInt= new map<string,Integer>(); mapofDayAndInt.put('...
Tanmay's user avatar
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How to improve inputField alignment and width in Visualforce?

I am displaying inputFields in a pageBlockSection. Input fields do not seem to be aligned properly. I see fields of different sizes. They are only left aligned. Right side is varying. How to align ...
Walker's user avatar
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