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Questions tagged [socialpost]

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Why Duplicate Social Post appearing when a new case is created in Social Studio?

Whenever first time Social post is created, it is appearing twice on Case. This is happening only when new Social Post and Case is created. After that, if any social post is coming then it is ...
Ankit Kungwani's user avatar
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Open Graph Meta Tags for Salesforce Article Detail Page

A custom component was created to handle social sharing of article pages. When the Facebook icon is clicked to share the page to Facebook, Facebook creates a post using the Facebook logo image. We ...
Saulo Rozendo's user avatar
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379 views for replies to facebook private message

I can find no mention of the error we are occasionally seeing. We've had Social Customer Service setup for years and in a few different orgs without issue. The error message we are getting is "...
ChrisN's user avatar
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PendingServiceRouting related to SocialPost

I can't seem to create a PendingServiceRouting record related to a SocialPost via apex. I can create PendingServiceRouting records related to cases, we've been doing this for a while. When executing ...
Dan's user avatar
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No such column 'CaseNumber' on entity 'Name' on SocialPost Object

I believe this ParentId is a lookup only to Case Object (Not polymorphic) I even check it using /services/data/v32.0/sobjects/SocialPost/describe
Deks's user avatar
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3 answers

Create and Send SocialPost to Facebook via Apex (via Social Customer Service)

I haven't managed to find this anywhere in any of the Social Customer Service guides or general Salesforce documentation, but is it possible to send a Social Post to Facebook via Apex? All ...
benedwards44's user avatar
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Social CRM Content Display

Is it possible to display Social CRM Content(Post to Facebook,Twitter) in salesforce lightning community? I have a requirement to share articles to Facebook/Twitter. Is it possible to implement?
Chaithra K N's user avatar
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Linking Social Studio to Salesforce Sandbox

My company, 'A', uses Social Customer Service to respond to customers on social networks. I would like to test a few changes on my sandbox in Salesforce before implementing it on production. I ...
Aish's user avatar
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Share Link in Email won't redirect after "submit"

I've coded a Social Forward into my email template, and everything seems to be working until we click "Post to Facebook". The post ends up on my wall, but the browser doesn't reload - it freezes on a ...
George Rosedale's user avatar
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Social Post URL redirects to user's personal Facebook messages, not the Connected Social Account's Messages

When a user clicks on a social post that was created by an inbox message, it redirects to the user's personal Facebook messages page. We expect the URL to open the messages page for the managed page,...
BruceLee's user avatar
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2 answers

Message Type field in social post not appearing

IN the message type from the social post below, am getting any picklist values, As checked its a standard picklist field , but may anyone please suggest why no values are showing in the field and how ...
sourav's user avatar
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Using Share to Social functionality in an externally hosted module pulled in via HTTPGet

It started with [what I thought was] a simple question: Is it possible to use the Share to Social functionality where the area is defined in a template, but the call to that functionality [button/...
Robbie's user avatar
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Can Facebook ads be created in Social Studio

I know that Facebook posts can be created and published from within social studio. Can a facebook add be created and published via Social Studio? If yes, can you please tell briefly how or direct me ...
Ng H's user avatar
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Lead generation from social studio

I have read that leads can be manually created via Social Hub (document link: by adding the Salesforce ...
Ng H's user avatar
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How can I prevent some profiles to comment social posts?

I'm new on SFDC Social Media. I need to prevent some users to comment social posts. They can see the social posts but not respond. How can I do that?
Barbara Moraes's user avatar
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Salesforce Social Customer Service: "reply" link in Social Post is not working

I have enabled Social Customer Service and installed starter pack. I created one facebook page and added that page in SOCIAL ACCOUNTS under social customer service settings. When a user posts ...
Santanu Halder's user avatar
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"Social Customer Service" Social Persona demographics

With 'Social Customer Service' enabled I was looking at Social Persona object itself. I wondered about demographic data that is available in Social Studio (like Country, Language) but also any other ...
VatzU's user avatar
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posting on communities

We were using customized community pages. For posting we have a rich text area and when we post , the email generated(email digest) comes up with html tags instead of formatted text. is there any way ...
Sijumon varghese's user avatar
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Can I get Social Forward to direct to a specific link?

We are using the Social Forward feature to attempt to direct a post to Facebook for a client. The desired user experience would be that the subscriber clicks a Facebook share icon from the email, and ...
Ashley Bisesti's user avatar
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Enabling and accessing Social Persona and Social Post fields

Can anyone clarify the following about Social Persona and Social Post objects? In a developer instance, do I need to open a case to enable visibility of Social Persona and Social Post objects in the ...
David Cheng's user avatar
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