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How to Trigger the follow-up SMS message in Salesforce Marketing Cloud

Is there a way to trigger the follow-up sms message using Salesforce Marketing Cloud MobileConnect 2-way short code for the French market(In Journey Builder)? These are the detailed context. System ...
Hyein Park's user avatar
-1 votes
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Mobile Opt-In campaign

We want to start sending text messages to new leads inviting them to opt-in. From what I have researched, this cannot be done in Journey Builder and the recommended way is to use the Mobile Opt-In ...
Lucio Ripari's user avatar
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SMS Character Limit with AMPScript

We're using AMPScript to create a send log for all email and SMS sends. In MobileConnect, I can include the AMPScript and the SMS text fine and it's reported as one send however, when using Journey ...
James Lunn's user avatar
-1 votes
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I have tried to trigger push notifications to my mobile number from sfmc mobile push

I tried to trigger notifications but the status seems to be sent but I did nt receive any push notifications. Even I didn't see any issue
SFMC Developer's user avatar
-1 votes
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Setting multiple First name in SFMC mobile connect

I tried to create multiple from name in mobile connect for a single Business Unit. But I can create only one in a bu. Do we have any other options to create multiple from name in a bu.
SFMC Developer's user avatar
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New "From Name" causes an undelivered SMS status in Journey Builder?

We have set up a new journey to do test sends from a Data Extension. The journey is quite straight that it will trigger all records in the DE with SMS messages once the journey is activated. We have ...
Duc Le's user avatar
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Using field from DE in SMS message

I have a question. I have two options of SMS message creating Use AMPscript like in email building %%[ var @fname set @fname = [First_Name__c] %%] %%=v(@fname)=%% %%[ var @row, @rows, @fname set @...
Bob Greed's user avatar
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SMS not sent with LookupOrderedRows function

I used the LookupRows function in the SMS template, but when a new record with an existing ID inserts in the data extension, the SMS sent the old record info version and not the new ones. I found the ...
Slavik Kharkovskiy's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud SMS expiration time

I send sms from Journey builder. If I answer SMS within the hour for a keyword, the response will come. If I answer after a couple of hours, then the answer to the keyword will be "There was an ...
Slavik Kharkovskiy's user avatar
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Messages sent from journey aren't being received and Email doesn't delivers to outlook

Hope you're having a good time. Recently, I've been facing an issue with journeys. I created a journey taking a data extension as an entry source to test email and messages send via journey. Emails ...
Assadullah Shaikh's user avatar
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Send SMS via Journey builder- unable to render the header and footer in the message

I am sending an SMS message via the journey builder, so as per the docs I have created the SMS message under content builder and then using it with journey send sms activity. Hereunder configuration ...
Krisha's user avatar
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Unable to send SMS from Journey Builder using mobile number from contact data

I am trying to send an SMS from Journey Builder using contact data for mobile number as opposed to an entry source attribute. The SMS does send but only to contacts who are already in the ...
ejam16's user avatar
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Could AMPScript's RetrieveSalesforceObjects function used in SMS lead to performance issues with large sends?

We intend to use AMPScript's RetrieveSalesforceObjects to return Campaign Member ID from Service Cloud. SMS is sent within the journey and we expect some large numbers of contacts to enter this ...
Artur Krotkov's user avatar
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Configure Send Blackout Window for Mobile Messages

I want to configure a Send Blackout Window to prevent Mobile Messages to be sent at night. I use Journey Builder to send these Mobile Messages. While SF recommend to configure the Send Blackout ...
Grégoire Sarrola's user avatar
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Is it possible to change automatically generated SMS name for SMS sent from the Journey Builder

For sms sent for JB, the name is generated in the format of "Content-Generated-Message-08015ffd-5a62-4490-b941-742af051ccae" which we want to change (we are ready to do it manually) to have more ...
Artur Krotkov's user avatar
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Based on the SMS response will I be able to send an email through journey builder

I am trying to send an sms to a list of subscribers in a data extension through journey builder.I have added the DE as the entry source in the journey builder. Then I have created a SMS activity . ...
Jaya pradeep's user avatar
2 votes
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Contact Data , Mobile Connect and Journey Builder

I have this scenario: | Keyword status DE | | Mobile (PK) | Status | | 34655555555 | active | | Entry Journey DE ...
Johhnytska's user avatar
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Record updates are not evaluated in Journey

I am trying to create a Journey to send SMS for contacts in Data Extension. I have created a Data Extension and linked it with Contact Builder crating new Attribute Group (Subscriber Key relates to ...
seeker's user avatar
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Is there any way to track link clicks for the links sent through SMS in Marketing Cloud?

