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Questions tagged [automationstudio]

Automation Studio is a Marketing Cloud application used to execute multi-step marketing and data management activities on an immediate, triggered, or scheduled basis. Use Automation Studio's workflow canvas to build simple or multi-step automations.

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2 votes
1 answer

Trying to automate contact deletion with SSJS

with the GDPR laws in place, it's important to have the possibility to remove contacts from Marketing Cloud. I'm trying to automate the process with existing tools and am looking for possible ...
Rafał Wolsztyniak's user avatar
1 vote
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Account Activity or Object Activity in Journey Builder has limits to update like Data Loader?

I have the Marketing Cloud Connector working fine and I have a little issue to start to use the Journey Builder to update the records in CRM. In first moment i want to udpate 1 million records to ...
Joao Marano's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Subscribers currently in a Journey

What ways could you create a data extension that contains all the subscribers (SubscriberKeys) that are currently “in” a Journey (Journey Builder)? The Journey I would like to do this for is a ...
Cameron Robert's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Making a REST API call from a Script Activity in Automation Studio

We are trying to update a service cloud custom object from marketing cloud. Can we make a REST api call within a script in Automation Studio.It will be great if someone in this forum can confirm they ...
Monomit Bhowmik's user avatar
2 votes
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Date manipulation Function SSJS

I want to delete the records from Data Extension based on Date Field in my DE i.e. I want to delete record which were created date before 30 days.But I didn't find date manipulation function in SSJS ...
Prateek Nara's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Starting Automation Program using SOAP API

I have struggling to get the SOAP API work to start the Automation Program. Below is the call I am using. It is returning OK status but the program doesn't start. <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http:...
Maneesh's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Can Automation studio be scheduled less than once a hour

Due to one of the critical requirement, we would need to run the automation studio, less than once a hour. Has anyone have an idea if Salesforce support would be able to enable running automation ...
Ganesh Kumar's user avatar
2 votes
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Salesforce MC - How to data extract in UTF8 to FTP

I'm having problems trying to export a data extension from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to FTP. I created an Automation to extract this file, but I want to extract in UTF-8, my database only import ...
Fabm's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Marketing Cloud Data Extract into the correct File Encoding format

I have created a Data Extract activity exports a .csv file containing records from my Data Extension. The file is in the wrong File Format so I have requested Salesforce activate additional encoding ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Automation Studio - Imports old file data or same data into Data extension again in file Drop automation with import activity?

Actually, I created File Drop automation to import data into Data Extension. I dropped different files into the same file location. After the completion of automation flow - it imports data of the ...
user60922's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Updating All Subscribers from Data Extension

Is there a way to update a record in the AllSubscribers List from a Data Extension Import? I'm hoping to set up a daily automation that imports data file into a Data Extension on the subscriber key ...
Jerome Stontz's user avatar
2 votes
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Optimizing SQL for large volumes

We're working with somewhat large sets of data, around 15M - 35M records per DE, each row with 150+ attributes. What are some ways to optimize SQL queries when handling many records? For an exaple, ...
Rain's user avatar
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Exporting a file from a data extention automation in salesforce marketing cloud

There is a database extension in salesforce marketing cloud that I need to export from the automation. I didn't create the DE and am unsure how to export it for use outside of salesforce marketing ...
Jennifer Luby's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to track time spent in each stage of a custom detail object

So we have a custom detail object which uses a custom stage picklist field which we use for the path. We also have a custom status picklist field with values as unclaimed, In progress and completed to ...
Whizkey's user avatar
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4 answers

Find all SQL Query Activities which contain specific DataExtension in Query

I am aware by using SOAP api as we can find the Query Activies, which used specific DE as Target Data Extension How to find query that populated a marketing cloud data extention? But my requirement ...
Vishal Kumar C V's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What are the various reasons for "Not Sent" emails in journey builder? [closed]

I ran a tracking extract on a journey send for all those "not sent" and was curious about the possible reasons an email would receive that classification. Here are the reasons in my tracking ...
Luke Krausmann's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Can Auto-Suppression Configurations be targeted via SQL Query activity?

