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Questions tagged [data-extract]

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Data Extract to Add All Unsubscribed Contact to Auto-Suppression List Failing

We've changed our source data for MC which has updated everyone's Subscriber Key. In order to honour unsubscribes, we want to move all our old unsubscribed subscribers to an auto-suppression list. I'...
Gigi's user avatar
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What is the permission set required to query all FlowInterview details?

I would like to create an extract of all Failed Flow Interviews to load into a data warehouse. The current attempt is to utilize our Rest API data extraction to execute a SOQL query against the ...
Shaun's user avatar
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Data Extract Activity could not start issue

I migrated automations from one Business Unit to another (newly created) using Package Manager. Some of these automations have Data Extract activity. The Extract type is 'Data Extension Extract'. All ...
Krati Garg's user avatar
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Trying to convert a Data Extract file from UTF-16 to UTF-8

I'm trying to send Data Extracts to our SFTP in the UTF-8 format and I keep getting an error. I created two data extract steps. First one Extract Type: Data Extension Extract File Naming Pattern: ...
Erik B's user avatar
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Data Conversion & date/time wildcards

I have a data conversion step in an automation that follows this file naming convention: MemberCommunication_%%Year%%%%Month%%%%Day%%%%Hour%%0000.csv I needed the timestamp to facilitate the ETL ...
PForsyth's user avatar
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SFMC Automation File transfer splits a single row into multiple lines due to line feed char

I have an issue with a DE data extract followed by a Transfer file activity that splits a single row into multiple lines on the file transfer. Expecting 1 row as below": "1","...
Sam's user avatar
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2 answers

Not sent (data extract) vs bounce data view

For a specific email name, a subkey did not receive the email. I started to investigate and i saw that the subkey was in the not sent table (data extract) => field Reason equals to "Held"....
ayakuza91's user avatar
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Extracting data for _sent Data View via FTP

I have multiple journey builder emails using transactional API and I want to extract daily data for sends and clicks. Using sends as an example, I have created an Automation with these steps: ...
T01's user avatar
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The name of the file resulted from a Mobile Push Data Extract to use in SQL for file transfer

I need some help with understanding how to build an SQL from Mobile Push Extract that needs some transformation to the data like time zone, before being transferred to a AWS bucket. I have an ...
Anar Men's user avatar
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Contacts without channel addresses deletion

I have extracted the contacts without channel adresses in Marketing Cloud and while trying to delete them (over 2 million), the deletion couldn't be processed as the maximum contact that could be ...
Lise's user avatar
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Translation of formula field code into SQL

I am building a DWH and am currently working on our Salesforce data extractions. In order to improve data quality I would like to extract the formulas from custom fields and translate them into SQL ...
user127987's user avatar
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Email Send Definition Key - Data Extract - Automation Studio

I want to perform a data extract activity so that I can pull subscriber-level data regarding a particular send that occurred more than 6 months ago (no data views). The send in question occurred in ...
chorlesbarkley7's user avatar
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Is there any other way to store SFMC historical tracking data'(sends, open, clicks) other than using data view & tracking data extract

I want to store historical SFMC tracking data beyond 6 months. We can opt for data view export or tracking data extract to accomplish this. Do we have any other way in marketing cloud to store/fetch ...
SFMCuser's user avatar
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Is there any way to extract email list data along with the rendered subject line where dynamic subject line is used

In all the email, subject line is never hardcoded and dynamic (not individual for each subscriber) but usually our audience list consist of: Customer Type 1 - subjectline 1 Customer Type 2 - ...
kl2's user avatar
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File Name Pattern in Data Extract Activity

In the Data Extract activity, we can use the File Name Pattern to define the exported file name, but we can only use the following personalization strings in the filename: %%Year%% %%Month%% %%Day%% %%...
Felix Song's user avatar
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Data Extract activity is changing the physical order of records

I have the next issue when exporting a CSV file to a SFTP location: It's about a daily automation, the process consists in three steps, one for data extract, a second one to convert the file to UTF8 ...
Alexandru Ciobanu's user avatar
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Minutes and seconds wildcard specifiers preventing file selection from Safehouse in automation Studio activity