We want to send product links to contacts through SMS. Once they click on the link we want them to follow a different path in journey. I am not able to add engagement split after SMS message in ...
seeker's user avatar
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MobileConnect reporting for Journey Builder sends broken after the June release

The challenge How to get campaign names (and possibly SMS names) to be displayed in the SMS Message Detail Report for SMS messages created in Content Builder sent out of Journey Builder? The Impact ...
Rafał Wolsztyniak's user avatar
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Send SMS to updated mobile number via Journey

I'm working on a use case, in which a contact enters a journey. The purpose of Journey is only to send sms. 1st SMS sent as contact enters the journey. After 3 days, contact changes his mobile ...
Subham Jaiswal's user avatar
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Do not send SMS at night

Is it possible to not send SMS from 9 PM to 9 AM, and send out those messages the next morning. The SMS is being sent out via Journey. Thanks.
Sanchit Mittal's user avatar
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Is Evaluation SMS possible in Journey Builder?

I have the following case. I created a journey and I need to send an SMS as an exit requesting the evaluation of the customer in his experience in the store. For example: Hello customer, evaluate our ...
Arthur Santos's user avatar
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Journey Builder queue SMS Messages after Blackout period

Is there any way to queue SMS messages in Journey Builder after the blackout period has ended? The only way I can think of is to run a SQL query to flip a boolean flag before the blackout time and ...
Jackson Chen's user avatar
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SMS is not sending

I have ampscript to be used for mobile connect triggered in Journey Builder The SMS does not send but when I replace with just plain text, it does. Is there any errors with my code? Test SMS via ...
sfdclearner's user avatar
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Journey Builder SMS "object reference not set to an instance of an object" [duplicate]

I have an issue with SMS sending from journey builder where the history shows "Failed - object reference not set to an instance of an object" for the SMS send activity for all contacts and they don't ...
Stephan de Paly's user avatar
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Journey SMS Fails - Object reference not set?

I have a Journey which sends the Subscriber SMS messages, 2/4 journey entries (all unique subscribers) don't receive the SMS. The error displayed in the SMS activity in my Journey History is the ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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Sending SMS tracking data to the connected Sales cloud?

I have captured all tracking data from the "_smsmessagetracking" into the DE. Now I want to update object wherein sales cloud org with the respective tracking details like SMS delivery status, ...
Rushikesh Pandit's user avatar
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Sending SMS from Journey to Subscriber with multiple entries

I have a Journey where the start object is Cases (via Salesforce Data entry) that may have multiple instances of the same Customer at any given time, what I want to do based on the Case record ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
5 votes
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Auto-suppression Lists in Mobile Studio

Is there a way to stop Journey Builder from sending an SMS via SMS activity or Push notification via Push activity to a defined list of Subscribers ? This list is updated in real-time by API calls ...
zeljazouli's user avatar
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Mobile Push Demographics in Journey Builder

In Journey Builder, I want to check if my Contact has a Device Id or not so I can send a mobile push notification. I'm using Contact Data --> MobilePush Data --> MobilePush Demographics --> Device Id ...
SFDC FanBoy's user avatar
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Dynamic Lookup in SMS

I am trying to have a dynamic Date in my SMS, called PaymentDueDate. The date is in a DE, that will be the source of the journey that I am using. The code that I am using when building the message is:...
catarina's user avatar
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SMS personalization in Journey Builder

I'm trying to personalize an SMS in a journey but the SMS isn't sending. If I leave out the code, it works. To set up the code, I'm using data from the Entry Source "Test_B2C_Contracts_Renewals". If ...
David van den broeck's user avatar
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Can we use Journey Data yet within SMS sends (that is sent via a journey)

