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The location of Rich Text area image repository

Does anybody know how to access Rich Text area image repository programmatically? What is the object behind? I'd like to upload some files there and then reference them in the Rich Text content (...
Jan Tosovsky's user avatar
0 votes
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how to come under “notes and attachments” of a contact record

I have to upload an attachment of formats like (text) files from an external source to the salesforce org, it has to come under “notes and attachments” of a contact record.Any body can u let me the ...
SSR's user avatar
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Upload Web Font

would it be able to upload a Web Font in ExactTarget? I only get the font as a otf-File. If i try to upload i get a respone of "Invalid file type selected." Thanks a lot for your help!
pennylane's user avatar
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3 answers

How to Upload image into visualforce page

I need to upload image into custom object record as a rich text. Iam trying with "apex:inputFile" but it not working. I need to develop the page like below screen, Is it possible using visualforce ...
Murali Mohan Mandadi's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Maximum view state and "transient" keyword

Good day Everyone, I am trying to upload a csv file. I don't have any issue when trying to upload a small csv file. But the problem is that, when I try to upload a large file I get an error in "...
Hope's user avatar
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How to override a file in Portfolio?

I had uploaded a CSS file, and then I modified it on local, so I need to replace the old one by upload latest one. But when I selected override and uploaded it, the css is still keep the old version. ...
Leisure's user avatar
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Visualforce "File Upload" page not uploading all attachments

I have created the following visualforce page, but it's only "Saving" the last attachment on the list. I know I must be missing something simple in the code. Does anyone have a quick idea? <apex:...
sfdc_to_learn's user avatar
1 vote
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Salesforce Attachments before/after insert trigger: ContentType field value is not available

I need to write a trigger in order to prevent users from uploading some predefined file types. (Please note that I don't want to use "File Upload and Download Security" option for some other reason) ...
Hasantha's user avatar
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1 answer

Salesforce HttpRequest blob results in Internal Server Error

I am currently uploading files to a third-party storage space through its API. This is the API through Java which was uploaded: HttpPost post = new HttpPost(url); post.setHeader("Token", ...
dmachop's user avatar
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Upload disabled due to "Managed Deletable References Detected "

...because the Upload button is disabled and the following error is displayed. Managed Deletable References Detected An extension package cannot Refer to any managed deletable components in the ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
1 vote
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Uploading a file from mobile Andoid to

I want to upload an image that I get from my camera mobile to, but i have an error that i couldnt handle. Here is my code , if you have any ideas, please share. Thank you! private void ...
qama's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How can I upload/change user's profile image programatically or via API?

I know, that there is no way to mass-upload these images via dataloader as described here can I upload user's profile image via data loader
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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Strange Code coverage

I got in some strange situation. When I'm trying to upload package to sandbox it says that I have only 71% of code coverage and when I check it in setup it says 79%. What can cause it?
ytiq's user avatar
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List out of bound in below code

I am getting list out of bound error here in below code. Can someone please help me? Apex class snippet: for(Incident_abv__c inc : [select Name,Id from Incident_abv__c where name=:csvRecordData[j]])...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Update based on csv data

I have a requirement to update records of custom object Incident_abv__c if the value of it's Name field in present in csv. I have below class and page to do the same. But when I click the Read csv ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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Can I Upload Documents from PHP Toolkit?

I want to upload files into the document library. Is it possible to do this with the PHP Toolkit?
metadaddy's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to Check if the uploaded file is Image

Can anyone tell me how to validate the uploaded file is image using blob data type? My vfp: < apex:page standardController="Contact" sidebar="false" extensions="DpConnectApiExt"> &...
user3332076's user avatar
0 votes
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Upload attachment to Opportunity with inputFile on a VF component

I have been using a basic upload method for about a year on a couple of different custom visualforce pages and it's been working successfully. I am developing my first component and unfortunately, ...
ShortSaleGuy's user avatar
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Error with HTML tag for image static resource

I am getting an HTML tag output instead of the Image in a formula field. The image is stored as Static resource in salesforce. Can someone let me know the possible reason for the error and a way out ...
Testing_SFDC's user avatar
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How to abort a package upload?

Is there a way to abort the upload of a managed package? After I clicked the Upload button I realized I have forget something. Do I have to wait and upload another package or is there a way to stop ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to populate a field of type Auto Number External ID?

I'm trying to populate a Lookup using External ID which is Auto Number field. It is giving the error: Compile Error: Field is not writeable: Opportunity.Opportunity_Number__c Opportunity_Number__c ...
Himanshu's user avatar
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Salesforce isn't handling Base64 Encoded attachments uploaded via Rest API

I'm uploading an image as an attachment to an object in Salesforce via Rest API v32. My HTTP request body looks like so: --boundary_string_1416597802788 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="...
contactmatt's user avatar
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2 answers

Best Practice for uploading contacts across objects

Whenever I go to conferences and get info from people. Then I have to add them as a contact, but I have to make sure the contact doesn't already exist and I have to make sure an account already exists ...
denvergreene's user avatar
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How to load data into salesforce when I've run out of licenses?

I have 10 licenses assigned to Sales Rep. Data admin needs to upload leads to salesforce how can he upload the data as there are only 10 licenses available?
SK1120's user avatar
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Community user can not return document

I am creating my own profile page (branding/security reasons) and I ran into an issue where the user is not able to change their profile image. public Document document { get { if (...
Grady D's user avatar
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2 answers

How to upload 6Mb attachment in a custom Apex Rest service (heap size issue)

I have a .Net app, which works with SFDC via REST API. Not so long time ago we faced with big files. Usually they were around 2-3 Mb and it was OK for both .Net app and SFDC. Now there are some ...
Andrii Muzychuk's user avatar
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upload image from ios app to notes & attachment

I would like to upload image to notes & attachement filed of a custom object via ios app. Tried to upload via apex class but it always upload it to the commom "document folder". struggling for ...
Nithya V's user avatar
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Is Product object available in all Salesforce Editions?

