I am using to Force.com Facebook toolkit to send message to facebook. I am able to send message using java script in facebook, below is my java script code

          function closewindow(){
          FB.init({appId: '{!id}', status: true, cookie: true});
          function postToFeed() {
            var obj = {
              method: 'send',
              to: '{!fbuserid}', 
              link: '{!$CurrentPage.URL}',
              description: 'Testing'
            function callback(response) {
                if (response['post_id']) {
                    var postId = response['post_id'].split('_')[1];
                    document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML = 
                        "Posted to your wall. "+
                        "<a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?"+
                        "id={!me.id}&v=wall&story_fbid="+postId+"\">View your post</a>";
            FB.ui(obj, callback);

The message which is received in facebook comes with a error message as shown in picture below. message received in facebook look like

Please help to remove error or send message using graph api

1 Answer 1


This StackOverflow answer suggests that the problem might be that Sandbox mode is checked for your Facebook app. You might do better asking these questions on StackOverflow with the Facebook tag there.

You could also take a look through the Google results on "This attachment may have been removed or the person who shared it may not have permission to share it with you".

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