I have a requirement to send an SMS with some appointment data in my Journey. I know in the past it was practically impossible to use the Journey Data, however a number of releases have past now and I'...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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Gathering feedback via SMS [closed]

I have this scenario that I need to implement. Customer visits store and makes a purchase Information about this purchase is saved in Sales Cloud and journey triggers on new purchase record created ...
Mateusz Bartkowiak's user avatar
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Using AttributeValue function with SMS send inside a journey builder

I'm trying to reference SalesCloud event data inside an SMS interaction in journey builder: %%[set @fname = AttributeValue('Contact:FirstName')]%% Hello %%=v(@fname)=%%! This doesn't return any ...
Mateusz Bartkowiak's user avatar
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Personalize Mobile Connect SMS Not Working in Journey Builder

I am trying to Personalize SMS which is used in Journeybuilder. I am not receiving the SMS. When i use "SUBSCRIBERKEY",@Subscriberkey in lookuporderrows() I am able to receive SMS but not with ...
Ranjith Haridas's user avatar
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How to use mobile connect SMS in Journey Builder?

i have created a send able DE with mobile number and i am using same DE as a entry source in the Journey builder, created Outbound SMS with personalization. In Journey builder i have configured the ...
Ranjith Haridas's user avatar
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NEXT keyword not working for Outbound SMS in Mobileconnect Salesforce marketing cloud

I have created 2 SMS in MobileConnect and I am using these SMS in journey builder. Outbound SMS Vote/Survey SMS with a keyword associated with it. E.g. "MYKEYWORD" Now, when I use Outbound SMS in ...
user36778's user avatar
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Use PRIMARY EVENT OBJECT Id in ampscript didn't work for SMS template

Here is my example code to retrive the record Id of the primary event object in a journey. SET @CpId = Coupon__c:Id Coupon__c is a custom object in salesforce. Now this works for Email templates ...
sur's user avatar
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SMS messages are not being sent from Journeys

I have created a Journey that is triggered from my Salesforce Opportunity object. Part of the Journey should send an SMS which I have created as an "Outbound - Interaction", using the test function ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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Using Guided Template language with Ampscript

I am using GTL with Ampscript to personalise an SMS by creating the task activity in Journey Builder which then talks to Salesforce data and triggers a SMS. I have used the description field to insert ...
Shwey's user avatar
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SMS not sent in journey with Entry Salesforce Data

I have a journey that triggers on new account created in SFMC (AccountID is contact key). Via SF data entry event I'm pushing Account.PhoneNumber as one of the fields. I have a SMS activity in that ...
Mateusz Bartkowiak's user avatar
4 votes
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Is there any way to shorten URL in SMS in Marketing Cloud?

I am trying to schedule an SMS in the journey to the subscribers who did not open their email. I want to redirect the subscribers to their hosted email page. I am using the below code to populate ...
Mohammed's user avatar
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SMS Journey Builder Salesforce Contact

I have created a journey which is pulling data from salesforce and sending email to the salesforce contact. But SMS is not working I have created Interaction outbound message Template. I have added ...
Praneet's user avatar
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Journey Builder - Perzonalize Mobile Connect SMS with entry data

In order to personalize our SMS - Journey Builder send, we need to use the values of the fields of the Data Extension that trigger de Journey Builder. This is perfectly possible with an email send, ...
sdmc01's user avatar
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In Journey builder is it possible to subscribe to MobileConnect sender short code/keyword?

I am creating a interaction in journey builder that will send an sms message to a contact. This contact will only receive the sms messages if they have subscribed to the sender short code and keyword....
Phil AL's user avatar
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Mobile push and mobile connect in Journey builder

My account have been provisioned both Mobile connect,SMS (SKU 213452) and Mobile Push for Journey Builder (SKU 213451). Both relationship manager and the salesforce marketing cloud support team ...
Salesforce victim's user avatar
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Using Journey Builder Send SMS Activity with Mobile Connect templates

When creating a MobileConnect message, you can choose from different template options, including: Outbound Text Response Mobile opt-in Info Capture Email Opt-in Survey (if enabled for the account) ...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
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