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Questions tagged [casemilestone]

Represents a milestone (required step in a customer support process) on a Case.

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Auto-Complete Case Milestones

I am hoping someone could please help me with Auto-Complete Case milestones. I have implemented a Class as well as a Trigger from this article public class MilestoneUtils { public static void ...
Kyle May's user avatar
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Second Case milestone within an entitlement is not getting tagged automatically

Whenever I create a new case the trigger does auto triggering of entitlement tagging and the first case milestone criteria starts. Now if it violates then a field update of escalation level field is ...
Neeraj Patil's user avatar
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How do we change the "Time Trigger (Minutes)" in the milestone after the Case enters the entitlement?

I am new to Service Cloud and need some guidance. I have a case that enters an entitlement when it is created, and there are milestones within the entitlement. I am using an Apex class with a time ...
Rahul Allada's user avatar
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Salesforce Milestones Timer when changing Entitlement with different Business Hours

I have an interesting use case and I would like to tap into your expertise to see the best way to achieve this (without code 🫣). I'll try to keep it as simple as possible. We have two teams: ...
Paulo Duarte's user avatar
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MileStoneUtils apex class requires code coverage. Stops at 57% [duplicate]

Working off of the code provided here The test class does not cover required coverage specially the if ...
Abhinandana 's user avatar
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Unit Test Entitlements Status shows NULL

Following Salesforce docs, I createad a class that assignes milestones to cases. If the account has an entitlment, then it creates milestones. The class works super!. The problem is the unitTest class ...
Giancarlo Amati's user avatar
-2 votes
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Case flow missing / disappeared

I've had a few customer layouts with the attached gone missing, any ideas where this maybe setup? It's not happening to all customers just a few, and no one has changed any settings. As you can see ...
DarrenM's user avatar
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What will happen when there are two active versions of Entitlement Process?

I'm just wondering what will happen when there are two active versions of the same Entitlement Process. Will it create duplicate milestones? If not then which version will be chosen? Will it pick the ...
Rechu's user avatar
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Milestone Actions and Case Validation Rules

I have some case milestone warning actions (field updates on Case). Under some circumstances, I want these to not run. I am unable to put any conditions on such actions, and so I have tried to add a ...
hamayoun's user avatar
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Is there a way to hide Milestone header from milestone tracker

I want to hide "Milestone" header from Milestone time tracker .Is there a way to do it .
user75937's user avatar
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Entitlement process & Milestone [closed]

can we deploy Entitlement process & Milestone to another org. through Flosum deployment tool, If so then which component to include in snapshot to capture Entitlement Process & Milestones. ...
Priyank Patidar's user avatar
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Auto complete milestone when reach violation

Is there a way to automatically mark the milestone as completed when it reach violation? I tried to create an apex trigger (after update) on case object that will update the caseMilestone completion ...
Arief Gunawan Tjiptorahardja's user avatar
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How do I disable milestone breached emails?

From a sandbox org I am included in an email alert for Milestone breaches that I no longer want to receive. How can I stop the org from sending this to my account?
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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Close Case after two days Milestone is completed

Im having issue with Case Milestones. I have two Milestones for cases, Reaction time and Resolution time. I have set milestones to mark as completed when case status is marked as closed. But team is ...
John Smith's user avatar
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Entitlements and recurring milestone's start time and target time

I am new to entitlements and we are trying to leverage this for our service cloud. My business requirements are as follows: Requirements: Everytime a case status is set to "Response Received"...
codingislife's user avatar
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How to execute Apex code on Milestone Violation

Does anybody have an idea on how to execute Apex code on a Milestone Violation Action? Currently, I am willing to post a Case Feed Item when a given Milestone Violoation happens. I have already ...
Wagner-Otto Wutzke's user avatar
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Multiple time triggers on milestones

I believe I have found a Salesforce "feature" which could also be described as a bug. I have attached a screenshot showing how we have configured time triggers on our milestone, such that a ...
hamayoun's user avatar
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Milestones - Service Cloud

