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2 answers

How to use an image to upload multiple files in LWC?

I'm using input type=file because lightning-input won't allow to be replaced by an image. I need the user to be able to upload multiple files by either clicking the image, or by dragging and dropping ...
kat's user avatar
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How to use lightning-file-upload component on a not yet created record?

I have a community page where I have a order form and where I want the user to be able to upload files. But it seems like the record that the file will be "linked" too neeeds to be created ...
Rasmus's user avatar
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Bulk upload of email templates

How to upload 100+ email templates doc file to sandbox classic email template folder?
Amal Dev's user avatar
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Uploading file using multi-part from python

Hello I am trying to upload file to contentversion via rest api tp salesforce using python. I keep getting an error. Can you please let me know how can I form my request so it adds the boundary string ...
PassionForDev's user avatar
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Why I can't upload a file via flow although it works in debug mode

I created a flow for uploading files to quotes. When it runs under edit in debug mode it works well, the files are attached. But when I run it starting from a button I can't upload the file. The user ...
János Kis's user avatar
-2 votes
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How can one copy account data from one org to another without errors? Is it possible to do so without mapping all fields?

How can this upload be done without mapping all the fields from source instance? Is it possible to do so without any errors?
QueenB's user avatar
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a Component that Records a Video on ScreenFlow Salesforce

is possible to have a component that permits the recording of a video directly within a flow and then uploads it on salesforce or anywhere i want, like google drive?
Giuseppe's user avatar
2 votes
6 answers

Custom Metadata Type Records Mass Insert

Trying to mass upload custom metadata type records using cmdt commands. The following was working but now it stopped. I keep getting this error: 'The column Name is not found on the custom metadata'. ...
Dmns's user avatar
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Is request invocation from frontend javascript is secure and safe? What is the limit for file size when uploading files using Visualforce Javascript?

On one legacy project the following pattern was implemented. Visualforce page has div element with ondrop event handler which processes event.dataTransfer.files attribute to initiate FileReader with ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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How do I increase the max size of files that can be uploaded with AuraClient?

We are trying to upload files with the AuraClient. Getting error: auraclientinputexception max message parameter length. The limit is even smaller in our sandbox server (3MB or so) Is there a way ...
Clay Nichols's user avatar
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Can't upload File -- Community

Hello guys I have a problem with a File upload field of a Flow that is contained in an aura component. I directly show the Aura component in a Page Site, that is why I need the Aura component. The ...
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Uploading multiple records to a related tab for a specific ID

everyone! I've recently started working on a project and there's an issue where I'm stuck and need help with. Scenario: I've an excel sheet where there hundreds of types of House Numbers. For every ...
The Burgeoning Developer's user avatar
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How to move/upload content documents in a specific folder with Salesforce REST API? [duplicate]

I am working with Salesforce REST API to upload some files in the files tab. I create a request with this data example, content_obj = { 'attributes' : {'type' : 'ContentVersion', 'referenceId' : ...
Van Jake's user avatar
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Flow - Count checkbox true and attached files

Ive created a flow that only allow users to attached files according to the number of checkbox. If i got 3 checkbox true, i would like found 3 files on the record. For this, ive created a formula ...
Mat Skz's user avatar
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How can I map the Upload / attachment to a custom field of a custom object in surveys?

I have below requirement. We are not getting upload/Attachment related questions while mirroring the questions to custom object fields. I am creating a survey. I have a survey questions which contains ...
vamsi's user avatar
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Upload picture using LWC (Lightning Web Components) : problem to get Result

I have created an LWC for a file uploader to upload pictures to a custom header . What I want to do next is display the picture that was just uploaded and make it visible in my header . Does anyone ...
mary snh's user avatar
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Is it possible to upload binary file attachments (AttachedContentDocument) to records using the REST APIs?