Auto-Suppression Configurations (ASCs) are actually Data Extensions behind the scenes. This can be established by retrieving all DEs in a BU, or by retrieving a specific auto suppression using the ...
Jonas Lamberty's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

File Transfer Activity Encrypt and Decrypt with PGP

Using a File Transfer Activity and Import File Activity in an automation (File Drop), I am trying to read a CSV file into one of my data extensions. Halfway through the process, there is an update to ...
Disasterkid's user avatar
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Automation Studio File Drop source from external FTP

Setting up an automation to occur on file drop but it appears the only options for directory choice are in the import folder or the legacy triggered automations folder. The file that I'm dropping ...
Tom Callahan's user avatar
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SQL query Error Violation of PRIMARY KEY

I run this SQL Query Activity SELECT a.Id, a.Active__c, a.Age__c, a.Email, a.FirstName, a.Salutation, a.PreferredLanguage__c, a.HasOptedOutOfEmail, FROM ent.Contact_Salesforce_43 a LEFT JOIN ent....
jamietaylor's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Does IsUnique in the _Click data view dedupe subscribers over multiple jobs?

I want to write a SQL query that will find the total clicks and unique clicks for 1 URL across multiple email sends. Total clicks is easy, but I'm not sure about the unique clicks. I want to basically ...
K K's user avatar
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-1 votes
3 answers

error message on sql: "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint. Cannot insert duplicate key."

I'm getting this error for the SQL below: Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint. Cannot insert duplicate key. Select DISTINCT SubscriberKey, Source From ( Select Email, ...
Jimmy Yamaha's user avatar
-2 votes
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SQL query to track non openers in the last 90 days (Marketing Cloud)

Wondering if anyone would be able to help me. I need to build an sql query in Marketing Cloud that allows us to track anyone who hasn't opened an email within the last 90 days. We have tried to use ...
Sean Garrett's user avatar
6 votes
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Create or update Automation with Marketing Cloud REST API new endpoint

there is an endpoint to retrieve automation using Rest API with OAuth2 token and GET method: https://{{tenant}}{{id}} In the response you will ...
Maciej Barnaś's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Update Marketing Cloud Automation tasks with SOAP API returns "OK" response but doens't update [duplicate]

I'm trying to update the AutomationTasks of an automation in Marketing Cloud with the SOAP API. The docs don't indicate whether this is possible (the example SOAP envelope for updating an automation ...
user5613413's user avatar
4 votes
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Using Marketing Cloud API to Activate, not Run, an Automation

I am looking for a way to use the Marketing Cloud API to activate an Automation in a manner that is equivalent to pressing the "Active" button in the UI (next to the "Paused" button). Eliot Harper ...
Rocky's user avatar
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1 answer

Limitations for Import from Enhanced FTP in SFMC

I am using Data Extract -> File Transfer -> Import via an automation to upload my synchronized data extensions to All Subscribers in Marketing Cloud. Currently everything seems to work fine, however ...
Valarie Simmons's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Automation studio SFTP file drop trigger to Import Activity

Background: We have a simple automation studio workflow defined that would trigger when file with a certain name pattern is dropped and that then initiates the import activity (which also relies on a ...
A-V's user avatar
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Automation Studio error: Automation cannot be Performed. Automation has been marked as deleted

I have an issue where I can no longer start an Automation using the Fuel SOAP API. This used to work but has stopped working and I'm wondering if it's working for anyone else. I've created a new ...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
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2 answers

Multiple "Journey Entry: Audience" steps in an automation?

Is it possible for one automation to have multiple "Journey Entry: Audience" steps? I have an automation that will be running a few queries, and from there I want some contacts to enter Journey A, and ...
Hellodolly9999's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to unpause an automation via API?