Is it good to have milestones as a countdown for internal processes? For example, let's say we don't have sla with a customer, but we want to have internally a rule to support that we will support him ...
Giorgos Galaios's user avatar
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MilestoneUtils - writing test class [duplicate]

I was working off of the code provided here: The test class they provided did not cover the full class. Still ...
Crash667's user avatar
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Case Milestone Trigger Code Code Coverage [duplicate]

Trigger: trigger CompleteFirstResponseCaseComment on CaseComment (after insert) { if (UserInfo.getUserType() == 'Standard'){ DateTime completionDate =; List<Id> ...
Gagan's user avatar
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Can we make case milestone record completion date uneditable for some users?

I was trying to hide the case milestone completion date for some profiles. I tried using page layout read-only option and we can't set field-level security for case milestone. Also, we can't write a ...
Abhiram Sheshadri's user avatar
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Isolate multiple IF statements?

I'm running into some difficulty in getting a case milestone to update correctly. The context is that my Org had three departments, and three separate entitlement processes (which all completed on ...
shahvice's user avatar
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Case Milestone - Upload via DataLoad / Bulk Create

I have created Case Milestones - First Response, but due to some criteria mismatch no records were created. Now we have corrected the criteria and the First response is being executed/completed for ...
C. Praveenkumar's user avatar
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I am writing a test class on Case object with entitlement, and I'm receiving an error message

When I execute my test class of " trigger class" on case object this error message is received: first error: FIELD_INTEGRITY_EXCEPTION, You can’t set an entitlement process' start time after any ...
Alvaro sevilla's user avatar
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How to manage multiple teams working on the same case

I need to handle a scenario where a Sales Rep will raise a case for service activation for a customer. Such a case will have the following steps - Team A will validate the details and then pass on to ...
Vic's user avatar
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Milestone Violation when Priority is Changed

Currently facing an issue where milestones are falsely being registered as violated when the priority of a case is changed. Here is how our entitlement process is setup for the first response ...
Chris Bohlman's user avatar
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Why is my entitlement not stopped during support holidays?

I have an entitlement process with a single milestone in it. I've created a support holiday and linked it to the business hours record I have set up on the milestone and on the entitlement process. ...
Valyrion's user avatar
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Not able to query custom field on CaseMilestone

I have created a custom field on CaseMilestone, But i am not able to do a query that particular field. is that a restriction from salesforce or i am missing something ? Regards Nirmallya
Nirmallya Ghosh's user avatar
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Case milestone conclusion by the user doesn't seem to trigger the process builder?

I'm working on a service system on which the case has a field called "observations". When the case's status change the system is supposed to copy its content to a big object related to the case record,...
Renato Oliveira's user avatar
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Entitlement Process Deletion Issues

So, first things first. What I am trying to here is to Delete a version of Entitlement Process. While doing so I got a list of Cases with this: You can't delete this entitlement process because it'...
Kamal Thakur's user avatar
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Milestones are disappearing after completion

I've setup an entitlement process with milestones (no-reoccurrence type) & entitlement, and assigned the entitlement to a case. The process is working great, but once a milestone is complete it ...
Ron Dadon's user avatar
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Milestone elapsed / actual elapsed / stopped times are always empty

I have a CompletedCaseMilestone custom object that I use to store the completed milestones for statistical analysis later. Everything is working great, but I came across an issue when I'm also using ...
Ron Dadon's user avatar
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Dynamically create time trigger for warning and violation in milestone

While creating a milestone in entitlement process we specify warning and violation time statically. I have a custom date field in Case. The milestone should enter in warning state only when the ...
Jigar Trivedi's user avatar
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Entitlement / Milestone field update doesn't trigger Process Builders

