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Questions tagged [duplicate-management]

For questions regarding duplicate management in your Salesforce Organization.

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DUPLICATES_DETECTED: Get IDs of matching records?

I'm working through a data migration effort that includes upserting many thousands of accounts via Bulk API. There is a substantial overlap between the incoming data and existing Salesforce accounts. ...
Matthew Souther's user avatar
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Receiving an error `Before you change a matching rule, you must deactivate it`

Receiving an error while trying to update the matching rule MatchingRule(Account.AccountMatchingRule) Before you change a matching rule, you must deactivate it., Details: Account.AccountMatchingRule: ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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restrict from adding a similar record

I have three objects - Apartment, Subject, Vote. When creating a new vote, I must enter the vote name, the apartment that voted, the subject of the vote and the vote itself (For it of Against it). I ...
Daniel Bena's user avatar
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Why do my duplicate records only contain one record item?

Data is being pulled into my Duplicate Record Set that only has one duplicate record item? What could potentially be the cause of this? I'm new to Sales Force - is it that someone could of deleted/...
Laura's user avatar
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Is there any way to setup a duplicate rule the for Work Order Object?

I'm currently trying to enforce a duplicate rule for the work order object but for some reason it's not available as an option on either the matching rule or duplicate rule settings.
John Villas's user avatar
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Prevent duplicates using Sf flow

I'm new to flow.. I am trying to build a the org some products have blank serial number custom text field) and some have the same serial number( duplicates ). (Current duplicates and blanks ...
sfsun's user avatar
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Duplicate Job (or Apex or Flow) - before Merging records, Archive original records as Historical Data

We have a Screen Flow that can allow User to enter a duplicate PersonAccount record. Our User is non-technical and we do not want to prevent the User from creating a duplicate record by mistake. Can I ...
Ryan McNeely's user avatar
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Potential duplicates widget with Duplicate Record Set

I am trying to understand the Potential Duplicates lightning component that is now pretty often on the Account and Contact lightning page layouts. What indicates that something should show up as a ...
denvergreene's user avatar
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Query Records Within Salesforce Flow

I was wondering if anyone happens to have a resource or know a way to query existing records in Salesforce through Salesforce Flow? Essentially, I have Web2Case enabled with the company case field on ...
Tornubari's user avatar
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Prevent Duplicate Rule Firing for the Data integration user

We implemented Duplicate Rules but even if we have Alert type, they stop Bulk API from insertion of records. How can we still have Duplicate Rules enabled for usual business users but disable it for ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Find duplicate records in lwc

Perform duplicate detection in lwc. Here trying to find the duplicate record by comparing the existing records. Is there any other way to detect the duplication using lwc component? js: // detect ...
blackFire's user avatar
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What to do with a Duplicate Record Sets when not a duplicate?

I'm going through my Duplicate Record Sets on the Account object and I'm wondering what best practice is regarding when the records are NOT a duplicate. Should I delete the duplicate Record Set? Will ...
denvergreene's user avatar
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Duplicate Management with Auto Merge

In Sales Cloud, we would like to auto merge a lead to a contact being entered by a user if there is a match on email (contact to lead). I tried using duplicate rules and there is in fact an error that ...
Paul's user avatar
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Schedule a duplicate rule?

Does anyone know a way to schedule duplicate rules? We want the duplicate rule to be during business hours and then turned inactive in the evening to import.
Andi's user avatar
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Enabling the Duplicate Management in an Old Org

Has anyone had the issue of NOT having the Duplicate Management feature installed on your org because the org was created before the Spring 2015 release? I have a 2G Managed Package that I need to ...
cpaesano's user avatar
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Confused about Duplicate Record Sets

I have an Org where we are in the process of cleaning a lot of duplicates. During this process, I noticed some things I never understood about this mechanic and couldn't find any answers in the ...
Semmel's user avatar
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Error message on account insertion bypassing duplication

Account duplication rule is active on my salesforce for name of account. When i click approved from an one object an account is created, i wrote code for this using apex class. If there is no ...
user139696's user avatar
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disable duplication check and catch the duplicate record?

