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Questions tagged [facebook]

Facebook is an online social media and social networking service.

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2 answers

open graph meta tags not working in salesforce vf page

We have developed few vf pages and exposed them to site. I have added og meta tags for facebook. But when i post the this page URL its not picking up any of these meta tags. I have inspected the page ...
Dnyaneshwar's user avatar
5 votes
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Salesforce Auth Provider with Facebook SSO

After 3 and a half days of reading through documentation and trial and error, I have come to a point where I am just stuck trying to make it so Community Users and/or normal Users can log into a ...
Jeremy Levy's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Uploading file to Facebook from Salesforce

I'm trying to upload an image file to Facebook from Salesforce and current this is my codes and it is not working can anyone help me fix it? Please Note that my Image file is inside the Accounts ...
Luke Au's user avatar
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Getting 'No_Oauth_Code' Exception while logging to salesforce using FB credentials

My Apex class(RegistrationHandler) : global class ForNagAutoHandler implements Auth.RegistrationHandler{ global User createUser(Id portalId, Auth.UserData data) { User u = [SELECT Id FROM ...
Rv1's user avatar
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Advertising Studio Integration with Facebook [closed]

I'm trying to understand how the integration of Advertising Studio works with Facebook. Does anyone have any idea of what kind of information can we retrieve from Facebook Account integrated with ...
Claudia Santos's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Could not get Access token using Auth.AuthToken.getAccessToken in custom Registration Handler

Recently, I followed to set up a facebook auth.provider, and put the callback URL in my facebook app. The ...
Jun Liu's user avatar
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Facebook for Business Messenger with Salesforce Live Message?

I see references to the standard Facebook messenger but, nothing with Facebook for Business. I know nothing about Facebook for Business, so is it the same integration configuration? The company I am ...
Scott S Nelson's user avatar
3 votes
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Advertising audiences - Marketing cloud

Can I send a suppression list to Facebook and Adwords in my journey? Every use case I've seen so far is about sending an ad on Facebook, but is it possible to create a Facebook custom audience from ...
Marc Laurent-Atthalin's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Invalid private key. Must be 32 bytes

I am trying to get connect with FB. For that i have installed the FB tool provided by saleforce and working on it. When the code try to decryptWithManagedIV i am getting error Invalid private key. ...
AnuRaj's user avatar
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2 answers

salesforce integration with facebook/twitter/linkedIN

I want to achieve a functionality where if i create a facebook page of my application, and someone likes it, they should automatically be converted into leads.
Sam's user avatar
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Facebook Messenger Integration With Marketing cloud

Am trying to Integrate Salesforce Marketing cloud with Facebook Messenger with REST API as provided by the Salesforce help doc /ott/v1/send. Am getting proper response from the Postman but not getting ...
Naveen VM's user avatar
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Facebook SSO with Portal Users

I am using Facebook as Auth Provider to allow portal users to login into portal org via their facebook credentials. I have successfully implemented that. Now, in Registration Handler, while creating ...
S.Sharma's user avatar
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Salesforce Lightning and meta tags for Facebook / SEO

I have been trying to create a Lightning component for Social Media that can dynamically change things like the title, description, image, etc. meta tag for Facebook. The purpose would be to populate ...
Logan's user avatar
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1 answer

What do u use to set as username?

I have an app which built on Salesforce platform, need to support feature login using facebook/twitter. As far as i know we can't get username of facebook/twitter passed in Auth.UserData data object (...
nptriet's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud - Ad Studio Facebook Authorization Flow Skips FB Page Selection

My client was going through the authorization flow for Facebook in Ad Studio. Usually, after signing in, there's a step to select the available Facebook Pages under the ad account but for one SFMC ...
Zack's user avatar
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Facebook and Salesforce SSO

We are implementing Salesforce and Facebook SSO integration for communities. Do anyone know how to handle the registration process when the Facebook user signed up for facebook by using the mobile ...
AJ007's user avatar
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2 answers

