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Salesforce Integration Access token management

I have one query that in integration we get the access token ,which gets expired after some minutes. So I had done the development work in dev org using some access token. When I will be moving this ...
Kriti Parmar's user avatar
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Create CurrencyType

I have activated the multicurrency option in my organization. I am trying to add all the exchange rates that my client has, but they use very old currencies and from small countries. When I open the ...
Banzoni's user avatar
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Best practices for handling enterprise sales opportunities

Our sales team is moving to close more Enterprise deals, and as such, they're finding that creating Opps for each outlet (let's say there are 60 in a group) is tedious and time-consuming. How can we ...
Jerm's user avatar
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How to hide View Account Hierarchy icon from Highlights pannel

I want to hide the icon from the Highlights panel in the Account object.
Rohit Kumar's user avatar
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Can't choose a custom picklist for Log a Call result

In my production Org, in the setup window of Log a Call I'm unable to choose if I want to use Default values or a custom picklist While in my Sandbox Org I can choose what I want to use Is there any ...
Beelvio's user avatar
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How to @mention a user in the Case feed when a related Known Issue is updated or created in Salesforce?

I have a Salesforce setup where: Each Case record has a lookup to a Known Issue. There is a custom field on the Case called Associate. When a Known Issue record is created or updated, a Flow is ...
Smitha Vikram's user avatar
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SOSL on Pricebookentry object is not working

I want to put SOSL QUERY on Pricebookentry object but its not working, its throwing 'Pricebookentry is not searchable'. Can someone help? Code---- string searchStr = 'value'; String searchQuery = '...
AASHNA ANAND's user avatar
2 votes
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OpportunityFieldHistory in Apex test class (field tracking - NewValue)

i'm new to learning about Apex Test Class. I have business logic that needs to check the value of 'OpportunityFieldHistory' == 'ClosedWon' in a class to create a record (Contract). I'm making a test ...
Aparicio Jr's user avatar
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Managers Adjustment Column in Forecasting

We are looking to use the Managers Adjustment Column in Forecasting After testing I get the In selection as it Totals the In values in the Commit Header BUT If I choose Out it does not add the Out ...
Andrew A Hancock's user avatar
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This formula is in Output Text, how do I have output in number?

FORMATDURATION((EX3_Tempo_TMA__c.EX3_Hora_fim_do_tratamento__c-EX3_Tempo_TMA__c.EX3_Hora_inicio_do_tratamento__c)*24*60*60) They are given strings, with the formula above these data come out in text, ...
Deivid Santos's user avatar
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Error: Apex Trigger - Read only record (Opportunity/Quote)

I'm taking my first steps in Apex. I'm trying to make a trigger with bulk that has the following requirements: The opportunity should be advanced to the 'Value Proposition' as soon as it has your ...
Aparicio Jr's user avatar
-1 votes
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Contact Role Required on Opportunity Upon Creation

I want to have contact roles required when an opportunity is created or even marked as stage 1. However, I only want to use this on my renewal opportunity record type and not the others. How would I ...
M.M.19's user avatar
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ReferenceError: Datetime is not defined

I'm trying to convert current time in hours and getting an error called DateTime not defined help from Anyone? import { LightningElement,api, track,wire } from 'lwc'; import { NavigationMixin } from '...
Raghu's user avatar
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Flow - Copying one Field Value to Another Field

I just want to preface this by saying I am new to building out flows, so lots of trial and error, just wanting to guidance and advice! I am wanting to create a flow that copies a currency(numeric) ...
M.M.19's user avatar
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Sort Opportunity List View by Stage inside Account

I have a requirement in which I need to sort the Opportunity List View inside Account by Stage rather then Closed Date, but am not being able to. *Each of these Opportunities below have two different ...
Mariana M's user avatar
-1 votes
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Opportunity Object - Price Book Lookup is always blank

When an opportunity has a new quote created, and a product (quote line item) is added to that quote, there is a dialog box that pops up and asks you to select a price book: After selecting this price ...
CDutko's user avatar
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Send HIPAA compliant mails in Salesforce

One of our clients in CS is a Health Care Company that have many clinics arround US. They want to be able to send HIPAA complaint mails from Salesforce to their contacts, my question is if we can ...
Nicolas Caro's user avatar
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How to check if the Salesforce org is using "Salesforce Express Connect"?

