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Questions tagged [social-content]

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Using Social Forward to share individual content blocks

When I add the Social Forwarding functionality to an existing content block in my email, it shares the entire email, not the content block I want to be able to share. The documentation states "...
PForsyth's user avatar
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Does Social Studio listening support listening to external facebook page posts or public facebook posts?

Salesforce mentioned that, As of October 2015 Facebook changed how they allow keyword matched content to be pulled in. Now any page you wish to pull in posts from need to be set up in a source filter. ...
Praveen Kumar Bandi's user avatar
3 votes
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Access Marketing Cloud assets in Social Studio

Is there a way to access assets (images etc.) lying on Marketing Cloud Email App Portfolio from Social Studio. I want it in a marketer friendly way, with features like browsing. Thanks
Sanchit Mittal's user avatar
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Social Studio Radian 6 Intregration with salesforce [closed]

I am using Social Studio to analyse the social data of FB and Twitter. How can I integrate it with Salesforce so I can create a case in Salesforce for the posts and tweets?
Praneet's user avatar
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Share Link in Email won't redirect after "submit"

I've coded a Social Forward into my email template, and everything seems to be working until we click "Post to Facebook". The post ends up on my wall, but the browser doesn't reload - it freezes on a ...
George Rosedale's user avatar
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Integrate latest Instagram posts into Email

I want to feature the image and a link to our latest company Instagram posts within the footer of all of our emails. As the content will be updated no more than daily, I envisage calling an Instagram ...
Paul Moody's user avatar
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Can Facebook ads be created in Social Studio

I know that Facebook posts can be created and published from within social studio. Can a facebook add be created and published via Social Studio? If yes, can you please tell briefly how or direct me ...
Ng H's user avatar
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Salesforce Social Customer Service: "reply" link in Social Post is not working

I have enabled Social Customer Service and installed starter pack. I created one facebook page and added that page in SOCIAL ACCOUNTS under social customer service settings. When a user posts ...
Santanu Halder's user avatar
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How do I return the Social Persona for a Person Account, related to a Case?

I'm trying to query my salesforce Org, which has 'Person Accounts' enabled, and return a Case, the related PersonAccount and any Social Persona related to that Person Account, but I can't determine ...
Flippsie's user avatar
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Using Marketing Cloud Social Share / FTAF feature but manipulating content

The out of the box solutions for Social Sharing and FTAF allows you to share specific content within the email, the problem that I am facing is that we append specific tracking parameters to our URL's ...
dmcs14db's user avatar
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Social Sites - Cannot see Linked in link in the list of Social site buttons

I am adding LinkedIn for the My Social Accounts and Contacts in Accounts Detail page. But the button does not appear.
ParoTech's user avatar
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how to login into salesforce using facebook or twitter credentials (social login)

I need to implement "social login" feature into my salesforce application. Kindly give a step by step example which shows how can achieve this. I need to put a facebook,twitter and google icon beside ...
Devesh Singh's user avatar
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Salesforce or Oracle Rightnow? [closed]

Probably this is not the best place for asking this. We have to analyze / decide which product is the best for managing a Social community. Different products have been mentioned, like Jive, Dimelo, ...
Luixv's user avatar
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Can I grab the Social Accounts and Contacts Images?

I've enabled Social Accounts and Contacts in our org, and now I'd like to grab that image from Salesforce via API to display on our external website. I'm particularly interested in the Twitter image. ...
fourq's user avatar
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