I'm trying to programmatically upload a file (AttachedContentDocument) to an Account as an attachment using the REST API. This doesn't seem to be documented by Salesforce. When I use the Lightning UI ...
Andy Ray's user avatar
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data upload error: id value of incorrect type

A member of our support team gave me a list of 100 Account ID's and their associated 'Customer Success Manager' in text form. I was asked to upload this data to salesforce, using Data Loader. I asked ...
h3110's user avatar
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Write a test class to fail the upload AKA get to the catch block

Currently writing a test class to fail the upload procedure but having a hard time coming up with an idea. The only way I was thinking is to make a very big input so that it exceeds the size limit of ...
Bartek 's user avatar
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Relationship upload

I have a list of students and their corresponding emergency contacts to upload into SF. I would like to have the emergency contact connected to the student in some way (i.e. have SF reflect that ...
Taylor Sallis's user avatar
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Upload csv files from ftp into SF via Apex (without insertFile Tag) [duplicate]

I want to automatically upload csv files into Salesforce on a regular basis, doing a scheduled job. I want to have this job centralized so that everybody has access to the code and the process. I want ...
Andrea Voggenreiter's user avatar
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Image Upload in LWC - Public Link

Trying to Upload image file in LWC by using lightning-file-upload Below is My Code. Is there any Way i can get the Public Link once upload got Successfully in LWC? HTML <lightning-file-upload ...
SFDC_Beginner's user avatar
3 votes
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How to upload a file to an external data source (e.g. Sharepoint, Google Drive, etc) in Salesforce via Files Connect

How do you upload a file to an external data source (e.g. Sharepoint, Google Drive, etc) in Salesforce via Files Connect? Is this even possible. I've read the Salesforce articles, I've watched a ...
Bob's user avatar
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2 answers

How to download all the code to local system?

I have been creating a lightning app for 3 months and I have completed it. I wrote all my code in the Salesforce Developer Console. So, my question is, is there any simple way to get all those codes (...
Hashcoder Technologies's user avatar
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Naviagtion items are missing after installing the app

I created an app in salesforce and it has a Navigation item called 'Patients' which displays a list. This is the screeshot: Now, i created a managed package for this app and uploaded as beta. After ...
Jayesh Babu's user avatar
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Upload file to google drive from Lightning component - Page redirect removing URL

I am trying to achieve functionality to upload a file from Salesforce to Google drive. I have done following 1. Google project credentials (Client key , secrete key) 2. Enabled Google drive API 3. ...
Amit's user avatar
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Questions using Workbench: Aborting data upload; modify the batch size; turn off the auto-mapping

I use API version 47.0 I've been testing out the usage of Workbench in our sandbox and had some questions: How do I abort a data upload in Workbench without having to go into setup in Salesforce ...
Caterina Torres's user avatar
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Upload sign not showing in visualforce page

I am trying to use lightning file upload icon in visualforce page using slds.The problem is button is displaying but the upload icon is not displaying in the button it is coming blank <apex:page ...
Salman Khan's user avatar
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Is it Possible to insert Files from VF Page using Connect APIs?

I know attachments can insert through connect API. What about Files ? I have heapsize issues while insert an document with size of 5 mb Here is My Controller to Insert a file @AuraEnabled public ...
Gowtham sakthi's user avatar
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How we post Comment with File Upload using chatter rest Api

My Question is How we upload file as attachment while posting comment to user using chatter rest api. I have check this in Chatter rest Api Document , and i found following link https://developer....
Ashish Nigam's user avatar
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Upload a file via Apex

How can i upload a file from my client PC via Apex ? I need it for a test class so i cannot make api callout. I try this but without success String yourFiles = 'Lets assume this is your binary string ...
Giorgos Galaios's user avatar
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LWC file upload issue

I use the sample below to do the upload file in LWC: html: <template> <lightning-file-upload label="Attach receipt" name="fileUploader" accept={acceptedFormats} ...
Chauncy's user avatar
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Batch callout: How to upload Attachments from multiple objects (dynamically)?

