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Cases Page Layout Design Question

I've added a field to Cases that relate to an Opportunity. 'Insurance Carrier' I'd like that field of the Opportunity to surface under a Tab in the page layout instead of in the details of the Case. ...
mels.c's user avatar
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How to edit the NEW modal dialog?

On Services. When I got to the Account tab there is a "NEW" button. Hitting this button will pop up a modal with a couple of fields. How do I edit this modal? I would like to add an iframe to it.
ltorruella's user avatar
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Customizing salesforce UI [closed]

My company is moving to salesforce and most of the time the requirements I get are something like Give me a single page where I can do 10 things The data is too cryptic for the end user to ...
user3700866's user avatar
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Mobile UI issue in lightning buttonMenu Aura Component

I just notice that Lightning:buttonMenu aura component size bigger in the mobile after winter 20 Salesforce release. Is it any way to control the size as previous because it's breaking our UI. Its ...
Faisal's user avatar
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SF Agile Accelerator LEX

Has anyone ever experienced the dragging of tasks or work in the Work Manager becoming disabled?
Anewc's user avatar
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Why at the Account tab dropdown menu the "+ Account" option is missing? (applies to ANY other tab, too)

Update: this issue applies to ANY SObject tab (Custom + Standard), too. On all Orgs but one that I know at the Account tab there is a first option "+ New Account". It looks always like this and this ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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How to apply external styling to ui:outputText

I want to apply external style for truncating the text displayed by ui:outputText. Markup: <lightning:layout multipleRows="false"> <lightning:layoutItem class="slds-p-around--medium"&...
Sarang's user avatar
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Mobile UI in iPad in Salesforce1

I just came to notice that in iPad devices, Salesforce1 app is reflecting the mobile design of the app! I'm specifically asking it because, in the Chrome simulator, it's showing the table layout ...
SE_User's user avatar
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Is this possible to position label for inputCheckbox on the right hand side?

When I try to use standard lightning tag ui:inputCheckbox it displays label on the left <ui:inputCheckbox label="Checkbox label" labelClass="uiLabel-right" value="{!v.checkbox}" change="{!c....
Patlatus's user avatar
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Exclude a button in Salesforce1

I have a lightning page which is the entry page to my org. It includes a button "Enter" which redirects to the Org's home page. It works perfectly. But in Salesforce1, I have no use for it. How can I ...
Brav's user avatar
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Play Video in Lightning page

If I can get the download url of a video which is uploaded in my Salesforce org, is there a way to play the video in the lightning page or play on a pop up video player on click ? (Not using the ...
Brav's user avatar
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Issue while redirecting, it is going to related list but not detail

Issue while redirecting, it is going to related list but not detail. Component var navEvt = $A.get("e.force:navigateToSObject"); navEvt.setParams({ "recordId":...
Salesforce's user avatar
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Display row-wise data into columns in Lightning component

I have requirement to display data in the following format in lightning account page: |Year | Jan | Feb | ... | Dec | |2016 | 100 | 120 | ... | 250 | |2017 | 190 | 0 | ... | 0 | [No data ...
Mahmood's user avatar
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Difference between lightning and ui tags

I've begun to work on lightning component last days ago and I wonder why two different tags exist for the same things. For example, what is the different between lightning:select and ui:inputSelect? ...
DarkSkull's user avatar
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