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i want ui:inputradio label to display to the right of the radio currently it is to the left followed by radio?

I want the radio button first and the label to the right of the radio button here is my code <tr> <td width="150px" class="uiLabel-right form-element__label uiLabel"&...
Lone Warriour's user avatar
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CSS link button not responsive

I am creating a link button purely using CSS and HTML. This is because I want to pass the html structure to an external system. It works perfectly fine when the browser tab is maximized. but when I ...
SFDC Learner's user avatar
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how to align combo box and help text near in LWC

I have one combobox in popup and i am adding one icon near to combobox field but its not alligning correctly <div class="slds-modal__content slds-p-around_medium" id="modal-content-...
shantu's user avatar
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Lightning Aura Component: Embedding child component has kind of Border

I have implemented a custom lookup component and i added this component in another Lightning Aura Component as a child. My problem is that the child component is having something like a border, which ...
Giorgos Galaios's user avatar
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Customize the CSS of lightning-helptext

I am trying to customize the borders of the standard help text and using in a LWC component like below: I would like the popup to look like a rectangle instead of the curved border.
ismail kartit's user avatar
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Where to find the CSS styles behind a Salesforce CSS class?

Background The Lightning Design System shows the CSS classes you can use for a finite number of scenarios. The problem I don't like this. I prefer being able to understand what is actually being ...
Brandon's user avatar
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2 votes
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How can I add multiple white spaces between fields?

There are ways to create one white space (&nbsp;, <br/>), but I don't know how to create multiple consecutive white spaces between two fields. I've tried using InputHidden fields, <br/>...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to improve inputField alignment and width in Visualforce?

I am displaying inputFields in a pageBlockSection. Input fields do not seem to be aligned properly. I see fields of different sizes. They are only left aligned. Right side is varying. How to align ...
Walker's user avatar
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