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Questions tagged [approval-process]

An approval process is configured on an object to specify all of the steps, users, actions, and relationships among them involved in approving or rejecting a record of that object. Approval processes can become very complex and tools such as the Process Visualizer can be used to aide in understanding them.

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Approval process flow not triggered when guest user created record but it is triggered when admin create records how to resolve

Approval process flow not triggered when guest user created record but it is triggered when admin create records how to resolve like wise attached file inserted in org when admin create records but ...
gKalaiyarasi Ganesan's user avatar
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Is there a way to add a "consultant" role in a Salesforce approval process?

Is there a way in Salesforce for, when a case is submitted for approval, for certain people to provide an opinion (e.g. thumbs up or down), but for their opinion to have no effect on the final ...
nvncbl's user avatar
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No approval process found error even though skip entry criteria selected

We have an existing process builder which triggers the approval process . The process is set to ignore entry criteria but it gives error "Approval process not found " for only one user . I ...
Tan's user avatar
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Salesforce Approval Process - Deleted ProcessInstanceWorkitem left records stuck in approval flow

Someone has incorrectly deleted a number of ProcessInstanceWorkitem for account records which were in an approval process. These records Process Instance Step records are now stuck in Pending status ...
Steven Hodge's user avatar
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Getting 'insufficient access rights on cross-reference id' error for guest user when cancelling the request and trying to remove approval process

I have a site guest user, when he rejects or cancel the request then the approval process on the ARM_Task__c should have to be recalled, but it won't happen because on the ARM_Task__c we can give only ...
Nilesh Warade's user avatar
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Custom Approval Process with Parallel Approval

I'm really having a hard time to meet this objective because the Standard Salesforce Approval Process does not provide the Parallel Approval Here's what we have done so far Salesforce Flow is the ...
Suomynona's user avatar
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INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY, insufficient access rights on cross-reference id when recall approval process

I have an approval process on my FiscalForm__c object. The Approval process set allow submitter to recall the approval process. On the FiscalForm has 2 user fields, one field for Submitter and the ...
pollikop's user avatar
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Send action option is not available in final approval section in approval process

I have created an Send Action. Like below: When I try to add this in Final Approval Actions for approval process, I am not able to see the Send Action available in the dropdown: Only Field Update ...
Varun's user avatar
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How to create and approval process for both manager and segment head in a single approval process

I need help creating an approval process involving both the manager and the segment head. The first step of the approval requires the approval of the manager, It should go to the approval of the ...
Vimal's user avatar
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Is it possible to Approve a ProcessInstanceWorkitem as another user in a Test Class?

I'm trying to approve a ProcessInstanceWorkitem as its ActorId in a test class, but I'm receiving the following error: System.DmlException: Process failed. First exception on row 0; first error: ...
Cassio's user avatar
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I have a approval process that needs a checkbox field to be checked as criteria, now I trying to initiate it to use it on a LWC

`public with sharing class ApprovalProcessController {   @AuraEnabled(cacheable=true)   public static Id getTheCurrentUserContactId() {       return [SELECT Id,ContactId FROM user WHERE Id = : ...
Akuma's user avatar
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Can I bypass/ eliminate the comments field on an approval process?

I am working on an approval process for a hiring manager. I don't want the manager to have the capability to enter comments/ notes when approving due to possible liability issues. Is there a way I can ...
Eric Hughes's user avatar
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When approve the record from apex - I get INVALID_CROSS_REFERENCE_KEY

Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest singleApprovalProcess = new Approval.ProcessWorkitemRequest(); singleApprovalProcess.setComments('Reason here.'); singleApprovalProcess.setAction('Approve'); ...
Valentine Potapov's user avatar
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Why is ApprovalRequest.Comments appearing as blank for an email template upon initial submission?

I have a standard email template on an opportunity object with {!ApprovalRequest.Comments} as a field I want filled out on the email template. This is sent on the initial approval request. The field ...
SlayerSevak's user avatar
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How do I make my Flow see the steps of the Approval Process as it jumps from step to step per criteria?

