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6 votes

API call to list_subscribers timing out

I ran into this same issue. Try setting a larger timeout. This option isn't anywhere in the FuelSDK documentation. I had to dig into FuelSDK and SUDS source. SUDS default timeout is 90 seconds. ...
Arian Maleki's user avatar
4 votes

Automate Content Builder Asset Creation

You have a typo in your endpoint. Try changing your endpoint from to
AsinusAsinumFricat's user avatar
4 votes

Error when performing test email sends

The cause of this error is that your email HTML is invalid. You can go into the User Interface inside of SFMC and edit and test email validation there. The issues are as follows: Error 1: (I ...
Gortonington's user avatar
  • 30.8k
3 votes

ETClient (401) Unauthorized with SDK C#

please add the following line and try again: parameters.Add("authEndPoint", "");
Sharif Ahmed's user avatar
3 votes

Advice at debugging 500 response from FuelSDK.ET_Subscriber()

The 500 response error (Internal Server Error) could be a multitude of things. Oftentimes, the 500 errors are just bad calls in or not in a format it expects. Make sure you're using the correct ...
Jackson Chen's user avatar
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3 votes

Deleting records from Data Extensions that have no primary key without cloning Data Extension

Question 1 and 2: Yes, you can delete records that match a certain filter using ssjs in a DE irrespective of primary key or being sendable. You need to consider the limitations of 2500 rows and ...
Swati Mishra's user avatar
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2 votes

Add multiple rows via API to an ExactTarget Data Extension?

To add rows, CreateRequest can be used. <CreateRequest xmlns=""> <Objects xsi:type="DataExtensionObject"> <...
Mugunthan's user avatar
2 votes

I could not perform an Automation immediately by PHP via SOAP

I modified PHP sample code after confirm this page named starting-an-automation PHP Code require('../ET_Client.php'); const OBJ_TYPE = "Automation"; const ACTION_TYPE = "start"; const ...
Akinobu Yamamoto's user avatar
2 votes

Is it possible to create a complex filter with php FUEL SDK?

Please check the below sample code which uses ComplexFilterPart using LogicalOperator: Please make ...
Sharif Ahmed's user avatar
2 votes

how to replicate a guided send through the SFMC api

The Guided Send is created and sent through the SOAP API using the EmailSendDefinition with Create or Perform SoapActions/Methods. A good place to see examples of both creating and performing ...
Macca's user avatar
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2 votes

SFMC/Exact Target Fuel SOAP API - is there a way to create email send definition to custom folder instead of user initiated folder?

Yes. There is a way, providing your custom folder is in the User Intiated Sends folder. One of the properties you can provide when issuing a CreateRequest on the EmailSendDefinition object is the "...
Macca's user avatar
  • 8,336
2 votes

Using FuelSDK-PHP to connect Drupal 8 to Exact Target, and the "Email Address" attribute doesn't seem to be available to map to

Have you tried 'EmailAddress' with no space?
Mike's user avatar
  • 918
2 votes

Download Marketing Cloud's Report data

It's possible to use Automation Studio's Report Activity to automatically have a report exported to the FTP as CSV. Once it's on the FTP, you could use an Import Activity to import it into a Data ...
Christopher Carswell's user avatar
2 votes

Can you use Fuel SDK with Python for the object TriggeredSendSummary

I know you can use ET_TriggeredSendSummary() method with the Fuel SDK using PHP but does anyone know if you can use it with Python? Dont think so: You are correct. The the class is missing from the ...
0xsegfault's user avatar
  • 6,613
2 votes

App.Config C# Fuel SDK Initialisation

It appears to be an issue with the NuGet package and not FuelSDK: Try using a stable version: 4.4.1
Jackson Chen's user avatar
  • 4,765
2 votes

FuelSDK Endpoints Clarification

I was running into the same issue and i looked at Looks like it was setup only to handle v1/requestToken and not v2/token. So i tried to edit the to make sure the grant_type and ...
Divya's user avatar
  • 36
2 votes

How to create Import Definition using FuelSDK Python

Figured it out. Need to add following to class ET_Import(ET_CUDSupport): def init(self): super(ET_Import, self).init() self.obj_type = 'ImportDefinition'
user2247364's user avatar
2 votes

create DataExtensions with IsSendable to true

From this help doc: 'Create a Data Extension' the php example $newde->SendableDataExtensionField = new Marketing Cloud_DataExtensionField(); $newde->...
EazyE's user avatar
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2 votes

Inserting Into Data Extension From External Key In Another Data Extension With SSJS Not Working

I believe you have a problem in your script activity. As odd as it looks like, in script activities, you need to add script tags to your code and use the Platform.Load function, otherwise your code ...
Omri Brandes's user avatar
2 votes

How to grab the DeliveredEvent type via SOAP

"DeliveredEvent" may be quoted as a member of the EventType enumeration, but there's no DeliveredEvent tracked in SFMC. Delivered = Sent - Bounced.
Macca's user avatar
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1 vote

How to check which TLS protocol is using the FUEL-SDK for java

Is not the Fuel-SDK what we should look at but the JDK version we are using. Java 8 use TLS1.2 as default for connections, and i double checked it with wireshark while doing request to SFMC using the ...
Leo's user avatar
  • 111
1 vote

Do I have to worry about asynchronous processing when I am using SFMC-fuel SDK?

Please check our latest Unit Test code for DataExtension here:
Sharif Ahmed's user avatar
1 vote

This is regarding Exact Target API terminology. I am currently trying to test TriggeredSend in php. I am currently learning and testing samples

The listID is can be found on in the properties of the publication list used for the send. This usually defaults to the All Subscribers List. To access this , Navigate to Email Studio > Subscribers > ...
0xsegfault's user avatar
  • 6,613
1 vote

Retrieving folders and subfolders of an ExactTarget Content Builder with SOAP

These will each need to be individual calls. For example, you can get assets easily via any of the retrieve/get asset in the Content Builder REST API Simple filter: /asset/v1/content/assets?$filter=...
Gortonington's user avatar
  • 30.8k
1 vote

Error with the Python Fuel SDK

Here's Django management command script that queries data extensions and their columns. You can remove the Django parts. Perhaps your column search filter should use the 'like' operator instead of '...
Mohammed Shamma's user avatar
1 vote

Internal Server Error When POST to Marketing Cloud Asset REST API

So a stupidly simple solution that followed from looking at Timothy's link. I noticed the file in that link had no file type (which MC must be deriving from the Asset Type being created) so I split ...
pbattisson's user avatar
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1 vote

Exclude subscribers from a location-based mobile push notification

You could override notification handling and use a custom key in your notification message to display VIP messages to appropriate audiences.
Bill Mote's user avatar
  • 5,351
1 vote

How do I confirm automation perform status -- running or not?

You do a RetrieveRequest on the Automation object and filter on the CustomerKey of your Automation. The Status is returned in the result. It'll be one of these values: -1 Error 0 BuildingError ...
Adam Spriggs's user avatar
  • 31.1k
1 vote

Search for a data extension using Fuel SDK API

You'd need to retrieve the Data Extension object using a SimpleFilterPart - it supports the 'like' operator, something like this... SOAP Example <Envelope xmlns="
Macca's user avatar
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1 vote

Fetch Conversions results of a campaign using SOAP API

If you check the documentation of Send: The two properties you mentioned (UniqueConversions, Conversions) are ...
Sharif Ahmed's user avatar

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