I have created an app having access to some object like Account, Opportunity .... and Product. Now, While creating a Package Product is shown as Package Requirement. So, I am just bother that if any ...
Salesforce Steps's user avatar
5 votes
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Can't get rid of Customer Portal dependency in Managed package

I have a managed package which once use Customer Portal features. I think I removed them all (at least I can't find them) but whenevery I try to upload a new major or patch release the Customer Portal ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
3 votes
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An Internal Server Error Has Occurred while - Upload "Managed -Released" package Twice

I was having one Managed-Release Package uploaded and installed it in Demo Org, While Testing I Found that still there is a bug which I missed while testing with "Managed-Beta" uploaded package. Now ...
Salesforce Steps's user avatar
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Uploading managed package (test run step) seems much slower after Summer '14 release

I just started an upload of a patch release from a patch org and have the feeling that the speed for test executes significantly degraded after the recent Summer '14 upgrade. Did you experience ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How can I use the html (pass through) attributes in Salesforce

I have create a VF page which is accessible on mobile through which I can take pic and attach it to the selected record. For this I have created a input tag in html <input type="file" accept="...
Anu's user avatar
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Upload zip file in static resources

I am making one project in which I send a file on Heroku via HttpRequest (including file in attachment) and I got response zip file now I want to store this zip file in static resources. So how we ...
user9839's user avatar
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I want to upload photo on facebook from apex controller?

I am doing integration salesforce with facebook. I want to upload photo on facebook first i made a visualforce page and apex page and after authentication now i want's to upload photo on facebook i ...
user9839's user avatar
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Display Publisher Actions (Upload file to feed) on Visualforce page in Salesforce1

I have a feed-enabled CustomObject__c which I want to expose via Salesforce1. For some reasons I have an override for the View page that is a used for desktop and mobile devices. On of the use cases ...
Robert Sösemann's user avatar
1 vote
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How to upload a Photo on Facebook using Apex?

I used below code for upload photo on Facebook but I got error: {"error":{"message":"(#324) Requires upload file","type":"OAuthException","code":324}} How can I send photo on facebook? public ...
user9839's user avatar
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2 answers

Upload file on google drive

I Used below code after accessing client id and secret key but i am not able to upload file on google drive. Apex code public class GoogleDriveController{ //Fetched from URL private String ...
Ravikant Kedia's user avatar
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Upload images to portfolio using Server Side JavaScript

I have a simple html file upload page, an example snippet of the code below. <html> <body> <form action="<ExactTarget page with ssjs file handling>" method="post" ...
JCS's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Refresh change set components before upload

I may be wrong here, but isn't it the case that if you have a component selected for upload in a change set and you alter that component, you would have to delete the component from the change set and ...
Adam H.'s user avatar
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4 votes
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Unexpected error when uploading package as Managed - Released

I got the following error message when uploading a new patch version of my managed package: An unexpected error occurred when uploading your package. Please contact Salesforce Support and provide ...
Jelle van Geuns's user avatar
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Error came when try to upload a unmanaged package after clicking the "Upload" button. Any suggestions

i got the error when i try to upload a unmanaged package in the final step of package creation process. this is happening in my free developer account. the error screen shot is given below. any ...
Bforce's user avatar
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HTML equivalent of apex:inputFile?

Is there a html equivalent of <div id="file"> <apex:inputFile value="{!attachment.body}" filename="{!}" id="file" title="Upload Attachment" styleclass="fileType"/&...
Daft's user avatar
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5 votes
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where can I find the most recent version release notes of Salesforce Data Loader

I know I can download the Salesforce Data Loader directly from within Salesforce, however, how can I find out what version it is without downloading and installing it? Also, where can I find the ...
Bartley's user avatar
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problem with uploading document .. missing fields

I have a page with uploading document form, I followed this example but I got a problem when I try to upload the file with the following error message Required fields are missing: [Document Name] And ...
user3003810's user avatar
1 vote
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Querying users' fields within a document list to use it in a pageBlockTable

I have this query that retrieves a List in order to fill a table, but I want to retrieve each documents' user or account according to the AuthorId. Here is my query that retrieves the documents and I ...
hasan.alkhatib's user avatar
8 votes
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Uploading file via visualforce page error "Maximum view state size limit (135KB) exceeded"

I am trying to implement a page that I will upload files through it, but I keep having this error Maximum view state size limit (135KB) exceeded. Actual view state size for this page was 158....
hasan.alkhatib's user avatar
0 votes
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Uploading "Media File" binary content via the Apex Data Loader

I have a SalesForce Entity that I'm trying to upload via the Data Loader. So far we've been able to successfully upload all the "meta data" on the object but have been unsuccessful in actually ...
Eoin Campbell's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Upload files upto 2GB from Apex

How to upload a file of size 2GB from Apex? Is there any sobject that I can make use of?
user5050's user avatar
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Upload files to a Case in SalesForce via REST API

I'm working on uploading attachments from my website to Salesforce, attachments should be related to case object. I'm using REST API in PHP. So problem is that I get an error when I tried to upload ...
iurii_n's user avatar
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Automated Attachment Uploads from local directory

I have a directory on a network drive here inside the firewall that has pdfs on it. I'd like to upload them to salesforce. There are a lot of tools that do this, but I want it automated--as in, when ...
Shane McLaughlin's user avatar