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Questions tagged [apex-param]

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NOT able to SET value passed in <apex:param> to APEX CONTROLLER

VF PAGE <!--Here Custom_Field__c is a PickList ON task Object --> <apex:inputField id="abc" value="{!wrapTemp.task.Custom_Field__c}" > <!--Here ...
Shridul Sethi's user avatar
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3 answers

Error : Value provided is invalid for action parameter 'recordId' of type 'Id' in LWC imperative call to Apex

I have a simple LWC component that shows Contacts of a selected Account, i am calling the Apex method imperatively from my JS code while passing the Account recordId. Here is the Apex method signature ...
THEDJA's user avatar
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Complex type passed by aura component to apex method

we have this inner class: public class Documents { @AuraEnabled public String type; @AuraEnabled public List<Custom_Document__c> documents; } And we use it in a method declared like ...
DarkSkull's user avatar
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Using Param in ActionFunction - Unexpected Token ':'

Using a simple action function and param to pass a value to a controller, but receiving the following in the browser. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ':' Exception caught on ':' in ...
S.B.'s user avatar
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CommandLink with action support visual force page

I want to pass the value of the pressed link to the controller - Is that possible with <apex:actionsupport >? Or should I use the apex:param for this? <apex:column style="float:right;"&...
Salvation's user avatar
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Visualforce apex:param bound to non-existent controller property - no error?

Discovered while debugging another developer's code ... sigh Given a controller defined with a single getter/setter public with sharing class SfseCtrlExample { public String foo {get; set;} ...
cropredy's user avatar
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How do I code a 'confirm send' button on my VisualForce page?

I have the following commandButton which runs the javascript function 'sendEmails'. This runs an ApexFunction which runs apex code to create and send an email from the controller. I need to add in a '...
Irene's user avatar
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apex:param get just last element. How to fix that?

I create delete-button to remove records from my list. First I choose records and add them to this list. Then I can delete some records, but it removes just last one. How to delete only selected ...
MichaelLev19's user avatar
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Apex:param not calling method

Hi I have requirement of producing a list in home layout with number is records available in different conditions and on pressing a button redirecting to the specific list view I came up with the ...
Mohammed Imran's user avatar
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Apex Param gives null value when taking from table

I have a parameter that is always giving me a null value. I tried the assignto tag, to no avail, now I am trying to retrieve the parameters. I am still getting a null value. Attached below is the ...
R83nLK82's user avatar
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Visualforce page - Trying to delete record from a pageBlockTable using ActionSupport, but id is null?

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but I have a column where I am trying to send an ID to the controller to delete it from the database and pageBlockTable. The problem is when I call the ...
rmarq423's user avatar
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Define APEX method with default arguments

I am curious if APEX permits declaration of default arguments (or parameters if you will). When calling the method without specifying the value, method would be executed with the default value, ...
Andrej Lucansky's user avatar
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Getting error when trying to pass a parameter with apex:param

When I click on a tab I also want to update the pageNumber custom string on my controller, but I'm getting this error: Uncaught Error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #tab3?1=3 ...
Json's user avatar
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Passing Parameters Commandbutton

I don't know what is wrong with the code, I read a lot about the commandbutton and param, but it doesn't work. The Debug shows me that the value of the MS_Item is Null. 07:44:00.0 (8771917)|...
peXeq's user avatar
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Apex param not passing the value in Selectlist

The Selectlist is working fine, the value of the the selection pass properly to the controller, but the param value will not pass to the controller. PAGE <apex:page controller="MS4_class" sidebar=...
peXeq's user avatar
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Passing Param to Apex Class for Delete from PageBlockTable

I am trying to add a delete function in my Extension class on my visualforce page. The param on the visualforce page from the PageBlockTable row is not being passed when the CommandButton Action is ...
tjcinnamon's user avatar
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Passing counter variable (apex:repeat + apex:var) into apex:assignTo yields 'null'

