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3 answers

Connect the SMS Send Log to the SMSMessageTracking Data View

The SMSJobID in the send log is a GUID, not the normal numerical identifier like the SendJobID that is inside SMSMessageTracking DV. SMS Send Log: SMS Message Tracking: I have tried looking to ...
Gortonington's user avatar
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Message sent through Marketing Cloud isn't delivered and doesn't show up on the deliveries endpoint, what can it be?

I'm making a call to Marketing Cloud's endpoint to send SMS messages like this: -- request to /sms/v1/messageContact/{messageId}/send { "mobileNumbers": [ "55009999999999" ], "...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is there any way to shorten URL in SMS in Marketing Cloud?

I am trying to schedule an SMS in the journey to the subscribers who did not open their email. I want to redirect the subscribers to their hosted email page. I am using the below code to populate ...
Mohammed's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can I delete message on Mobile Connect?

I have tried to delete message(s) created in Mobile Connect in the UI as well as REST API but I don't have any luck doing that. Is there a way we can delete message(s)? Thanks!
tkhuynh's user avatar
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CloudPageURL via SMS broken link

I've found that using CloudPagesURL via SMS will always result in the Server Error 500 page, no matter if the URLEncode is used or not, even if the CloudPage itself just holds simple text. CloudPage ...
Rain's user avatar
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Can someone please explain the concept of Super Message and Multiplier

After trying to understand the Super Message bundles from the link Super Message Bundle I am not sure what does it mean when it says - "Messages sent to countries not listed in the table below are not ...
Mitesh's user avatar
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AMPScript SMS InsertDE() function not working in SMS

It seems InsertDE() function is not working when triggered via SMS send (the code resides in the message body). I have tested the same function with a dummy cloud page and it was working good. Has ...
jc_mc's user avatar
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Capture SMS response on Journey Builder

I'm trying to create a Journey that uses a SMS response as criteria to go to the next step. At my Journey, I will send a message to my customer like this: "Do you have any problem with your last ...
Vitor Luis's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Get SMS Message ID before send SMS

I have a requirement, where I would need to get SMS Message ID before the SMS gets sent out. I know that post SMS activated, we can able to send it. But I would need before it gets sent. Like how we ...
Naveen VM's user avatar
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Dynamic Link Bitly V4

I need to send a link to a CloudPage through SMS with an query param (, which the CloudPage will use to get value from a Data Extension and pre-fill some data to Contacts and ...
Leto's user avatar
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2 answers

How to difference between short code and long code?

Is there any way to check the code is Short Code or long Code in the Mobile Connect? what are the merits and demerits of both code? I found a few articles but they where confused me more.
Rushikesh Pandit's user avatar
3 votes
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MobileConnect data views

Where can I view the names of the data sets and their contents like; _MobileAddress, _UndeliverableSms & _MobileSubscription i know there are others that might contain columns of information i ...
Michael Measures's user avatar
3 votes
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Mobile Phone Number format in Journey Builder

Was wondering if phone number format matters for Marketing Cloud Journey Builder? I did a test where I put my mobile number and inside the data extension I had data type phone. My number was just ...
GS65's user avatar
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SMS (MobileConnect) - Retrieving Additional Tracking Data

The Data Views made available to all customers with regards to SMS / MobileConnect are extremely lacking, and wouldn't allow one to pull in information relating to engagement activity. As far as I'm ...
AnonWonderer's user avatar
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Sending SMS to a data extension

I want to send an SMS to a specific list of people that updates every day. The list is the output of a SQL query and is stored in a data extension. I've looked at using an Import Definition in ...
Hew Ingram's user avatar
3 votes
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How to send SFMC SMS via external API?

I'm trying to trigger SFMC REST API to send SMS from Postman. Below is the steps: Created a Outbound SMS content in Mobile Connect (with the following properties) Template type: Outbound - API ...
WenHao's user avatar
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2 answers

Is it possible to send SMS through the platform, using Marketing Cloud?

