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4 votes

Authentication Error for ABBY Ocr Sdk!

This works for me using ABBY: String encodedUrl = EncodingUtil.urlDecode(url, 'UTF-8'); String toEncode = appId + ':' + pwd; String encoded = EncodingUtil.urlEncode(toEncode, 'iso-8859-1'); String ...
Phil Hawthorn's user avatar
3 votes

How to know if the GeoPush activate successfully?

It doesn't appear that you've asked the user for their permission to use Location nor have you called the iOS SDK's start watching location method. Not 100% on this next point, but I suspect you ...
Bill Mote's user avatar
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3 votes

Is there a way to get MarketingCloudSDK-iOS from Carthage?

No, the SDK does not support Carthage. You can use Cocoapods or pull it in manually.
Skyler Tanner's user avatar
3 votes

Disable PUSH notification (opt-out) from SDK

The docs say yes. Trust the docs.
Bill Mote's user avatar
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3 votes

The Id field should not be specified in the sobject data

In Salesforce, record Id's are generated when you insert any record. Once record id's are generated they become Read Only fields. Hence they cannot be modified. In above code, you're trying to make ...
Rohit Mourya's user avatar
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3 votes

Salesforce Marketing Cloud Android SDK Geofencing

Based on the information output in SDK State; please ensure you've added the dependency to your project:
Bill Mote's user avatar
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2 votes

Android - Recieving all push notifications, not distinguished by TAG

There are 2-3 Tags set for an Android device by default: ALL and Android for non-debug builds and and additional Tag of DEBUG for debug builds. Similarly, ALL, iOS and DEBUG will be set for iOS ...
Bill Mote's user avatar
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2 votes

Putting Triggered email in Journey Builder

You can also use the API entry event, and keep all emails in Journey Builder
Lukas Lunow's user avatar
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2 votes

Mobile App Event Tracking not Triggering Journey [iOS SDK]

I asked the same question to support and was told to upgrade to Marketing Cloud SDK v8 which fixed the issue.
Andrej Pavlovic's user avatar
2 votes

MarketingCloudSDK - MobilePush SDK for iOS v8.x - crash

This error occurs when the resources bundle called MarketingCloudSDK.bundle is not brought into the project. Please ensure you have correctly added the resources bundle inside your project's Build ...
Skyler Tanner's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to update to 8.0.9 with SPM

If you're looking for changes on the branch for version 8.x, you should look at the SPM branch. The master branch is for version 7.x. Version 7.x and below of the SDK doesn't support SPM.
Ethan Yehuda's user avatar
1 vote

React Native SDK IOS - Error

You need to add the import statement at the very top. // Add this import at the top (before #if RCT_NEW_ARCH_ENABLED) #import <MarketingCloudSDK/MarketingCloudSDK.h> Reference: https://github....
Christian Ray Leovido's user avatar
1 vote

On Android in-app messages are not shown when the App is already in foreground

The message you're receiving as a push notification is not an InApp Message. You're confusing message types. Additionally, an "app open" message would only be displayed when the ...
Bill Mote's user avatar
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1 vote

MarketingCloudSDK crashes

This error happens when you bring in the XCFramework but fail to add the MarketingCloudSDK.bundle to Copy Bundle Resources in your target’s Build Phases settings. Please ensure this is present as it ...
Skyler Tanner's user avatar
1 vote

AWS SDK for SalesForce

It looks like you're trying to call Apex methods directly from javascript in your s3upload method in the visualforce page. This isn't going to work in this context. You can't add S3 as the controller/...
Phil Hawthorn's user avatar
1 vote

Pardot SDK for python after Feb 15 login change

I haven't used it yet myself, you might want to checkout PyPardotSF. Based on the documentation, this library should be a bit more feature-rich than the ...
Adam Erstelle's user avatar
1 vote

Can we use React Native version of the SDK for Mobilepush?

Please see Android Hybrid Mobile Apps and iOS Hybrid Mobile Apps on the homepage of the documentation site for the push SDKs. Will you have parity with native applications? No. Inbox, Geofence & ...
Bill Mote's user avatar
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1 vote

Get Contact ID from Mobile SDK on Android/iOS

There is no way to get the Contact ID without making an API call into Contacts.
Bill Mote's user avatar
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React SDK Contact Registration

You will need to initialize the Marketing Cloud SDK with delayRegistrationUntilContactKeyIsSet(true) for both Android (ref. Android Init) and iOS (ref. iOS Init)
Bill Mote's user avatar
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1 vote

Putting Triggered email in Journey Builder

My suggestion will be to use the Automation Studio Audience entry event. The automation will contain a Query activity, looking into Open data view:
Lukas Lunow's user avatar
  • 22.2k
1 vote

The Id field should not be specified in the sobject data

Have a look at how UpdateAsync is implemented with respect to the underlying REST API. It maps the record ID into the PATCH URL. Yet your anonymous type includes an Id property, even if it is null. ...
Daniel Ballinger's user avatar
1 vote

Marketing Cloud SDK Implementation Not Working

You should be using version 17.0.1 of firebase-core. The SDK docs page uses a shared variable for the Firebase major version number, which is no longer correct since Google is publishing no longer ...
Seth's user avatar
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1 vote

How to trigger email through MobilePush SDK?

You should set an Attribute from the SDK which will result in the contact record being updated. From there you can create an automation/data extension that monitors the value of the aforementioned ...
Bill Mote's user avatar
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1 vote

Getting the width of Email Content using the Block SDK

This functionality does not exist and it would be tricky to build and use, as width of a block can change based on media queries and the size of the client. Returning a width that is contextual and ...
AsinusAsinumFricat's user avatar
1 vote

iPhone do not show as opt-ins into Salesforce Marketing Cloud Dashboard

The latest SDK does address an issue with case sensitivity in access tokens which was introduced in a change in our server gateway. This affected the iOS configuration "Builder" usage and was ...
Brian M. Criscuolo's user avatar
1 vote

Network request failed with status 401 MarketingCloudSDK for ios

Moved to answer: Is it possible that your access token or appId values have uppercase characters? We have a very recently identified issue in those cases, and using the ConfigBuilder method of SDK ...
Brian M. Criscuolo's user avatar
1 vote

Unable to get the Content Builder SDK to work

You need to use https for the blocktester and widget URLs
Blujay's user avatar
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1 vote

How to check which TLS protocol is using the FUEL-SDK for java

Is not the Fuel-SDK what we should look at but the JDK version we are using. Java 8 use TLS1.2 as default for connections, and i double checked it with wireshark while doing request to SFMC using the ...
Leo's user avatar
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1 vote

JBASDK Android cannot resolve

Apologies. We have a documentation bug and I have opened an internal ticket for its immediate remediation. The dependency line should read for v4.x versions of the SDK: com.exacttarget.etpushsdk:...
Bill Mote's user avatar
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1 vote

Java SDK - Setting Additional Attributes for a Triggered Send

The question is old so you might already have the answer, but I'll still post this. You can use the REST API to pass additional attributes to a Triggered Send. Http callouts are simpler than SOAP. ...
Rajdeep Singh's user avatar

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