I hit a complete brick wall with creating a logical solution for a flow I’m working on. Maybe you guys can steer me in the right direction? 😊 I’m creating a flow that will send email reminders for an ...
Dmitriy Gee's user avatar
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Email template inApproval Process

is it possible to create an email template that will dynamically get the user's name in the template depending if the request is accepted or rejected?
rameesha's user avatar
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Why Am I not receiving the email Approval Request

Why am I not receiving the email alerts for approval request? I am the approver. my Email deliverability is set to "All mail". Receive approval request is set to "Only if I am the ...
Lavanya Bolla's user avatar
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Salesforce Approval Process - ProcessInstanceWorkitem use ActorId manager after Reassign

It's possible use the ActorId manager during the approval steps instead of the initial approver's manager (OriginalActorId) after reassign?
iTqa3007's user avatar
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Approval Process Update conflicting with validation rule

I have a flow that automatically fires an approval process that needs unanimous approvals from three different managers. When the Opportunity enters stage 5, this before-save record triggered flow ...
Balaji Pooruli's user avatar
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Mass approve/Reject Approval via Apex CPU issue

I'm working on a custom approval flow where a user can mass approve or reject records from a LWC data Table. Then using the Approval class in the Apex controller to update the record in the approval ...
Steven Hodge's user avatar
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Apex Trigger not triggering upon Field Change in Approval Process

I have a flow which calls an approval process on a custom object. The approval process changes a picklist field to either confirmed or not fulfilled based on the response. I have an Apex trigger on ...
Gowtham Sriram's user avatar
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Error: The proposed data changes would violate a uniqueness constraint when changing a format page of an approval process

I already had created an approval process for the "quotes" object and it was working fine. The client asked us to add a custom field to the page layout of this approval process. This is a ...
Santiago Villamil Paz's user avatar
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Field Update Upon Entering Approval Process Step, BEFORE Approval or Rejection

Is it possible to create a sort of "Initial Action" when a record enters a specific approval step? (Separate from the Initial Submission Actions) I have a multistep approval process (about 6 ...
Miguel Diaz's user avatar
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Update quote after unlocking it in screen flow

I have a business requirement that lets a the user - who submitted a Quote record for approval - update it if he wants to. For this, I created a screen flow. I start by unlocking the record and then I ...
jojo's user avatar
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Approval process for external users (lightning experience)

I have a standard approval process that needs to be approved by external users (experience site). When the approval process is kicks-off, an email is sent to the approver. I am merging the field on ...
Lut's user avatar
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Error when trying to create a field on the Standard Object: Approval Request

I am trying to create a field on the standar Approval Request object but I get the following error: Unable to Access Page The value of the "entity" parameter contains a character that is not ...
Lut's user avatar
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Approval Process: Sending Notification to Submitter NOT the Approver

According to these resources I found, I believe this is a known issue from Salesforce where Approval Process sends the bell notification to the Quote Submitter NOT the Approver. developer salesforce ...
Aslah P Hussain's user avatar
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Send approval request mail to non-salesforce user

Is it possible to send the approval request mail to Non-salesforce users via Standard approval process? I think by Apex we can send the approval request mail, but then how the approver will approve/...
Parvindra Singh's user avatar
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How to check how approved record previously in approval process?

I want to know who was previous approver for my record. I checked for process instance lastactor but value for this field is empty and I cant query approval history record in soql
Dnyaneshwar Kalwatre's user avatar
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Record is not getting locked in via Approval Process

We have enabled a approval process with initial action as "Lock the Record", once the record is submitted on criteria met in the field history we could see the record is locked. But in the ...
Rajasekhar's user avatar
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Unable to see Automatically assign to queue, under select Approver?

How to add Automatically assign to queue, under select Approver options?
naveen 's user avatar
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Approval Process - No Applicable Approval Process Found unless User is Record Owner

I'm working on a custom object and I have an Approval Process for this custom object. I set the Entry Criteria for the Approval Process to be when Formula evaluates to True and set the formula to be ...
Matthew Harris's user avatar
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How to get comments from pending approval button (Approval Process)

So basically I want to get the comments when pending approval is being clicked if it's populated by the submitter and send a visual force email template. Sample code below for reference. Disregard the ...
salesforcedev01's user avatar
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whenever run the batch apex job I am Getting error like "First error: Field is not writeable: ProcessInstance.Status"

global class TimecardApprovalBatch implements Database.Batchable<sObject> { global Database.QueryLocator start(Database.BatchableContext bc) { // Query all Approval records that ...
Jhon's user avatar
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Unlock records submitted through Approval Process in single transaction

I want to unlock records submitted through Approval Process and I found that the Approval Class has methods which allows this. However,i'm confused by the results of the isLocked property in trigger ...
Sagnik's user avatar
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How Approval Processes Actions will be done after the freezing of workflows?