Account duplication rule is active on my salesforce that follows fuzzy matching rule for account name.I want to bypass this rule only for a particular apex class, and i used the code - Database....
user139696's user avatar
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Contact duplicate rule to run against ones under the same account?

When creating a new contact, I'd like to have a duplicate rule to detect contact duplicates under the very same associated Account (i.e. only check records with the same contact.AccountId value). But ...
Xi Xiao's user avatar
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Prevent the merge of Contacts from different accounts

I have created a validation rule to prevent the merge of Contacts from different Accounts, but I get this error: AND( NOT(ISBLANK(PRIORVALUE(AccountId))), NOT(ISBLANK(AccountId)), PRIORVALUE(AccountId)...
Mónica's user avatar
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Existing data duplication clean up help

I'm trying to de-duplicate existing data in SF. I've created and activated matching rules and duplicate rules and checked off reports, yet there is nothing on the "Duplicate Contact Records",...
RR54's user avatar
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Query Returning Duplicates

Goal: Query all emails sent for particular emails with the contact information and bounce information for each. Issue: Query results contain duplicate records. Question: How can I modify the query so ...
MarquezMoore's user avatar
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Duplicate/Match Rules - Exact Match on Custom Text Field Showing Inaccurate Error Results

Scope: We needed a way to alert a user of a duplicate when creating a new record and when editing an existing record to meet values where we would consider it a duplicate. Field Types we want to ...
Alexis Frisch's user avatar
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SOQL query not working with GROUP BY in semi-join

Why is this SOQL query not working? I'm trying to retrieve duplicate accounts, by I need the Id for each specific account that's why I didn't just use the subselect query which would give me a grouped ...
Hebano Duffrayer's user avatar
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How to insert related record when DUPLICATES_DETECTED error is thrown from Salesforce Matching Rule?

I have a requirement to insert CampaignMembers whenever a duplicate Lead is identified. The duplicate check for all Leads of all Lead sources is handled via Standard Duplicate rule. This rule needs to ...
Apex Srinivas's user avatar
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Custom Setting generates duplicate records

I have a custom setting that has a number field, which is used to generate registration numbers for my Account records. I am incrementing the custom setting field everytime a new record is inserted. ...
Subhodeep Sarkar's user avatar
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How to relate the duplicate records to the input records using the Datacloud.FindDuplicates.findDuplicates Apex API?

This FindDuplicates Class has a findDuplicates method that returns existing duplicate records (rom the database) for one or more input records (that are not in the database): List<Datacloud....
Keith C's user avatar
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Duplicate rule doesn't work in production

In the sandbox, I created the duplicate rule and matching rule and it works properly. But the same that i was created in production is not working. Sandbox Production
Jas's user avatar
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Remove duplicates from an array built in SSJS

I'm using SSJS to pull api data and build emails. I have an array built that has some duplicate data in it. I'm looking for anyway to remove the duplicate information. I've tried all the regular JS ...
Jason G's user avatar
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DemandTools Modify Select Records Criteria with Contains and leading space

I'm building out a modify to my Accounts object with DemandTools. We have record types for People (Households) and Businesses/Churches (Organizations) - I'm trying to change some businesses with INC ...
Roger C's user avatar
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Existing duplicates not shown in report after enabling duplicate and matching rule

The duplicate report is slowing only the duplicates which are inserted or modified after enabling duplicate rule and matching rule. It is not showing existing duplicate. Could anyone let ne know how ...
Sravanthi's user avatar
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duplicate rule only working for System Admin not for other profiles

I have created a duplicate rule with the below matching criteria: (Account: Apart_NumEXACTMatchBlank = TRUE) AND (Account: MailingStreetFUZZY: STREETMatchBlank = FALSE) AND (Account: MailingCityFUZZY: ...
Ravinder's user avatar
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Apex Trigger and Test to Not Insert Duplicate Records

I have a requirement where we will be using dataloader to upsert a number of records, and do not want to import records with matching Case_Id__c. I will be handling the update through flows since I am ...
Kotaro Sai's user avatar
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How to set the matching rule for any 3 email fields matches?

