I am using to Force.com Facebook toolkit to send message to facebook. I am able to send message using java script in facebook, below is my java script code
function closewindow(){
FB.init({appId: '{!id}', status: true, cookie: true});
function postToFeed() {
var obj = {
method: 'send',
to: '{!fbuserid}',
link: '{!$CurrentPage.URL}',
description: 'Testing'
function callback(response) {
if (response['post_id']) {
var postId = response['post_id'].split('_')[1];
document.getElementById('msg').innerHTML =
"Posted to your wall. "+
"<a href=\"https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?"+
"id={!me.id}&v=wall&story_fbid="+postId+"\">View your post</a>";
FB.ui(obj, callback);
The message which is received in facebook comes with a error message as shown in picture below.
Please help to remove error or send message using graph api