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Questions tagged [validation-rule]

Validation rules verify record data meets the standards you specify before the record can be saved.

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Account Validation rule causing SQL error

I created a simple validation rule on the std Account sObject AND( NOT(ISBLANK(ParentId)) , billingCountry = Parent.billingCountry ) This validation rule causes sql errors on CRUD operations ...
user2610036's user avatar
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To resolve Meeting - Speaker Meeting is locked and cannot be deleted error while deleting a Meeting record

As i need to delete one Meeting Record created in 2020, but unable to delete since i am receiving this error. "Meeting - Speaker Meeting is locked and cannot be deleted". Please find the ...
Rudraswamy 's user avatar
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validation rule formula on picklist field value which have symbols(-,())

Criteria: when i create a record if picklist field value is ABC 99 - PAQ (XYZ) , closed date field should not be empty. i tried below formula but getting syntax error at ") . do i need add any ...
sdandamud1's user avatar
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Validation rule blocking creation of amendments

I have created this validation rule where a check box should not be editable on amendment quotes whether you add a new product or edit an existing one. But this is blocking me from creating amendment ...
Shnouli 's user avatar
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Validation Rule to Prompt User to Enter Products when NOT New throwing Flow errors

My validation rule is to prompt users to enter products upon EDIT after initial creation (as to not interrupt conversions). It works fine upon edit, but when creating a NEW opportunity using the NEW ...
Kate DiMeco's user avatar
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Failure updating ValidationRule using Tooling API

I'm trying to disable a validation rule using the Tooling API, I was able to update custom fields using the API and assumed this will follow the same method, but something is wrong and I'm not sure if ...
ZvikaT's user avatar
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Salesforce User with a certain profile can only delete contact base on Account.field__c and the user.field__c is the same

Salesforce User with a certain profile can only delete contact base on Account.field__c and the user.field__c is the same. do you guys have any ideas on how to do this. I need the user to delete a ...
koffyone's user avatar
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on salesforce knowledge object

When the article is in draft status and approval status is not approved, the user click on the publish button it is allowing to publish the article. My requirement is when user click on publish button ...
Rishi's user avatar
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Validation Rule on File

I was asked to ensure that files cannot be deleted after 24 hours. I tried to create a validation rule, but the closest object I found to 'File' in the Object Manager is the 'ContentVersion' object. ...
Jonathan Grosso's user avatar
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What is the better way to know if the value was already used in the record previously?

I need to have a validation wherein a certain picklist value (e.g: in progress) was already selected before in the record. So basically, the "in progress' status should only be selected once in ...
Saber's user avatar
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Required Lookup field | Screen flow

I have a field in a screen flow. This field is used by different departments, but one in particular is asking me to make the field mandatory when the user navigates through the screen flow. The issue ...
Jonathan Grosso's user avatar
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Salesforce API Error: CANNOT_MODIFY_MANAGED_OBJECT for ValidationRule

I'm encountering an issue modifying a Salesforce Validation Rule via the API. My attempt to update the rule with the ID '03dDn000001evPOIAY' results in the error message: "Cannot modify managed ...
vw96's user avatar
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Validation Rule on Call Object

I am trying to create new Validation rule in "Call" object with field Attachment_placed_on_the_call__c as checkbox for the following requirement: If Interaction Type is "Reactive" ...
Rudraswamy 's user avatar
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How to verify a custom metadata type relationship field's datatype

I have a CMDT SObject called MyCmdt__mdt It has two fields Field Name Field Type SObjectType__c Metadata Relationship (Entity Definition) SObjectField__c Metadata Relationship (Field Definition) I ...
cropredy's user avatar
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Having difficulties hiding a picklist value with a Custom permission and a Validation rule

I need to be able to hide one picklist value from a field on a Custom object from a set of users. I've created a Custom permission (View All Statuses), and a Permission set to assign to users who ...
Уляна Лозанчин's user avatar
-2 votes
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Salesforce Validation Rule - make a picklist field required when checkbox is true [closed]

This seems like it should be simple, but I'm struggling. I have two fields: ApprovedSupplier__c is a checkbox, when it's checked and it's value is true, I need the picklist field SupplierTier__c to ...
Salesforza's user avatar
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How to prevent a 2GP Package from being blocked by a customer's validation rules?