I'm trying to de-dup the Contact or Lead in our instance based on 3 collected email fields and 1 customized field let's call it Field A. The rule is gonna be like, if any email cross matched: E.g. ...
TttWong's user avatar
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How to manage duplicates whith multiple managed packages integrations

In my org there are many managed packages(at least 4 - Hubspot, Apollo, Leadfeeder, Calendly), that can insert Contacts and manipulate them afterwards. Sometimes there is an issue with records ...
Michał Piątek's user avatar
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duplicate creation on same unit shouldn't be allowed using flow

If contract is in Approved status, then New Contract creation on the same unit is not allowed. contract is lookup field for unit object. how can I achieve that using flow can any one give me basic ...
Mr- Roman's user avatar
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How to check if a particular record already exist in a record using apex class trigger

i am having some problem in solving a particular record. problem - Repeated Units should not be allowed to be created for same building. Error to be thrown as (Another Unit with same specs already ...
Mr- Roman's user avatar
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Existing Account flagged as Duplicate not being added to a duplicate record set

I am trying to achieve what I thought was a simple task: create a report displaying all Account records that have been flagged as duplicates. I created a duplicate rule, a matching rule, made sure ...
markwilland's user avatar
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Salesforce Duplicate Management - Duplicate rules order of execution

If we have more then 1 rule on 1 object and we will update the all the fields on which we have matching rules created then How do we determine the order rules fire, or whether we can get them all to ...
Nikhil Kumar's user avatar
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How to handle and get duplicate values after receiving the duplicate value error message

I'm working on a batch that inserts members to a campaign, the insertion is done with a csv file. Now i have been trying to handle any duplicate values as well, to avoid errors but mostly i would like ...
Toris's user avatar
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Duplicate in list

I am trying to update SObject record depending on the crtieria, id it matches create a SObject variable and adding values and then finally adding this into a List.When a match is found the Sobject ...
Yami's user avatar
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Salesforce Data Entry Journey is created duplicated subscriber keys - Is there a way to fix this?

We have a journey that uses Salesforce Entry Data as the event to get into the journey. Our salesforce contacts are already synched in our system. The journey is working but it is creating new ...
Andrew C's user avatar
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Reporting on Duplicate Contacts [duplicate]

I'm trying to figure out a way to build a report/query to show duplicate contacts by phone/email. The idea is to check if there are duplicate records with the same phone, but different email and vice ...
Maya Pavlova's user avatar
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Duplicate rules on large data volume

As per Salesforce docs, "In an org with many records, duplicate jobs can fail.". But is there any guidelines on counts? src: Things to Know About Duplicate Jobs Will it be good to use below ...
Rajendra Singh Nagar's user avatar
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Acknowledging duplicate rule alerts when creating records via REST

I am inserting multiple Account records. The default SF duplicate rule finds duplicates. When it is kind of correct, in reality they are not duplicates and we need to ignore the rule. In the duplicate ...
Vlad's user avatar
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On updating, it shows System.ListException: Duplicate id in list: 0015j00000eFggSAAS

I am having this exception on after update trigger on updating any MailingState field of contact object. I want to update the value of Contact's 'MailingState' field to the Account's 'BillingState' ...
Devesh's user avatar
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Can I use exclusively declarative automation to merge records?

I am working to build an automated process that will find two records that meet a set of criteria and merge the two records. It seems like in a perfect world, there would be a pink "Merge records&...
naptownbrown's user avatar
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How to show Duplicate Records to users who do not own that record?

Problem Statement: I have users operating in different countries. They will create leads specific to their own countries. However if someone in Australia creates a Lead with Lead Name = 'Amazon' for ...
compski's user avatar
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Check for duplicates on Junction Object [duplicate]

I have a new custom object that I want to prevent duplicate records from being saved in. It is a junction object with two master/detail lookup relationship fields. A "duplicate" in my case ...
Craig Rowland's user avatar
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System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: FIELD_CUSTOM_VALIDATION_EXCEPTION, Duplicate actives is not Allowed : []c

apex class public with sharing class BringEmployeesAble { public List<Project_skill__c> contactList {get;set;} public BringEmployeesAble(){ this.contactList = new List<...
Irfan 's user avatar

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