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17 votes

Is there an equivalent to $A.get("$Browser.formFactor") in LWC?

As of today, there is a lwc module that you can import to get it: import formFactorPropertyName from '@salesforce/client/formFactor' formFactorPropertyName—A name that refers to the form factor of ...
Alba Rivas's user avatar
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8 votes

Is there any way to shorten URL in SMS in Marketing Cloud?

That's a great question. We've tried using the shorten API method in conjunction with an AMPscript HTTPGet function (to make a request to the API) to shorten a URL. This works well, but the ...
Eliot Harper's user avatar
  • 16.7k
7 votes

Is Salesforce still offering the Mobile Solutions Architecture Designer exam?

No salesforce is not offering this anymore. Last year those who received this certification in the past got an email saying it will be retired soon.
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
5 votes

Progressive Web Applications

Just running down the checklist I think at least most of that should be possible in visualforce/lightning. It just depends on the needs of the company and the developers skill level. There are some ...
gNerb's user avatar
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5 votes

Is there an equivalent to $A.get("$Browser.formFactor") in LWC?

Edit Dec. 2020: Now available via @salesforce/client/formFactor import No there is no equivalent of $Browser.formFactor Aura global value provider in LWC. The addition of an equivalent is under ...
pmdartus's user avatar
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5 votes

Cannot redirect to a WEB URL from push notifications

While Zak's answers isn't incorrect, it does require a bit more discovery once you click the links he provided. To be specific to the original question, in the Android SDK you will need to provide an ...
Seth's user avatar
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4 votes

Mobile Sends - Triggered SMS from Salesforce using Marketing Cloud

I can help you with this as we researched this last week. It turns out Salesforce ran a limited beta with the Marketing Cloud Connector sending SMS out of Salesforce via Mobile Connect. However, the ...
Kevin Moran's user avatar
4 votes

Protect custom settings in managed package but make them available for our mobile app (logical part of the package)

When you use a managed custom setting in a managed package, as you should in this case, no UI is provided, allowing you to decide who should access those settings and under which circumstances. It's ...
Robert Sussland's user avatar
4 votes

How to scroll to div/top/bottom in LWC that works in mobile app?

I have tried scrollIntoView() and it works just fine for me in desktop, mobile browser(chrome android) and salesforce mobile publisher(app). I do not have a physical iOS device to test but it works in ...
pk1772's user avatar
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4 votes

lightning-combobox issue with Salesforce Mobile app in Screen Flow

That is likely an issue related to Salesforce on Android, rather than your development. Is it an issue on iOS? LWC in flows are still new enough that this isn't surprising. Also, you can debug a ...
Coogle's user avatar
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4 votes

lwc not supported on app page (mobile)

In order to support mobile on record page you just have to add <supportedFormFactor type="Small" /> to the related supportedFormFactors section: <targetConfig targets="...
RubenDG's user avatar
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4 votes

Salesforce Mobile App is not showing fields

If it helps anyone in the future... Below things helped me... Setup --> 'Salesforce Mobile App' --> (A Beta feature) 'Dynamic Forms on Mobile (Beta)' needs to be enabled. Related List: 'Dynamic ...
user43598's user avatar
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3 votes

Viewport/Client Width in a Lightning App

I was able to reproduce the clientWidth issue using chrome simulator as described in the question. So I tried adding the meta tag to the Lightning app directly and logged the clientWidth and it is ...
Praveen's user avatar
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3 votes

mySalesforce app functionality

1) This trailhead is probably the best link to answer your first question, and here's the best quote from it "Well, it’s identical to the Salesforce mobile app, but it’s better... because it’s ...
Todd Halfpenny's user avatar
3 votes

In a SMS only display a variable if under a certain lenght

I would recommend you to use AttributeValue AmpScript function to check FirstName field value. %%[ SET @Firstname = AttributeValue("FirstName") IF Not Empty(@Firstname) Then IF Length(@...
Palash Rai's user avatar
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3 votes

Wrap components in lightning

If you use the lightning:layout and lightning:layoutItem components, you can specify a grid based on small, medium, and large devices: <lightning:layout multipleRows="true"> <lightning:...
sfdcfox's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I edit Service Appointments via Field Service Lightning Mobile App?

Go to Setup Enter and go to "Field Service Mobile settings" Find the "Enable Full Edit on Records" checkbox and check it and click save. ----In the Mobile App----- Go to "Settings" Tap "Clear Purged ...
Armando Segura's user avatar
3 votes

Product: You can't view this item in Lightning Experience (Salesforce1 / Mobile)

It turns out that it is not possible to view a Product record via mobile or Salesforce1 There is a Salesforce Idea: Allow Products / Pricebooks to be displayed in Salesforce1 app
Robs's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I send analytic event about "push open" in SF Android SDK

You can use redirectForAnalytics when creating the PendingIntent for your notification.
Seth's user avatar
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3 votes

Device from which the email was first opened

You can get device information but user-wise device information can't be obtained. So, which subscriber opened the email on which device can't be obtained as far as I know but how many subscribers ...
Krati Garg's user avatar
3 votes

What happened to the "New Event" button in the mobile app Events screen?

New Event button can be added or removed from Setup > Object Manager > Activity > Search Layout > List View
Tiny's user avatar
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3 votes

How to switch to lightning in mobile browser chrome

As you are accessing it from mobile to see in the desktop mode you can ask chrome to force desktop version of website. There is a checkbox which can do all the magic.
itzmukeshy7's user avatar
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visualforce with lightning styling looks different on mobile compared to desktop

Note that as per VF guide API version 47: Apex tags such as <apex:pageblock> and <apex:inputField> are not yet supported for use with SLDS. But considering other recommendation from ...
Shamina's user avatar
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3 votes

How to Run and Debug Salesforce Mobile App on the desktop? (reloaded 3rd time and many years later...)

As it stands, all you need to debug and inspect Aura Components for iPhone is somehow in the documentation. I will wrap up how I was able to get a CSS inspector. My steps are from the perspective of a ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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3 votes

Why Mobile Debugging does not work on MacOS13/XCode14/iOS16.4? Why no inspectable apps are shown in Safaris Develop-Menu?

I finally figured it out by trial-and-error. The reason was XCode version 14.3.1, which is at the time of writing (2023-06-29) the most recent version. 14.3.1. does not provide any inspectable apps ...
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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2 votes

Reset the notification badge on iOS

To quote the current documentation (ETPush.h) /** Reset the application's badge number to zero (aka, remove it). Call updateET to refresh the server with the current badge number. Note: updateET may ...
Brian M. Criscuolo's user avatar
2 votes

React Native Mobile SDK

I can understand that this can be a bit confusing as it's not really documented very well. The key concept here is that forcClient is an instance of var forceClient = require('./...
Gaurav Kheterpal's user avatar
2 votes

Why is the Salesforce Snap Ins SDK for Android and iOS so huge?

For the Android app it sounds to me like you are including all of the Sdks when you only want to use chat. If so the below tips may help. I see sizes increases of <2MB when I compile just the chat ...
Steve T's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes

Protect custom settings in managed package but make them available for our mobile app (logical part of the package)

Would making them a public setting but somehow encrypted be an option? Then both your apex and your mobile app could decrypt them as they see fit in runtime. You could also try talking with guys ...
eyescream's user avatar
  • 24.2k
2 votes

Can you limit users visibility of salesforce content separately on mobile?

There's a lot you can do with Session-Based Permission Sets. Basically, you can create a login flow that assigns permissions to a specific session. Basically, your basic profile would include only ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k

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