When a user installs my AppExchange package, I am using the InstallHandler to run a Batch job to populate a new custom field on the Opportunity object for every single opportunity, as recommended here....
louis's user avatar
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Can't send an automatic email when validation rule is triggered

When I get an email from specific email address with specific subject, I want to: Block this email from creating a case send an automatic email to this email address that their case wasn't created. ...
Bassant Eldeeb's user avatar
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Validation rule that excludes a picklist doesn't work

I have a validation rule that prevents the case from closing if it does not have an associated account, however, I need to ignore this rule if the picklist value is "E-mails que não são casos&...
Camila Rizzi's user avatar
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How to exclude a related object type from validation rule

I have an Object called 'Program' which is creating/inserting a Task record. On the Task I have a validation rule for a specific profile which is blocking the creation of Program indirectly through a ...
Niklaus's user avatar
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Validation Rule firing for Unknown Reason

Here is my rule - it fires when I try to move to > 75% probability on an Opportunity NOT owned by me. It does NOT fire in my sandbox. AND( Owner.Id = LastModifiedBy.Id , ISCHANGED(Probability), ...
jaw999's user avatar
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Oracle exception updating Account record

On the Account SObject I have defined a validationRule which checks that the billing country of a record must be the same as parent account's billing country if it is defined AND( NOT(ISBLANK(...
user2610036's user avatar
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What's this Label in Validation Rule?

I was looking at a Validation Rule and it has below text. I would like to know where this $Label is located in Object Manager? CONTAINS($Label.List_of_users_and_profiles, $User.Id), CONTAINS($Label....
DigitalCS's user avatar
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Validation to require a field updated

I need a couple number fields updated when a checkbox is checked, but if there's already info in the number fields I want it updated. Here's what I have: AND( Field_Follow_CAxT__c = True, OR( ISBLANK(...
staci's user avatar
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Avoid using merge fields in validation formulas

So I've just come across this as part of Salesforce best practices for validation rules. Avoid using the IsClosed or IsWon opportunity merge fields in validation formulas. Instead, use the ISPICKVAL ...
Dan Beer's user avatar
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Need help in forming validation rule

I have to two fields Payment status and manager status So have to create a validation rule where if Manager status is Blank and payment status is closed then block payment status update. My formula is ...
Rika Das's user avatar
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Validation Rule Not Functioning

Below is the validation rule that should trigger when: To close this move, the Art Handler Must enter Color Temp and Light Intensity for Fine Art items moving to NG2A or NG3A. AND( $UserRole.Id = '...
Alex's user avatar
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Validation Rule IsChanged

I have this validation formula, which is not firing when I provide a Contract_End_Date__c prior to today's date. Otherwise for any future date it is working as expected. AND( ISPICKVAL(...
Jolly's user avatar
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Custom validation rule - for unique value

I'm using Custom Metadata Types and writing validation rule to find if this combination has uniqueness if it's (meaning its a duplicates) then throw an error here is what I was able to do but I'm ...
Nick's user avatar
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Write a Validation Rule based on criteria

Write a Validation Rule on Account object of Salesforce which creates an account only when Rating is "Hot". Also, After creating the account, when we need to update it, Rating can only be ...
Vaibhav Ganeriwala's user avatar
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Help: validation rule (Product/Product Family)

I need to build a validation rule with the following requirements in 'Product' object: Family Product = 'PestControl' (picklist/native) TypeProduct__c = 'Contract' OR 'Active' (picklist/custom) IF ...
Aparicio Jr's user avatar
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How to bypass a validation rule on event creation?