After a brief search on Google, I couldn't find many resources about this functionallity. What I need is a Lightning Component that reads an account's contacts, and gives me the possibility to send ...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Marketing Cloud SMS to Service Cloud Case

In the Mobile Connect documentation is a use case described, to raise a Service Cloud case, if the answer to an sms does not match a keyword:
Björn Schubert's user avatar
2 votes
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Does AMPScript code count towards character length in Mobile Studio SMS?

I have an SMS message which contains AMPScript which pushes the messages length past 160 character length. MC warns me that this will use more than one message (and will be billed as such). Is this ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
2 votes
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SMS Send Logging Data Extension

We need to log few additional custom fields after sending SMS from Marketing Cloud using a Journey that has a Salesforce Event and starts after the creation of an opportunity in SF injecting a contact....
cmbob's user avatar
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SMS SendLog relation to Journey

If I understand correctly this mean that there is no way for us to resolve what Journey the SMS in a send log relates to? What do we get in the SMSJobID and SMSTriggeredSendID columns? I see that it ...
Ivan Dobrić's user avatar
2 votes
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Configure Blackout window for SMSs sent via Transactional API [closed]

As a requirement, We need to hold the SMSes from being sent through Transactional API for a specific period of time during the night(say 10 PM- 5 AM) and reprocess those messages after the specified ...
Chetan's user avatar
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Using Marketing Cloud Publication List for SMS

Is it really possible to use publication list for SMS? AFAIK, there is this documentation saying "If the list is used for SMS, name your publication list with no spaces. Add information to the ...
Mario's user avatar
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Getting a REST API error of "A pair of repeating parameter value lists were passed to an AMP HTTPPost function but the lists to not match."

I've tried two different REST API calls and they seem to work in Postman, but not when I set it up on my own. Same error for both so I'm guessing it's something simple I'm doing wrong. Full error -&...
Erik B's user avatar
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2 votes
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Send SMS messages to a Salesforce data extension

We are storing our audiences into a Salesforce DE, and we would like to use the same audiences for our SMS messages. However, when we want to select an audience in MobileConnect, we don't have access ...
Kaouetar's user avatar
2 votes
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SFMC Mobile Connect & Emoticon / Emoji

Does anyone know a way (or could it be a feature) to send Emoji or Emoticon's in an SMS (MMS) from Salesforce Marketing Cloud (Mobile Connect). I'm aware it can be done from Mobile Push - I ...
Gravitai's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud SMS Push to users in market

We have some geofencing set up to push a message to users when they cross a boundary. We have a hurricane coming and we want to notify users who are in the city right now. Does anyone know of a way to ...
Stan Alachniewicz's user avatar
2 votes
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SMS messages are not being sent from Journeys

I have created a Journey that is triggered from my Salesforce Opportunity object. Part of the Journey should send an SMS which I have created as an "Outbound - Interaction", using the test function ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
2 votes
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Wait By Attribute in 2-way SMS communication journey - values in the field changed by next keyword

I am trying to prepare a journey for 2-way SMS conversation, on the basis of this topic: Capture SMS response on Journey Builder. So my journey sends SMS message to the consumer and on the basis what ...
Maciej Barnaś's user avatar
2 votes
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Force update on a API-triggered Text Message from Mobile Connect

I have a heavily used SMS Template configured in Mobile Connect in which I sometimes have to modify the included Ampscript. While doing so today I discovered a new alert upon clicking the Save button ...
Rafał Wolsztyniak's user avatar
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Is it possible to send SMS to mobile numbers which are shorter than 10 digits?

We are triggering some SMS sends from Sales Cloud using Marketing Cloud transactional API. We got an error which complains that one contacts has "invalid subscriberKey". I tried to add this ...
Milla Hallanoro's user avatar
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Sending multiple SMSes to a subscriber who has more than one number?

