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Is it Possible to insert Files from VF Page using Connect APIs?

I know attachments can insert through connect API. What about Files ? I have heapsize issues while insert an document with size of 5 mb Here is My Controller to Insert a file @AuraEnabled public ...
Gowtham sakthi's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Bulk API 2.0 Upload for files bigger than 150Mb

I'm trying to use the Bulk API 2.0 to upload big files. I need to know how I have to upload the data in case the file converted to base64 exceeds the 150Mb allowed. After reading the documentation I'...
Dan's user avatar
  • 61
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API Service Base64Encode Not Accepting Files more than 5mb

I have written a API Service, but that's not Accepting Files more than 5mb, Here i am sharing my Code Snippet please tell me whats the issue. Code: @RestResource(urlMapping='/SympRESTApi/*') global ...
Jay's user avatar
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Upload assets to via FTP or REST API?

I am using to host a mini site which works fine. I need another delivery method other than manually uploading my .zip file to my site as an asset. I have found a way to expose an endpoint ...
jdallas's user avatar
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11 votes
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How can I upload/change user's profile image programatically or via API?

I know, that there is no way to mass-upload these images via dataloader as described here can I upload user's profile image via data loader
Uwe Heim's user avatar
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How to Check if a File is Encrypted or not?

I have a requirement to check whether a file is encrypted (using AES) or not before uploading. If not encrypted the upload should not happen and an Error Message should be thrown. How in APEX/Java ...
KaLi's user avatar
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5 votes
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Upload and attach a file to an account or opportunity

So I was wondering how I can attach a file to an account. Basically what we do is sell a product online that requires an agreement. When they buy the product, we generate a pdf of the agreement and ...
jeffro25's user avatar
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