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Questions tagged [messagingsession]

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Is there any way to get the Chat transcript from the messaging session object, I want to get the chat and display that chat with a associated case

I want get the transcript of chat from the messaging session object and display that same with the associated case page. The chat is coming from a bot which is deployed on a experience site. I am able ...
Sid's user avatar
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Messaging for In-App and Web :- chat always inactive between agent in omni channel and chatbot

I have set up Messaging for In-App and Web in Salesforce, including Messaging Configuration, Embedded Service Deployment, Queue, and Routing Configuration. When a message is sent through the chatbot, ...
user1149555's user avatar
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Cannot query ConversationEntry records for Enhanced Whatsapp Channel

Our org is migrating from Standard Whatsapp Channel to Enhanced Whatsapp Channel. We have already adapted our Einstein Bot and tested the channel succesfully. Messaging Sessions work as expected. ...
Sebastian C's user avatar
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Messaging Sessions chats being ended by agent suddenly in salesforce, but the agent is doing nothing. What it can be?

In my org, the einstein bot transfer the customer to an agent, and then they talk, so the specialist can solve the customer issues. But, sometimes, the chat is being ended suddenly, and, the messaging ...
Pedro Paiva's user avatar
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Messaging Session object is not visible in Service Channel [Omni-Channel]

I am configuring Omni-Channel for messages (Whatsapp), I have connected my meta Account and whatsapp is connected and active, means if I send a message on the linked number, a messaging session record ...
Dharmin's user avatar
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Messaging Notification Flow action locks MessagingUser record?

We have a scheduled flow that has a Messaging Notification core action followed by an update to the Messaging Session and an update to the Messaging User. The notification is received but while ...
Maitake's user avatar
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send message to facebook user from Messaging session after it is marked as ended?

using Omnichannel and messaging sessions, we can receive messages from Facebook users and respond to them all within salesforce however, if the Facebook user (customer) logs off, the messaging session ...
potato46's user avatar
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Extra Pre Chat Information for Messaging Session

i am facing an issue and I did not find any way to make this work I am transitioning from the Embedded chat Service to the new Messaging in app and web created by salesforce. With the embedded chat ...
Ben2pop's user avatar
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How to block bad/sensitive photos sent by customers through messaging / chat in salesforce [closed]

Tried using Sensitive Data Rules but did not work.
Naveen's user avatar
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Cannot see conversation in omnichannel widget

I deployed all our org staff from a sandbox to another, but I am experiencing an issue with our Messaging conversation. In a nutshell, we can't see the chat conversation when it gets accepted and ...
robruf's user avatar
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Automation on MessageSession End

Is there a way to fire any automation when a MessageSession record's status is changed to "Ended", or in other words when the user clicks end chat? I have got a MessageSession trigger that I ...
Girbot's user avatar
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How to get query conversation messages from Digital Engagement channel?

How can we retrieve messages from Facebook digital engagement channel? Little bit more context on it: We have digital engagement plugin enabled in salesforce and connected with Facebook. Requirement ...
pklachkou's user avatar
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