I'm using an Automation, a Data Extension, a Outbound Message to send SMS to customers. The data is using Salesforce Contact Id as Subscriber Key, and this data may have more than one record has the ...
Duc Le's user avatar
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Update data extension after clicking link in SMS

I'm trying to create a cloudpage and call it into SMS through ampscript - when the user clicks the SMS link through SMS, the contact's phone number will be added to the data extension (and some other ...
yuyuuuu's user avatar
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Why does using ContactKey in MobileStudio SMS messages return nothing

My SMS message contains the following message: Your ContactKey is %%ContactKey%% When I trigger the message (via Text-Response) I get back the following message: Your ContactKey is I know there ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
2 votes
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Re-Subscribing the user for the Mobile Connect

Right now the user has opted out by sending the "STOP" keyword to the Long code. If that user wants to re-subscribe again then what are the possible ways to re-subscribe in Mobile Connect? I found ...
Rushikesh Pandit's user avatar
2 votes
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Ampscript Not Working on Send SMS Journey Activity

I'm trying to create a journey to send a SMS with some personalization strings. The Journey is sending the SMS but all the ampscript variables come in empty, I'm using the following code: %%[ SET @...
JMedeiros's user avatar
2 votes
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Understanding Mobile Subscriptions Data View

I am trying to get a better understanding of the data being stored in the _MobileSubscriptions view in terms of how it relates to SMS shortcode/keyword subscriptions. Specifically, is there a row ...
Mark P's user avatar
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API - Create Mobile List

Is there a way to create a Mobile List through API (rest/soap) into Mobile Connect in Marketing Cloud and then add a contact?
cmbob's user avatar
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sms send count more than population

Is it possible that send count are more than node populations?
Antonio Zaccardi's user avatar
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Salesforce Marketing Cloud : How to ensure SMS are sent to only those Phone numbers which are present in the sendable Data Extension

I have a sendable DE, which has a Phone and a locale field. I want to send SMS to only the numbers that are present in the Data extension. The last time I tried to send the SMS to the contacts present ...
Neeraj Kulkarni's user avatar
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Opt-in SMS keyword with AMPScript + Sales Cloud

Actually what I would like to implement is that whenever a subscriber replies JOIN to the short/long code he/she will be opted-in to all of the keywords under that code. is that possible? What would ...
Ivan Santana's user avatar
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What is'Id' in POST /sms/v1/messageContact/{id}/send

I am trying to send a message via rest api. I am unable to understand where do i find the {id} in POST /sms/v1/messageContact/{id}/send. Where do i find this parameter in mobile connect?
kunal gidwani's user avatar
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RaiseError - Will it stop SMS from sending

Is there any way to skip SMS sends for a current subscriber and move on to the next subscriber? I tried with the RaiseError AMPScript function but it is not working for MobileConnect messages. ...
MC Coder's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud SMS expiration time

I send sms from Journey builder. If I answer SMS within the hour for a keyword, the response will come. If I answer after a couple of hours, then the answer to the keyword will be "There was an ...
Slavik Kharkovskiy's user avatar
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Add MessageText to the SMS SendLog data extension

Is it possible to add custom fields such as mobile number and SMS message text to SMS SendLog data extension? The client is sending SMS using mostly Journey builder. Thanks, Ivan
Ivan Dobrić's user avatar
1 vote
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Use journey builder to conduct a double opt in SMS campaign

Scenario: A user registers on a website and opts in to SMS. They provide a phone number and agree to the SMS Terms (as well as providing other unrelated for this scenario information). Problem: The ...
Dough Boy's user avatar
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AMPSCRIPT to get Value in JourneyData

I have an issue in ampscript to get value in journeyData to Send an SMS. This is my ampscript to check if that field in journeyData has value or not if empty(sObject:field) then set @field = "...
imajmdf's user avatar
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Why are Mobile Connect Subscriptions not identified by Contact Key?

I have both MC and Sales Cloud (SC) connected in my implementation, in my testing I have purposely created two Contacts in SC with the same mobile number. In Contact Builder they appear as two ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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Exclusion Script in Journey Builder SMS

We want to implement a frequency capping mechanism which restricts the number of communications sent to a subscriber. We have an automation which periodically updates the number of sends to a ...
PSB's user avatar
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Import Automation for Mobile Studio [Solved]

I'm creating an automation to import people from a CSV list into a MobileConnect Contact List. I've created the Import Definition. After i dragged "Import Mobile Contacts" to "Step 1", i got empty SMS ...
Nana's user avatar
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