I want to bypass this validation rule on new event creation and this validation is on contact object NOT( OR( LEN(Linkeldin__c) = 0, REGEX(Linkeldin__c, "^https:\\/\\/[a-z]{2,...
sarah's user avatar
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Validation Rule on Parent opportunity field by checking child opportunity field

We have Parent Opportunity and Child Opportunity Record Types with the same Delete check box field. I am trying to write a validation on the Parent Opportunity - Delete check box field. Unless a user ...
Gathi's user avatar
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REGEX Validation Rule error on blank field

I am trying to create a validation rule for a text field to only allow letters and a few special characters to be saved in the field. The special characters are " - ", " . "," ...
S.H's user avatar
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Approval Process Update conflicting with validation rule

I have a flow that automatically fires an approval process that needs unanimous approvals from three different managers. When the Opportunity enters stage 5, this before-save record triggered flow ...
Balaji Pooruli's user avatar
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Nested AND/OR Statement in a Validation Rule on the Case Object

I've tried following other resources, but decided to share this one to see if anyone could help me get the syntax correct: I need to display an Error message on the Case Record when someone tries to ...
Patrick Fuller's user avatar
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What is the best way to prevent a field from being editable at a certain value?

I have a checkbox that I would like to not be un-checked once it's been checked. I've accomplished this by putting in a Validation Rule. AND(ISCHANGED(Field__c),PriorValue(Field__c) = True) But is ...
Zoom_v's user avatar
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Validation Rule on Pre-Chat Intake form

I'm seeking a way to implement validation for the "Phone" field within the standard Pre-Chat form. While I've successfully added a 10-digit validation rule to the "Phone" field on ...
Dave's user avatar
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Contact Role Required on Opportunity Upon Creation

I want to have contact roles required when an opportunity is created or even marked as stage 1. However, I only want to use this on my renewal opportunity record type and not the others. How would I ...
M.M.19's user avatar
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How do you block a user from updating a particular field while allowing a flow to do so?

I need to allow a flow to update a record status to a particular stage, while users are prevented from doing so. My problem is that if I set a validation rule to prevent users to update a record ...
Sebbie's user avatar
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Is there any disadvantage or limitations when using Custom Permssion in Validation Rule?

I just need to confirm your experienced, if there is something I need to be aware of in using Custom Permission? We are hesitant to used the custom permission assigned to permission set to create ...
Kato's user avatar
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validation rule to allow an upgrade of priority, but not downgrade [closed]

I have a need to have users be able to change a Priority but only if its being upgraded. Our priorities are P1 P2 P3 P4 I don't want certain users to be able to move a case from a P1 down to a P4, but ...
staci's user avatar
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Validation rule help - After Stage passes

I want to enforce my users to fill out two fields but instead of making those fields compolasory at the start I want to create a validation rule so when the Opportunity passes a stage they have to ...
Quango Bruce's user avatar
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How to insert REGEX line breaks in Validation Rule

The Validation Rule listed below is supposed to fire if the below criteria is not met: For Sales Orders, enter between 6-8 digits OR For Delivery IDs, enter 10 digits. Users may enter multiple values ...
Adnan's user avatar
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Prevent the merge of Contacts from different accounts

I have created a validation rule to prevent the merge of Contacts from different Accounts, but I get this error: AND( NOT(ISBLANK(PRIORVALUE(AccountId))), NOT(ISBLANK(AccountId)), PRIORVALUE(AccountId)...
Mónica's user avatar
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Salesforce formula for multiple picklist values

I am trying to write a formula where if Field- 'Status' contains picklist value as 'New','In-progress' or 'Escalated' then I want to make Field - Urgency to 'False'. Can anyone please help me I tried ...
Aswini B's user avatar
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Validation Rule error message always showing on top, not under the field

I have a validation rule and it should display the error message under a checkbox field 'Consent received to add as a Contact ?' but it is always displaying the error on the header of the page. I have ...
Damodar Singh's user avatar
-3 votes
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Create a validation that will not fire unless the amount is greater than 0

I am trying to create a validation rule that will fire when the Amount_1 is greater than or less than Amount_2 but not when Amount_1 = 0 Amount_1 <> Amount_2
Danielle Pulley's user avatar
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Validation Rule Conflicting with Process builder

I have this validation rule which locks the field of opportunity when its closedwon/lost. But it is not working as it is conflicting with a flows(which updates closewon/lost dates as today() ) saying ...
Rajdeep Baghel's user avatar
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How to use Custom Label in REGEX function in Validation Rule

I am able to use the regex formula string directly in the validation rule and its working fine when I tested it. AND( CONTAINS(RecordType.Name, 'International_Lead'), !REGEX(Phone, '^(\\+)\\d{...
Rival's user avatar
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