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Questions tagged [flexcard]

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-1 votes
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Omniscript/Flexcard and SF Fields

Is there a way or tool ​​that can extract or find out where the fields in omniscript/flexcard are mapped to SF fields? Thanks!
Anonymous's user avatar
-1 votes
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In flexcard, Embed Lightning datatable inside lightning card?

I have a requirement, In flex card, I need to embed lightning datatable inside lightning card. And the lighting-card should be embedded inside tab. The tab needs to be embedded inside tabset. I need ...
Sibghatallah Bhat's user avatar
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1 answer

Translation into Omniscript standard error message

How can I translate the default error message when setting the element as required in an omniscript?
Eduardo Secolin's user avatar
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Omnistudio Flexcard: Dynamically load Picklist options

I'm working on a flexcard where several infos are loaded, and struggling with dynamically generating options. The requirement is to display a list of N records, where the end user needs to select one ...
jvb's user avatar
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1 answer

Flexcard event listener data action response node not working

I am building a MVP where I have a Flexcard that displays 3 Account records in a datatable element. You can click on a row and the rowclick event triggers. I set up an event listener in the Flexcard'...
Adriaan Van Niekerk's user avatar
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1 answer

Close a flyout from en embedded omniscript

The strcture of my components is the following: A parent Flex Card A child flex card that receives a list of data rows from the parent FC For each rows, there is a button that when clicked calls an ...
faouzi Ch's user avatar
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1 answer

communicate click between LWC to FlexCard

I have a LWC embedded in my FlexCard which displays conditionally. I want the LWC to close when a button on it is clicked. Here is my LWC code: import pubsub from 'omnistudio/pubsub'; ...
stormy's user avatar
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1 answer

Flexcard datatable condition not working

I am using a flexcard to display a data table and I am using a condition on the table to display only those where CaseStatus = New, however, it seems to totaly ignore the condition. Here is a json ...
michelle emanuel's user avatar
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LWC FlexcardMixin interpolateWithRegex

I am attempting to connected a Custom Event to a Flexcard embedded in an LWC with FlexcardMixin, but I cannot find any documentation/examples of the methods used with OmniScriptbaseMixin It seems this ...
jordan.baucke's user avatar