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Questions tagged [externalid]

An external ID is a custom field that has the “External ID” attribute, meaning that it contains unique record identifiers from a system outside of Salesforce.

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Linking to records in the same object using External ID and SObject Collection REST callout

I am trying to insert records into the RelatedParty__c object in Salesforce. This object has two key fields: CompositeKey__c (External ID) Parent__c (Lookup to RelatedParty__c). My JSON payload ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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Apex triggers can't reference external objects or call out to external data sources [duplicate]

I have a custom object called 'BidManager_Bid__c'. On this object, I created an External Lookup field called 'Global_Opportunity__c' that reference to the external object called 'Opportunity__x'. I ...
user156613's user avatar
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Is it possible to create custom fields for Interest Tags?

I need to create External ID fields for both Interest Tags and Tag Category. I was able to create the external ID for Tag Category, but I'm unable to do the same for Interest Tags. I managed to get ...
kiwi's user avatar
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CumulusCI keyword for Upserting Data in case of External ID

Do we have any CumulusCI keyword for Upserting Data in case of External ID like we have for Insert, Get update and delete in CumulusCI Robot Framework Keywords Can we use existing keyword for ...
Pronit Agrawal's user avatar
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Getting field should not be specified in data error [duplicate]

I am trying to upsert some data from gcp into Salesforce and getting the below error: The Loan_Facility_Config_Id__c field should not be specified in the sobject data. Loan_Facility_Config_Id__c is ...
Lance Shi's user avatar
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Cannot specify 'externalId' for a CustomField of type Text for entity Knowledge__kav

Why can't we create Custom ExternalId field on Knowledge? We need to automate migration of related junction object which have Knowledge__kav as a parent. Usually we just use bulk upsert, but if we can'...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Upsert Product2 by ExternalId field fails with a strange error

I have read the documentation about ExternalId field on Product2 standard object ExternalId Type: string Properties: Create, Filter, Group, Nillable, Sort, Update Description: The unique identifier ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Using Clone() and setting external Id

I'm trying to clone a Case and modify a lookup using an external ID before inserting. The problem is that I have this error: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: ...
Julien Souchi's user avatar
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Composite API to delete multiple records by an external id

I have been looking for an example of what @sfdcfox suggested for this thread "The first subsequent would be a get, the second the delete call&...
Lena Razov's user avatar
-1 votes
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Bulk update of custom field value in salesforce object failing due to custom validations and triggers

I added a custom field to opportunity salesforce object. It's name is externalId__c. The field is added to the object. However when I am trying to update the value of externalId__c for all the records,...
Chitvan Mishra's user avatar
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1 answer

Post request with polymorphic field on the body

I am trying to send a post request to ContentVersion to migrate my contentVersions from point A to B : i build the body like this : body = ('{"Title" :"'+Title+'", &...
Amir Bouzid's user avatar
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Duplicate Error on Upsert

I have created an operation in Jitterbit to run an upsert on two custom objects and one standard object: Lead, Project_c and ProjectLead_c The ProjectLead object is just a junction object that relates ...
Milan Stegnjaic's user avatar
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What is a reified column and how to get all value from it?

There are some objects (like FieldDefinition or AppTabMember) that when you want to uses SOSL SELECT all data from them, it fails with "a filter on a reified column is required". I have a ...
Frederic Lachasse's user avatar
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Clear a Lookup Field in an upsert call through Rest API

We're building an interface to upsert records into a Custom Object through Rest API. We're building the relationship to other records through external Ids, so we're using the following json structure: ...
Chris.Walz's user avatar
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How to Create Record from LWC using External Id in lookup fields

I'm trying to create an object in LWC, without using Apex. So I found out that we can do that with CreateRecord from uiRecordApi : But I'm trying to create a Custom Object (ClientMember__c in our ...
Yaac0's user avatar
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How to connect an external id to another record using apex

I currently have a situation where new contacts are created with the chance of creating duplicates. The existing contacts have an external id. Since it is not possible to merge external ids with ...
Thomas's user avatar
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MALFORMED_ID Error during integration

We have a custom object called "Activity" with 2 lookup fields and an external ID. The 2 lookup fields are Contact and Course. The Contact object contains "contact ID" as the ...
user78286's user avatar
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Way to migrate data in bulk which reference record types