I'm trying to build a Visualforce page which lists a set of records (via apex:repeat for a Visualforce 'record' Component), and where each record has a 'delete' button under it. Hitting delete should ...
Lachlan B's user avatar
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apex:Param not working with CommandButton component

I try to pass a parameter from Visualforce to the controller via apex:param and then upsert the object in the controller. However, the parameter I passed on, "Field__c" did not get written to the ...
Andrea Voggenreiter's user avatar
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apex:param not passing parameter to controller

In my code the parameter in an apex:param does not get passed on to the controller. Here is the code for Visualforce: <apex:Outputpanel> <apex:variable value="{!1}" var="row"/> <...
Andrea Voggenreiter's user avatar
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Null apex:param when value is from map

I have a VF component which has the following code, where the item variable is of type Map<String, object>: <apex:outputPanel value="{!item['Id']}" /> <apex:commandLink value="View ...
Curious Blueprints's user avatar
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setting apex param- returning null in test class?

I have a visualforce page with a drag and drop calendar based on: I have started to write my test ...
Starley Flynn's user avatar
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delete row when click on hyperlink of delete

row not delete when click on delete hyperlink what i'm doing wrong. apex class public class DeleteEditController{ public List<Stud__c> contacts{get;set;} public String conId{get;set;} public ...
cloudZigZag's user avatar
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param is not assigning values

param2 value null in doSomething method public String param1 { get { return 'Welcome Message'; } } public String param2 { get; set { param2 = value; } } ...
chesta singh's user avatar
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<apex:param/> tag seems to always assign the last value on visualforce page, regardless of which event was clicked

I have a VF page with 3 tabs. I can't figure out why the value assigned to the activeTab String always gets set to the last value in the <ul>. I thought the events were separate for each <...
rmarq423's user avatar
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Passing Id of object

Ok so I have the following page/form element that allows a user to enter a search string to locate a project. Possible matches appear in a list below the search field. The goal is to let users click ...
vshake's user avatar
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How to implement <apex:param> using dynamic visualforce components

I am building an outputlink as a column as a part of pageblocktable all using dynamic visualforce components. But how do I build Param tag using dynamic visualforce components? I get an error when I ...
Prasadium's user avatar
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String coming through as null after apex:param

Hi I have a lookup field which returns an opportunity if available, currently once i select an opportunity an actionsupport is triggered onchange, I then want to put that value from the lookup field ...
ClevelandDan's user avatar
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How to pass js confirm response to an action function

I've looked all over for this and haven't found anything, apologies if I missed it somewhere. I am trying to set a variable in the controller to equal the response from the confirm and then proceed ...
mplax's user avatar
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Apex:param not sending parameter in actionFunction

I have an actionfunction called from JavaScript attach_file('remote_input'); I have the actionFunction tag: <apex:form id="content" > <apex:actionfunction name="...
Lourdes Montero's user avatar
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Vf page error when try to delete row on vf page

I'm leaning a VF Page Creation. I'm try to create page from which i can save muliple account. in which i've to implement, add and remove row. i'm able to add row perfectly as required but unable to ...
Amol's user avatar
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Pass value from the visualforce page to a global variable of a class

I tried to pass the input field variable value(as provided by the user) to a global variable in the controller. I have the following code. <div class="Modal"> <apex:pageBlockSectionItem ...
Rimii's user avatar
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not getting actionfunction parameters on controller method

hi i am sending some data to controller method through action function using jquery. but in controller method i am getting null value, please help. i am getting a response from ajax method and then ...
Vishal Chaudhary's user avatar
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Define apex:variable in apex:inputText

I'm trying to pass parameters while using immediate=true. (actionRegion is not an option) Since this won't work: <apex:inputText value="{!searchValue}" /> <apex:commandButton value="...
itsmebasti's user avatar
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apex:repeat with Save button, saves only first record in it

I have an apex:repeat with Child Name and Edit button displayed. (3 children in the list) ListMember <apex:repeat value="{!listMember}" var="member"> <label>Name</label> &...
SFDC FanBoy's user avatar
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Can apex:param pass null for Integers?