Facebook as Auth Provider - no username or email passed in Auth.Data

I've been trying to setup auth provider login with facebook. I've followed the instructions online, have generated an authentication handler and customised. However when I try logging in (through ...
Amul Shah's user avatar
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1 answer

Promote a post on Social Studio

I need an information, I'm starting to use Social Studio for a client of mine. He would, after a post is published, promote his post to a certain target. By official documentation it seems possible, ...
Alessia Annella's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using Marketing Cloud Social Share / FTAF feature but manipulating content

The out of the box solutions for Social Sharing and FTAF allows you to share specific content within the email, the problem that I am facing is that we append specific tracking parameters to our URL's ...
dmcs14db's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Send messages from salesforce to facebook using facebook toolkit

I am using to Facebook toolkit to send message to facebook. I am able to send message using java script in facebook, below is my java script code <script> function ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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How do I use the Toolkit for Facebook to send a Private Message?

I need to send a private message from Salesforce to Facebook using the Facebook REST API. I have the access_key, app_key, and user id. I can send a private message by using JavaScript given by ...
user5280's user avatar
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Facebook API error 191- while using Facebook toolkit in salesforce

I am trying to integrate Facebook and Salesforce using Facebook Toolkit, but I am getting the following error. { "error": { "message": "Invalid redirect_uri: Given URL is not allowed ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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API POST not working on executeAnonymous BUT IS working on Postman

I'm having trouble getting a POST request to go trough using the Execute Anonymous window. The endpoint is exactly the same in my postman and it goes trough with no issues, but keeps returning a 400 ...
potato46's user avatar
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Unit tests for MessagingSessions in Service Cloud

I'm struggling with writing apex unit tests for my new Messaging Channel. I just configured Facebook Messenger as new messaging channel for existing OmniChannel. When someone is starting conversation ...
Bartosz Beli's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to set up Facebook Dynamic ads based on first-party data in Salesforce

I've read that it is possible to set up Facebook Dynamic ads based on web activity and also CRM data (email engagement) from within Salesforce - with no manual data upload required. I'm a little ...
Bedders2020's user avatar
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Use dynamic og tag for sharing post in

we have a blog page in our client On that blog page theres a bunch of meta tag - a.k.a og tags - which facebook, gplus, twitter and linkedIn uses to build the post preview. The problem is ...
user49393's user avatar
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Facebook & Twitter API with Symphony on HEROKU Problem

I have a problem with my application. I use heroku config variables in localhost and APIs work well. In heroku server, it doesn't. I use the same variables and I have test them it's working (with ...
Thomas's user avatar
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Invalid Thread ID Error When Replying to Facebook from Salesforce

We have enabled Social Customer Service in a sandbox. It runs perfectly well for me however one of the testers gets the below error when he tries to reply to a facebook message/post from the ...
user266055's user avatar
1 vote
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Social Post URL redirects to user's personal Facebook messages, not the Connected Social Account's Messages

When a user clicks on a social post that was created by an inbox message, it redirects to the user's personal Facebook messages page. We expect the URL to open the messages page for the managed page,...
BruceLee's user avatar
1 vote
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Better Way to communicate with facebook API? [closed]

I have seen Facebook's API Docs. It provides describes well how to access the Graph API. I want to make a request to retrieve Page Posts and Comments. I am getting 25 posts in 1 API call with paging ...
Innodel Salesforce's user avatar
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Can Facebook ads be created in Social Studio

I know that Facebook posts can be created and published from within social studio. Can a facebook add be created and published via Social Studio? If yes, can you please tell briefly how or direct me ...
Ng H's user avatar
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Connect Salesforce and Facebook

I follow the guide: Getting Started with the Toolkit for Facebook, Version 3.0, but when I click my link site:, I have this ...
L.benedettini's user avatar
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Customer Portal + Auth Provider + Connected App + Facebook Login + SalesforceMobileSDK-CordovaPlugin

When we login using Facebook it successfully redirects to the Facebook login page and if login username and password are correct then shows the authorisation of the Facebook developer app. when you ...
Aarif Sumra's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Parameters is null - in Facebook toolkit