I'm trying to find a way to "unpause" a paused automation via API (using SSJS). When an automation is in "Ready" status (status code 2), you're able to invoke a perform (InvokePerform) to kick off the ...
Mike Marks's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Query Activity system error in Automation Studio

Why am I getting a system error with this Query Activity in Automation Studio? Select o.AccountID , o.JobID , o.SubscriberKey , o.EventDate , o.isUnique , o‌​.Domain , o.Subscriber‌​ID , o....
Ravi.A's user avatar
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1 answer

Limits number of automation in platform

1800 automations are executed per day on my SFMC. That's just over 630,000 automations per year. Salesforce told me that I was exceeding the annual cap on the number of automations on my contract. I ...
Golden Abagnale's user avatar
2 votes
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Marketing Cloud Journey Builder tracking data isn't returning to Salesforce

We configured Marketing Cloud Connect v5 to sync data between Salesforce and Marketing Cloud. Everything works fine. I can send individual emails in Sales Cloud, using Marketing Cloud Email templates. ...
Átila Castro Alves's user avatar
2 votes
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How to export multiple HTML emails(entirely) with all properties(such as Images) from one Exact Target instance to another

I'm trying to find a solution as to migrate all of my HTML emails with their properties i.e. Jpeg/PNG files in them from one instance of Exact Target to another instance , considering these are to ...
Patrick miguel's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to move data from a list to a data extension

I need to create a automation that extracts and drops a entire list onto the FTP each day. My issue is that the data lies within a list. Is it possible to create a query that populates a data ...
Luke Harrison's user avatar
1 vote
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Problem with CSV file format from Marketing Cloud SFTP

I don't know if someone will be able to solve my problem but let's try it anyway. Here is my situation : I have an automation that contains a filter activity (step 1), a data extract activity (...
Grégoire Sarrola's user avatar
1 vote
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Status codes of Program object?

I am retrieving the status of an Automation and do not know what the status codes represent. I've seen documentation on this, but can no longer find it. 2 and 3 are being returned most frequently: &...
Daniel's user avatar
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_Journey Data View query only listing Journeys with a VersionNumber of 1

I've been attempting to join up a query between the _JourneyActivity and _Journey data views on VersionID but am noticing that I am unable to successfully Join up on anything beyond a VersionNumber of ...
Jayson Hazelbaker's user avatar
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Emailing Report - Automation Studio

Is there a way to Email a Scheduled Report (created using SQL) in Marketing Cloud Automation Studio?
Kanav Khurana's user avatar
1 vote
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Query MobileConnect Lists

I need to query a MobileConnect List to delete some Contact records. Following this documentation on MC they status creating a MobileConnect List can then be queried into a Data Extension using the ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
1 vote
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run automation SOAP API

I have created a automation with script activity which i need to run it through SOAP API. when i pass the payload i get a response as 200 ok but the automation is not running. Below is the payload.<...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Automation Studio and Journey Builder - Unsubscribes

I've created a Journey that has a data entry source that feeds from an SQL query in Automation Studio that runs daily. The Journey sends three emails, a week in between each send. I am unsubscribing ...
user48743's user avatar
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How can an Automation be deleted using ExactTarget SOAP API?

I have a delete request coded using the SOAP API and the response back is: AutomationDelete:["Delete Access is denied!", 0]"Error" Is the action truly denied or am I not writing the code properly? ...
Michael's user avatar
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How to improve this SSJS

Recently started to learn SSJS and wrote the script (for automation studio) which is located below. What i am interested in is: How can i improve this Server Side JavaScript performance wise? For ...
Johannes Schapdick's user avatar
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Target vs Control using Automation Studio

We are creating campaigns using automation studio due to campaign complexity. However, in these campaigns we are trying to implement Target vs control population. The issue is we can't use the random ...
Einstein's user avatar
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Verification to skip an activity in Automation Studio

I have an automation with several activities across 7 steps. This automation is used to update subscriber statuses in our publication lists. We use a vendor for enterprise preferences which syncs with ...
Kyle Szabo's user avatar
1 vote
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Automation studio send email and sending tracking to salesforce

is it possible to use automation studio to send an email and send tracking information back to salesforce? We can't see an option to send tracking data back to salescloud as we do in Journey builder. ...
Chris Mathews's user avatar
0 votes
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SQL Automation Qry error [closed]

I'm following this example here (Query to Combine Data from 3 different Data View Tables) and when I try to run the ClickDataView SQL to a data extension I get and err. My DE (ClickDataView) has a ...
Robert Wynter's user avatar
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Filedrop activity with .writing extension

What does it mean when the filedrop activity picks up a file called hello_world.csv.pgp.writing. I set it to pick up files that begin with hello_world. I only transfer files that end in .csv.pgp, yet ...
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