I am trying to upload an Atttachments based on the selection and criteria from Lightning Component that will be saved to Custom Setting. For example, the criteria is Opportunity - Stage - Closed Won, ...
Almond's user avatar
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Get test failures dynamically (as it goes) when uploading package, but not all at once in the end of upload process

When we are uploading our huge managed package, it takes up to 3 hours for process to finish and the major part of it are taken by tests execution. The inconvenience here is that tests failures are ...
wesaw's user avatar
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LWC can't call apex with large body size > 3 Mb

I am getting Error: Received exception event aura:systemError from server somewhere inside of aura_prod.js when call apex with large body (>3Mb). import upload from '@salesforce/apex/Upload.upload'; ...
Vitaliy Malyshev's user avatar
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Google Drive resumable upload using Salesforce lightning

I have been trying to upload a large file (maybe greater than 25MB) from Salesforce lightning to Google drive, referencing - ...
vaibhav shetti's user avatar
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Upload beta package - how to bypass or speed up tests execution

We have our huge managed package (1st generation, i.e. classic one) and every time when we upload new beta version (even with just a few fixes) it takes up to 3 hours for the whole process to complete ...
wesaw's user avatar
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How to permanently delete Salesforce File ID

Currently have an upload system using Lightning components, here's the code: <lightning:fileUpload name="additionalFile" label="Upload up to 4 additional photos to include in your campaign page ...
Jason Fung's user avatar
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load a file and read the information in the file [duplicate]

I am looking to open an excel file via an apex dialog box, then browse the information in my file line by line and display them with visualforce
armel's user avatar
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Upload file and attach it to contentDocument

I'm trying to develop a functionality that upload files and attach it to my opportunity ContentDocument (and not attachment) like my standard component do . I'm wondering when i'm saving my uploaded ...
Sara's user avatar
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Bulk API 2.0 Upload for files bigger than 150Mb

I'm trying to use the Bulk API 2.0 to upload big files. I need to know how I have to upload the data in case the file converted to base64 exceeds the 150Mb allowed. After reading the documentation I'...
Dan's user avatar
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How to upload files to a related record using lightning components?

I'm trying to upload a file to a related record using just the <lightning:input> component. The <aura: component> includes the force:hasRecordId and by using {!v.recordId} I am able to ...
CJK's user avatar
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Cloudpage form upload an image into the content builder

Is it possible to create a cloudpage form with an input field that upload for example an image into the content builder? Regards, Martijn
Martijn e's user avatar
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How can i upload files

I have created simple component to upload files with following code: <aura:component implements="force:appHostable" controller="BeetleEyeAssets"> <aura:attribute name="accept" type="List" ...
Thimotty's user avatar
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How to check Mime Type (Content Type) of a file? [duplicate]

I want to restrict a file upload based on extension type and mime type. However i found the fileextension field will always be null in before or after insert contentversion trigger and filtype field ...
Sukruti's user avatar
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Use visualforce page from Buttons, Links, and Actions in custom lightning component in case of S3 Amazon Uploader

Is it possible to use a Visualforce Page from Buttons, Links, and Actions in custom lightning component in case of S3 Amazon Uploader? I have an object NEILON__File__c. The object in its Buttons, ...
iloveseven's user avatar
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Glitches on after some code is uploaded

I use WebStrom + Illuminated Cloud 2 to upload code to my sandboxes. Sometimes I'm uploading some component and apex classes, and in my log view confirms that my code was completely uploaded. example ...
Mac A.'s user avatar
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File upload via related list not working in IE11

at the moment I'm facing a really weird issue: I have a custom VF page, that embeds <apex:relatedList list="CombinedAttachments"/> and also a custom VF component. The uploading of files ...
Patrik's user avatar
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API Service Base64Encode Not Accepting Files more than 5mb

I have written a API Service, but that's not Accepting Files more than 5mb, Here i am sharing my Code Snippet please tell me whats the issue. Code: @RestResource(urlMapping='/SympRESTApi/*') global ...
Jay's user avatar
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3 answers

What are permissions are needed to upload a file via a public Salesforce community page?

I would like to be able to upload files using <lightning:fileUpload which is on a public community page. The community is using template: Customer Account Portal. The files would get attached to ...
Robs's user avatar
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