I am using facebook toolkit for posting on fan page and wall of facebook. I am calling the VF page from a custom button. When i click on the custom button on record the id of the record is passed with ...
AnuRaj's user avatar
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446 views facebook toolkit integration

Was using the facebook toolkit,_Version_3.0. Followed all the instructions as mentioned in the ...
Nitin Kundapur Bhat's user avatar
0 votes
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How to capture Social Media feeds in Salesforce

We have a requirement of Capturing the following to get converted to SFDC cases? Tweets having mentions to our Company Name Comments in FB page Linkedin Posts Does anyone know any API which sends ...
Pranay Jaiswal's user avatar
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lead import from facebook using webhooks

I am struggling to configure Facebook app and the apex code to import lead ads. I need to submit the app for an app review for which it asks me the credentials to test the app. Which credentials ...
Ankit Bansal's user avatar
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Facebook to Salesforce Sales cloud / Service cloud Integration

1) First question, can we Integrate FACEBOOK and Sales cloud via API or any app? 2) I have a page fan page in my FACEBOOK account, can I bring them [who liked, subscribed to my page] as LEADS/...
Vishal Kumar C V's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to get query conversation messages from Digital Engagement channel?

How can we retrieve messages from Facebook digital engagement channel? Little bit more context on it: We have digital engagement plugin enabled in salesforce and connected with Facebook. Requirement ...
pklachkou's user avatar
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1 answer

Post on Facebook Page using Facebook Toolkit [closed]

Using Facebook Toolkit i am able to get data of user. But is it possible to post data on Facebook page and get data from Facebook page. Please provide me the relevant code for posting on Facebook Page....
Himanshu's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud - Default Lead Capture Data Extension Fields

I'm unable to setup Facebook lead ads in our client's account since I don't have access to it but I need to review what data is captured by default in Salesforce Marketing Cloud and any additional ...
Zack's user avatar
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1 answer

How does Social Studio connect Facebook users to their CRM contacts?

We have requirements to score Contacts based on their Social interactions. (e.g. +1 pt for like, +5 pts for comment) Is this possible in Social Studio? In demos, we see the cool feature to create a ...
LimeWeb's user avatar
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1 answer

Post labels are not reflecting in label option while posting new post on Facebook?

I've created post labels in social studio but the same is not reflecting in label section while posting a new post on my facebook page.I am not able to figure out where I'm doing wrong.
xaif's user avatar
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1 answer

Display VFpage content on Facebook [closed]

Is it possible to display the contents of a VFpage accessible on a public Site on to Facebook as a section?
Venu Nagarajaiah's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Facebook Integration Responds with Wrong user id compared to Facebook API Explorer

Integrating Facebook And Salesforce. GET Call to facebook With following fields. me?fields=id,name,picture Apex Programatically called for profile { "id" : "1147023234234323", "name" : "XXXXXXXXX",...
Innodel Salesforce's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Api call Response contains Results Up to limited Posts on Facebook

Got response from facebook API and have Next previous in paging for next call how i can use it to get more response. I want to retrieve all Posts and likes. I got Docs Of Cursor Based paging. https://...
Innodel Salesforce's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Facebook Integration Scope Permission

Scopes required :- manage_pages & publish_pages Review required. Tried Twice thrice uploaded screen cast and wrote steps. Submitted for review. Every time rejected. I don't have permission to ...
Innodel Salesforce's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Facebook does not allow Javacript to add my profile picture while integrating facebook and salesforce

Access to was denied 403 error. I made call on graph api as ',name,email,picture&access_token='+token I got response as : { "...
Innodel Salesforce's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to Share post from salesforce to facebook on own timeline Using Graph API call without using tool kit?

New to Integrate Facebook as well as Visualforce and Apex. Followed Steps : Developer account in Facebook. created public app with proper settings Scopes :- email , public_profile ,user_friends (...
Innodel Salesforce's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to get url for facebook profile photo in contact

I am trying get the url for facebook profile photo which appears in contact detail page. I am able get the photoUrl of Contact by SOQL query: select photourl from contact where id = 'contact Id' ...
Manoj Dega's user avatar