I'm trying to reset an Integer value to null, but it is converted to 0. <apex:actionFunction action="{!doSomething}" name="doSomething" rerender="nothing"> <apex:param name="indexValue" ...
itsmebasti's user avatar
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Visualforce Second Param not Passing?

I am attempting to extend the functions of our products and show a list on the account page where we can denote what products, services, or reccomendations we've given our clients. To do this I was ...
Cody Beaner's user avatar
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Need Help Passing the value from Visual force picklist to another visaul force page.,

Iam using thsi generic code from this post for Opportunity object instead Account object. It works fine untill one tweak I want to do with that. This code allows me to pass values from visual ...
Ricky's user avatar
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way to send iterable value as param on Map to controller salesforce

<apex:page> <head> <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.JqueryA, 'js/jquery-1.6.2.min.js')}"/> <apex:includeScript value="{!URLFOR($Resource.JqueryA, 'js/jquery-ui-1.8.16....
Karthika Ram's user avatar
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How to pass variable from a client-side(javascript)controller to server-side(APEX)controller?

I am currently trying to pass a variable from a client-side(javascript)controller to server-side(APEX)controller. I'm currently using setParams() in the client-side controller to set the current user'...
smurph006's user avatar
3 votes
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Apex param not passing the value - in action support event on click

I have a method to get the param value : public PageReference facultyid() { public String fid{get;set;} System.debug('facultyId: ' + fid); return null; } My page calls and sets this ...
sfdev's user avatar
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Passed Value from VF page to extended controller resetting to default value

Ok so I know that you can simply pass value from the VF page to controller by setting up a variable in the controller and assinging to the value attribute in the field on the VF page but in my case, ...
Zarq Iqbal's user avatar
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Assign value through param in child window but not reflecting in parent window even the extension is same

I have facing a weird issue with rendering . I have page with standard controller and extension <!-- Parent page --> <apex:page StandardController = 'CustomObject__c' extension = 'xyz'&...
amidstCloud's user avatar
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Auto-closing Modal Issue with Bootstrap3 and apex:commandLink

I'm trying to pass a parameter to my controller on open of a modal window using Bootstrap html attributes. When I use the standard html button tag, the modal window behaves appropriately, but I am ...
Matt Parker's user avatar
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apex param in apex repeat (pass parameter to controller in repeat) not working

I have an apex:repeat and I want to use and apex:param in it. The repeater shows the userName of the person who liked the feed (like.user.Name). And if this userName is same as the person who has ...
SFDC FanBoy's user avatar
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Render condition

Can someone please let me know what is my error here in the render condition? rendered="{!IF(AND(Counting != 0,Inquiry=='Inquiry'),true,false)}" Please note Inquiry is a param value set in apex page ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Same apex method different output

I have "Items" object with different statuses. I need to get the following output with single soql query. Ordered Items: 10 Cancelled Items: 3 Reviewed Items: 2 VF Page and apex code below: ...
SFDC FanBoy's user avatar
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Passing Parameter from JavaScript to controller don't seem to work

I'm trying to send a parameter from Visual force page to controller to delete the row of record on pagetable via javascript using actionFunction. I'm able to get the alert messages from javascript ...
user1585871's user avatar
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Passing Inputtext field value in pageblock table to Apex controller

I'm trying to pass an inputtext field value within my pageblocktable to my Apex controller so that I can update the record. My VF: apex:pageBlock title="Z Table"> <apex:pageBlockTable value="{...
agentx's user avatar
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Pass a JavaScript Date var as the apex param value

I'm having trouble passing a JavaScript date type var as the apex param value. The following is a sample code segment... <script> var today = new Date(93740000); <apex:outputText ...
navD87's user avatar
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Weird behaviour of assignTo attribute in apex:param

Today I was looking at a code that was exiting in the org from a long time and I was surprised to find that the the value assigned in the assignTo attribute in the apex:param tag doesn't exit in the ...
Sam's user avatar
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