Within Automation Studio we have a Data Extract activity that results in a csv file in safehouse. The issue we are experiencing is that the file naming pattern requires minutes and seconds eg ...
mozzy69's user avatar
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Data Extract not pulling unsubscribe record

I used a logunsubevent request to unsubscribe a subscriber and after that, I looked for this subscriberkey in the _unsubscribe data view. It shows up fine. I am running data extract with below steps ...
Alekhya's user avatar
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Data Loss in File Convert Data Activity Extract

Has anyone experienced a loss of data from "File Convert" Data Extract Activity? I am exporting a synchronized data extension: Step 1: Data Extract Activity - Export DE Step 2: Data Extract ...
KBrown-Blend360's user avatar
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File convert to UTF8

I'm trying to extract the journeys data with data views and put the generated file in FTP with UTF format. After configuring the query and the Data extract activity (Data extract from Data extension), ...
Ilyass Ait Moussa's user avatar
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salesforce Dataloader : field 'Description' can not be filtered in a query call

I am using dataloader to look for and extract certain emails(tasks) that must have the word "igloo" in them, I tried to do 'description' contains "igloo" and got an error saying ...
happyLion's user avatar
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Include The journey name in Data extract file

I'm working on a data extraction. I implemented it with a file transfer to my FTP, it's for "Sent" journey feedbacks. My customer would like to have the "journey name" in the ...
Ilyass Ait Moussa's user avatar
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SFMC FTP Delete is not working

Cannot seem to delete files from the SFTP in Automation Studio. It returns success but doesn't delete. Step 0) Transfer file hello_world_2021-05-27T17-06-19Z.csv to sftp import folder. Create ...
user avatar
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Data Extension or Data Export log

I would like to see who has been exporting data from our data extensions in the past year but I am not sure if this functionality is available in Marketing Cloud. I have tried with Audit Trail (I have ...
Laura Vasquez's user avatar
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Importing File from Marketing Cloud Safehouse with Field Level Encryption

We have automations that run nightly which export business-critical data extensions to our Safehouse in case Marketing Cloud takes a tumble and all our data is lost. Some of these fields in the data ...
Luke Krausmann's user avatar
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Rest API to create/update data extract activity is not working

Could someone please point out the mistake in the below script? var restapi_url = ""; var restapi_payload = '{"name&...
Priyanka's user avatar
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How to convert extracted .csv file from SFMC Data Extension to FTP location with UTF 8 Encoding? [duplicate]

I am successful in extracting data into .csv from data extension to ftp location using Data Extension Extract API. The issue I am facing here is extracted .csv file is having some other Encoding type ...
Shailesh Akarte's user avatar
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Transferring data from Salesforce MC to GCS

My company asked me to find a way to transfer a data extract from Salesforce Marketing Cloud in a Google Cloud Storage bucket, so that they can bring it into Data Studio or Analytics. I've done some ...
Nico's user avatar
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Data Extract File Convert activity throwing error

While converting File format from UTF-16le to UTF-8 in Automation studio using Data Extract (File Convert), I am getting error but not able to understand what error is coming as Automation Studio ...
rohitchavan's user avatar
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Data export: Views vs Tracking Extract

If we have to make a choice at this moment, on which process we are going to use to extract daily campaign data from SFMC to an external data warehouse, what would be the best (future proof) solution. ...
user6079228's user avatar
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Extracting and exporting (file transfer) SQL query from automation/data extension in Marketing Cloud

There is a database extension in salesforce marketing cloud that I need to export from the automation. I didn't create the DE and am unsure how to export it for use outside of salesforce marketing ...
Jennifer Luby's user avatar
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Does anybody know how to update Data Extract Activity via SOAP API?