I wanted to know if there is any way in Salesforce to check if "Salesforce Express Connect" is being used. Currently, I am not sure if we can check anywhere in Salesforce org to confirm if &...
user36778's user avatar
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Can't access Sales or Sales Console Apps

I'm a System Administrator. My permission set license assignments are: Sales Console Sales User Via permission sets, I have the following assigned apps: Sales (standard__LightningSales) Sales (...
user1702965's user avatar
-1 votes
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Are custom objects enabled on Salesforce Essential Edition

This is a quick question. Is it possible to create custom Object in Salesforce Essential Edition? If so, is there a way to enable it?
Gabriel Gessen's user avatar
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Change State and City of Standard Lead Address Fields to Custom Dependent Picklists

We are using the standard Address field on Lead currently, while sales manager complains users input various wrong data for State and City in either English or local language, and he wants to replace ...
Phoenix Lea's user avatar
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Why this Duplicate doesn't work?

I've this duplicate rule on Account cause I want to prevent update and create Accounts with same Record Type and "User ID" (a custom field on the Vendor Account Record Type) But if I try to ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Roll-Up Sum field - extend criteria [duplicate]

I have a monthly amount roll-up sum field on my opportunity. The child objects are the opportunity products. Is there a way to exclude one specific product from this lookup? BR Alex Edit: So the pic ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Advanced lookup filter logic on Opportunity

I have a business requirement (US) stating that when creating an opportunity record, I should be able to select in the Account name lookup field, only the accounts that either I own or in which I'm a ...
redd77's user avatar
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Reports: Accounts with Opportunities

I am trying to build a report in Salesforce. I am using the Accounts report type. For context, I have 5 Accounts and each Account has 5 Opportunities. If one of the Opportunities contains the word '...
spal's user avatar
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-4 votes
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What is the maximum default scope allowed in batch class and can we change it? [closed]

Can we change default scope?How?.
Guest's user avatar
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Tracking A/B Test Marketing cloud in Sales

We have done some A/B testing and we have not been able to generate any kind of object in Sales like the IndividualEmailResult of the normal mailings. I don't know if there is any way to collect this ...
Evil Anduril's user avatar
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Lead Assignment email alert notification no longer working

Web-to-lead lead assignment notification email alerts have suddenly stopped sending to outlook inbox. I should receive all workflow email alerts as the person cc'd with the lead owner as the main ...
AwesomeAdmin8's user avatar
-2 votes
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MALFORMED_ID- unable to resolve

Image2 Image1 I am trying to create a Lead record and when I click submit I am getting this error. Dealer_locator_selection__c is account field lookup on lead. any inputs please? you can find the ...
Mentee's user avatar
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Account Forecast VS Advanced Account Forecast in Manufacturing Cloud

What is the significant difference between an Account Forecast and an Advanced Account forecast in the Manufacturing cloud?
Senthamizh's user avatar
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How to add the Custom metrics to the Sales Agreement Terms Mass update screen in Manufacturing Cloud?

How to add the Custom metrics(Custom fields) to the mass update screen?
Senthamizh's user avatar
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Limiting the options in an Opportunity to a linked Account?

We have sales reps approaching different school sports teams. Rather than making a different Account for each team, we have one account for the school and a list of sports that are present at that ...
Andrew Brēza's user avatar
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Can emails be sent in bulk to progress a sales cadence?

