I am trying to Personalize SMS which is used in Journeybuilder. I am not receiving the SMS.
When i use "SUBSCRIBERKEY",@Subscriberkey
in lookuporderrows()
I am able to receive SMS but not with Personalization.
When i use "SUBSCRIBERKEY",@idSubscribe
r in lookuporderrows()
i am not receiving the SMS.
Below is my code
SET @idSubscriber = MOBILE_NUMBER
SET @rows = LookupOrderedRows("SMS_Journey_2_interest", 1, "MeetingDate Asc", "SubscriberKey",@idSubscriber)
SET @RowCount = RowCount(@rows)
IF (Rowcount(@rows) > 0) THEN
VAR @ILRow, @name, @meetingtype
SET @ILRow = row(@rows,1)
SET @meetingDate = field(@ILRow,"MeetingDate")
%%[ if @meetingdate > Now() then ]%%
Hi %%=Field(@ILRow,"FirstName")=%%, we want to remind you about the upcoming meeting
that you have with us next %%=Format(@meetingdate,"MM/dd/yyyy")=%% at
%%=Field(@ILRow,"MeetingPlaceAddress")=%% starting at %%=Field(@ILRow,"TimeFrom")=%%.
If you can't make it please send us a What's up at:
%%[ ENDIF ]%%
Same code is working in Email, but not in SMS.
(The personalization string)SubscriberKey
column while your mobile DE one doesnt