Salesforce has announced that they will be retiring their Workflow Rules and Process Builder functionality. As a result, users will no longer be able to create new workflows or make changes to ...
Leandro Ferreira Fernandes's user avatar
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Setting Sales Agreement Status to Activated in Test class

I'm using Manufacturing Cloud and I need to write a test class using Sales Agreement in Activated Status. Unfortunately, Salesforce returns DML exceptions if I try to make an update to Status field. ...
zanstaszek9's user avatar
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How can I add a lead button to the approval history-related list

How can I add a lead button to the approval history-related list? Like, as we select approval requests, it's redirected to the all approval requests page. I have to add the lead option that redirected ...
Mr. Mehul Kayasth's user avatar
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What is the best way to check if a record has been approved in Apex?

We're trying to limit the amount of DMLs on a highly used Object. Aside from putting a flag on the object like "Approved__c" and updating this in the Approval, is there an efficient way (...
FixxzerOfShiite's user avatar
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Does each field update in Approval Processes cause a trigger to fire for each update, or does it act in bulk?

We have a quite bit of activity that acts on update of an Object which causes UNABLE_TO_LOCK_ROW errors with subsequent transactions within a 2 minute time period. Hence, I'm trying to minimalize DML ...
FixxzerOfShiite's user avatar
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Approval Process Does Not Send Email Alert For Specific Profile

I created an Approval Process for a custom object and added access to the Submit for Approval button on the page layout for a profile. When I'm logged in as Sys Admin, the process will send a bell ...
Adrianne Geyer's user avatar
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Approval History related list not showing

I'm logged in as an admin, and can't figure out why the Approval History related list isn't showing. The approval process is on the correct custom object, and the page layout that contains the relates ...
user1702965's user avatar
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Issue with overwriting a checkbox field through apex

if(e.No__c==3 && e.Contact__r.Completed__c==true){ e.Contact__r.Completed__c=false; System.debug('varcheck02'+e.Contact__r.Completed__c); System....
Sandeep's user avatar
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{!ApprovalRequest.Comments} in lightning email templates

i am trying to transform all hte classic email template that i have to lightning email templates, and i can't figure out how to change {!ApprovalRequest.Comments} i've tried {{{ApprovalRequest....
Amir Bouzid's user avatar
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Can there be multiple pending actions in a single record in approval process on same object

I have 2 approval process running on same opportunity record.Now my question is that can there be multiple pending ( means for diff scenarios say) or will the other approval process fire only when the ...
Kiran's user avatar
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Does approving on an step means the record will execute the Final Approval Actions and not go to the next steps?

I have an approval process that on the first step sends a quote to our CRO if the Quote Term is less than 10 months. My next steps involve other criteria that go to other members of the executive team....
Neto0291's user avatar
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Can we delete approval history records?

We have hit the limit for approval processes. There are inactive ones which can be deleted but we can't delete it without deleting the associated records. Is there a way to delete only the approval ...
sforce's user avatar
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User gets "Another user recalled or responded to this request" error when approving a record in Lightning

Our Approval process was working fine until yesterday, we started facing this error. Even though we have not made any changes in the setup. Even with admin profile we are facing same issue "...
HARKIRAT SINGH Vasir's user avatar
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How to write an Action when Approval Process Line item is created for the approval Process

I have a requirement. When Processinstancelineitem created for process instance I need to update the current actor name in Target object record. Please let me know what are the possible ways to ...
Narasimha's user avatar
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Send email notification to submitter of approval process after record was approved

I wonder how to send email notification to submitter of approval process. When I trying to set email alert I see only Creator/Owner and nothing similar to Submitter. What will be the best way to ...
Grzegorz Połuch's user avatar

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