Say a user has added 5 contacts to a cadence assigned to themself and the first step in the cadence is to send a manual email. Normally, they would open their work queue and click the email icon to ...
Michael Botto's user avatar
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SOQL to pull Public Link & Library Name for Files

I've asked the question on the Trailblazers forum with no success of answers. Seems people are not into SOQL that much there. I'd like to pull a list of Files names and Public Link URLs filtering only ...
Alexandre Brandt's user avatar
-1 votes
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Connected Accounts in Personal Settings [closed]

Connected Accounts does not appear in Personal Settings. What should I do? Thanks & best regards
diegotorres's user avatar
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How to turn on Campaign attribution in salesforce

How to turn on Campaign attribution to users? What is Campaign attribution in salesforce? How we can use Campaign attributions in slaesforce.
purna's user avatar
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Sales Console and Service Console App can not be edited from App Manager

We accidentally removed the following two items from production org: LightningSalesConsole_UtilityBar LightningService_UtilityBar Now both Sales Console and Service Console app can not be edited ...
Syedur's user avatar
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How to remove company field from lead?

I searched but there is no option to remove company field from lead. I made a look up field for account to relate desired account with lead. so I no need to have company field. But it is required ...
Pankaj's user avatar
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Salesforce - Sales Cloud - Order Of Implementation

I've waltz myself through the Trailhead learnings and I have general understanding of the different objects and functionalities of Salesforce - Sales Cloud. Coming from an SAP background all the ...
FastSolutions's user avatar
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I want to send file more than 20mb to amazon s3 without using any app exchange app

I want to send files more than 20MB size to amazon s3 without using any app exchange app. can anyone suggest a better approach
rajendra prasad's user avatar
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Campaign CTI Automation

I wanted to know if there is any support for automation of calls in salesforce. Basically, I want to automate campaigns such that we can dial calls to leads/contacts one by one (in order for all ...
Badar's user avatar
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Could not retrieve the username after successful auth code exchange. Due to: The REST API is not enabled for this Organization [duplicate]

I am trying to setup Salesforce connection with VS code . Getting below error when trying to authorize : Could not retrieve the username after successful auth code exchange. Due to: The REST API is ...
Rinitha's user avatar
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Error: Compile Error: Comparison arguments must be compatible types: String, List<String>

I'm facing an issue with the below code. Can anyone help me to fix the issue. Error : Error: Compile Error: Comparison arguments must be compatible types: String, List at line 30 column 20 Error line ...
Raghu's user avatar
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Error: Compile Error: Comparison arguments must be compatible types: String, List<String> at line 30 column 20 [duplicate]

I'm getting an error on he below code please correct me. Not sure what's missing. ERROR : Error: Compile Error: Comparison arguments must be compatible types: String, List at line 30 column 20 Error ...
Raghu's user avatar
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How we can deploy einstein bot from one sandbox to other sandbox using change set?

I want to deploy my Einstein chat bot from one sandbox to other sandbox using change set. Can someone help me the steps how we can deploy chatbot using change set ?
Santhosh's user avatar
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Salesforce integration of quip (Free trial)

Hello i want to integrate Quip in a salesforce sandbox to create a Proof of concept for a client. I created a quip domain with the free trial. Than in the domain i linked it to my salesforce sandbox. ...
Reda Benhaddou's user avatar
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Salesforce Invoice Standard Object New Button is missing

I have noticed that Salesforce does not provide the option to create a new record on its Invoice Standard object, in classic and lightning both. I am using the System Administrator profile. Using ...
Rushi Daxini's user avatar
3 votes
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Lack of Opportunity Queue - What's the best workaround?

Salesforce does not have the functionality to assign and Opportunity to a queue. Looks like the feature has been requested and discussed a lot on Salesforce Ideas -
developer__c's user avatar
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how to change tabs in salesconsole

hello everyone I have the problem that in the salesconsole I have the objects as dropdown and I need to change them to the "standard" form change this: to :
Lehmann's user avatar
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Submit button in LWC for submitting fields from Various objects

I have a requirement and i am stuck with it. Description: I have to create a Custom LWC form where the form should contain fields from various objects using lightning-edit-record-form but i need a ...
Rahul Allada's user avatar