I have a question on how to update Data Extract Activity using SOAP API. I found a document about the Supported Methods of SOAP API in Marketing Cloud:
Jaewon Lee's user avatar
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Exporting Pardot Campaigns

I need to extract the whole information included in Pardot Campaigns and elements inside them like prospects actions and any other activity results. The user is synced to Salesforce, so it seems that ...
Francisco Lachavanne's user avatar
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SFMC XML data extract - input file name wildcards

We are using an automation that is triggered by a file drop on the FTP. In this automation there is a Convert XML Data Extract Activity to convert the dropped XML file to a CSV file which can be ...
Arthur Noort's user avatar
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Export a data extention to FTP using automation?

I searched around for this and found a thread Using Automation Studio to Export a Data Extension But it did not really answer my question. I have a data extension that is created and an automation ...
GS65's user avatar
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Is Data Extract necessary if there is already a File Transfer? [closed]

Because FileTransfer already is able to do encryption/decryption, I wonder if it is necessary Data Extract in combination with it, in such 2 use case scenarios: posting encrypted list to MC file is ...
eeadev's user avatar
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If a data extract is perfomed via api will it be displayed in automation studio?

I want to trigger a data extract activity in marketing cloud using SOAP api but i don't want that activity to be visible under automation studio activities(suppose i'm an ISV, I dont want my client to ...
Adam's user avatar
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Import Tracking Extract into DE

I'm attempting to create my own DE's of the tracking exports so that I have a consolidated view of tracking data since I can only pull 30 days at a time using the Tracking Extract (Data Extract ...
Clint Woodruff's user avatar
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Data Extract Audience Studio Format

We are currently implementing Audience Studio, one piece needed in our project is a first-party import. My initial thought for this was to use a data extract activity in the marketing cloud to do this ...
Nate Harris's user avatar
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Extract unsubscribes

I need to export all our unsubscribes in Marketing Cloud and I'm having trouble doing this. I have tried exporting All Subscribers, but due to the volume of records ~15M Marketing Cloud takes almost ...
gpribudi's user avatar
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Extract Record data from the record Id

All, Quick question! A custom Order object and Order lines are generated via a trigger from the Opportunity and Opportunity Products. Opportunity and Order have lookup relations between each ...
Steve's user avatar
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How to use a Data Extract to send tracking activity to an SFTP

I am trying to set up my first data extract activity, and I'm having a lot of trouble with the basic setup because I don't truly understand what the activities do. I'm trying to do a tracking export ...
K K's user avatar
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Tracking Extracts not available under the Data Extracts activity

As the title explains, in Automation Studio, when I create a new Data Extract activity I do not see the option to set it to "Tracking Extract". According to the documentation, I should be able to see ...
Disasterkid's user avatar
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Salesforce MC - How to data extract in UTF8 to FTP

I'm having problems trying to export a data extension from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to FTP. I created an Automation to extract this file, but I want to extract in UTF-8, my database only import ...
Fabm's user avatar
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How to perform data extract hourly for current day

When configuring a Data Extract Activity in Automation Studio there are two date options available : Rolling Date Range This option allows you to choose a 1 Day rolling range at it's most specific, ...
Burt's user avatar
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Error on completion of Data Extract and File Transfer

I'm currently experiencing an error on the Automation Studio with related to the Data Extract - One of the activity get failed by "Error has occurred" and File Transfer - one of the activity flagged "...
Darvin's user avatar
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I am trying to pull subscriber information from a Data Extension, and then add it into a custom list. I understand that the ideal process is to create a data extract, then import the CSV into the ...
Michelle's user avatar
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Data extract to SFTP subfolder

I'm trying to export a file to an external SFTP but there is no parameter to select a subfolder on the SFTP. there is no options either in the file location or in the data extract activity. it seems ...
Jean's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud Data Extract into the correct File Encoding format

I have created a Data Extract activity exports a .csv file containing records from my Data Extension. The file is in the wrong File Format so I have requested Salesforce activate additional encoding ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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What timezone is used for Data Extract Activity filename date placeholders/parameters and is it configurable?

Assume we have a Data Extract Activity in a SFMC Automation workflow. In those activities, you can specify the output filename with date parameters/placeholders: Enter a file naming pattern so that ...
wspurgin's user avatar
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