We have setup an Entitlement Process in our org which upon hitting milestones performs a number of field updates on the Case record. These checkboxes correctly update when the milestone is hit, ...
Jonathan Mills's user avatar
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Case Milestone Clock not appearing in Community Page Layout

While setting up community with case entitlements, the case milestone is not visible on Community login(case detail page). The user license used is 'Customer Community Plus'. The entitlement & ...
Priyanka's user avatar
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Milestone calculating weekend as a day

I created a entitlement and milestone. Given business hours as default hours in entitlement process. Created Milestone for 5 days(working hours). I am enabled "Show the time remaining in actual hours,...
Vijay Kumar's user avatar
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How to remove linkage of Entitltement Process with Case from backend or programatically?

How we can remove the linkage of Entitlement Process with Case when we're using all the custom layouts with Visualforce pages? For ex: SELECT Id, CaseNumber, EntitlementId,Entitlement.Name FROM ...
user4798115's user avatar
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Entitlement and Support Record Update Rule Detail doesn't works for Closed Cases?

I am using OOTB Entitlement Process and Milestone in our application. On Prod, I already have 1 active version of Entitlement Process having 4 milestones running under it. Few Milestone start time ...
user4798115's user avatar
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Entitlement and Support Record Update Rule runing from past 2 days not complete

I am running Entitlement and Support Record Update Rule after creating a new version, but its running forever and stopped incrementing at certain of point of time and stuck. Couple of questions: Is ...
teeshu's user avatar
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How to stop recurrence milestone in apex

Hi I am using sequential milestone in our project. We also have initial response and resolution time milestones working on case. Sequential milestone we used to send an update to the customer between ...
user49343's user avatar
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Better Approach use Task vs work order?

I have requirement to create task for an case but each task should be track for SLA violation. It is not possible in term of Task, Task doesn't support for the milestone. After reading lot of article ...
NITHESH K's user avatar
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Unable to include case owner in Entitlement Process Milestones

I have a requirement to provide customizable timelines to close a case with in specified time. So, i set up entitlement process but my requirement is to apply milestone for specific cases with ...
Pavan tej's user avatar
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Is there any way we can pause milestones?

I am in a situation where i want to pause the milestone clock until the status of the case does not changes to 'completed'. The situation is , milestones are triggering on the basis of case status. ...
Vivek Makkar's user avatar
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Complete Case Milestone

I have a scenario where multi level escalation works. I.E. when a case is escalated it escalates to the owner's manager and again, it escalates to the manager's manager. After the first escalation i'...
avinash rishi's user avatar
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Why Cant we access the `MilestoneStatus` field either on the `Workflow` or `Process Builder` or in `formula` field?

Why Cant we access the MilestoneStatus field either on the Workflow or Process Builder or in formula field ? As per current implementation, my Case Detailed page is pure custom and I have Entitlement ...
Ash_P's user avatar
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Case Milestone fields are not visible in lightning

As per Salesforce Winter ’17 Release Notes most of the Case Mile Stone fields are Available in both: Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience. But I am not able to see Milestone Status Icon & ...
Saroj Bera's user avatar
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How to display Mile stone tracker in record detail page

we are going to setup entitlement process in our org.we created templates as well as Entitlement and milestones. But now as per standard we are able to display milestone tracker in case feed page. ...
Pavan tej's user avatar
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Can we track Case Milestone's Start Date,Completion Date and Target Date?

We would like to track the history of values in Start Date, Completion Date and Target Date fields on Case Milestones. I couldn't find any documentation about this on Salesforce Documentation site. Is ...
Danny's user avatar
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Milestone completion date issue

I have an issue where when we complete a milestone, the completion date applies to all Milestones associated with that case, rather than just the latest open Milestone. I.e. overrides all the previous ...
Priscila's user avatar
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IsCompleted Checkbox for case milestone

We populate the value for "Completion Date" for a case milestone through code. So when a case milestone got its completion date, its "IsCompleted" checkbox is getting checked automatically.. Could ...
pavan kumar's user avatar