Record Type standard object lacks Unique External Id field and doesn't allow to create a custom Unique External Id field, which brings a challenge to migrate data in bulk which reference record types, ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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External ID not searchable in Global Search

We have a custom object (allow search = true) with a tab default on in a sandbox where there is an External ID field on which we'd like to perform search. When searching on it, nothing is displayed ...
Gauthier's user avatar
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Update (never insert) a record by External Id using REST API

Salesforce offers a way to upsert a record by a given External Id: curl -H "Authorization: Bearer token&...
mmm321321's user avatar
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Rest API - Set polymorphic Lookup with external Id

I am wondering If it is possible to set a polymorphic lookup value with external Id with Rest API. I didn't find any documentation on this and it does work for me. Here I am trying to set the lookup ...
Raphael D's user avatar
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Fetch all records matching a repeating ExternalID [closed]

I have a non-unique custom field which is an ExternalID. Is it possible to fetch all records matching a given value using the REST API? The documentation example shows the API returns one record. ...
ishan3243's user avatar
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Can we create an indexed field which is not unique

I am extremely new to salesforce. I read that we can mark any custom field as an ExternalID which creates an index over it. I have a use-case where I have multiple Address records which have the same ...
ishan3243's user avatar
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Difference between Upsert and Update database methods

Good morning. Database.update (fields , allOrNothing) Database.upsert (fields, externalId, allOrNothing) I need help to understand why the second parameter "externalId" is not necessary on ...
LatDu's user avatar
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UPSERT REST Api creates new record because of space(%20) urlencoding

I'm currently trying to use the salesforce UPSERT endpoint. The ExternalId that I'm using contains a space, like so: North America_12345 so my URL looks like: /services/data/v49.0/sobjects/...
Luis Valdez's user avatar
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Upsert not working in apex class

I have two object temp__c and NFSave___c. I am dumping all the data in temp object through data loader in rich text area field(Section__c). Then I am sending the data with apex class from Section ...
sfdc developer's user avatar
-2 votes
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Check if upsert necessary

I am using external id and rest callout to another org, but is there a way to check if i need to make callout? Cause callout called even if all fields are the same. I can compare all fields, but its a ...
Femladamli's user avatar
-2 votes
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How to retrieve all external id fields of account object?

I have a class public static List<AccFieldWrapper> AcctFields(String Account){ Map <String,Schema.SObjectType> mapobject = Schema.getGlobalDescribe(); Schema....
Teshu's user avatar
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Workbench upsert: how to use an External id?

I want to update a number of Cases using a CSV file that contains two fields: case number (NOT technical id, but the automatically generated human readable id/name) and a textual complaint. Data ...
Sander de Jong's user avatar
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Why ExternalID field of parent Account is null?

I have the next code on my test Class: parentAcc.ExternalId = '001'; insert parentAcc; System.debug('parentAcc ExternalId' + parentAcc.ExternalId); childAccount.ParentId =; insert ...
CPS's user avatar
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External Id a standard field on Custom Objects

I am writing a data migration project to take data from an external system and map it into SFDC as a hierarchical structure of custom objects using the Bulk Api 2. The pattern is as follows: Insert ...
Mike Sowerbutts's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a single API request which deletes multiple records using external id without creating a custom rest resource?

Let's say I have an external identifier field Account.External_Id__c. I have a web application which has the values for this field and needs to delete multiple records, (e.g. "Abc123", "...
Brian Kessler's user avatar
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Update both Pricebook2 and PricebookEntry objects using just one for loop

Having the next code: for (WrapperTest pb : pbs_lst) { Pricebook2 newPB2 = new Pricebook2(); PricebookEntry newPBE = ...
CPS's user avatar
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Understand token expiry for Connected APP using JWT authentication

The session expiry for an accessToken can be configured at org level, profile level, connected app level. When authenticating via private key certificate using the JWT OAuth Flow, which session expiry ...
Edmondo's user avatar
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DUPLICATE_VALUE error - Composite REST API by External Id

I'm trying to upsert a record using an external Id with composite API. my external Id is (External ID) (Unique Case Insensitive) - to be precise - I created this field only with the external Id ...
Salvation's user avatar
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Update child record based on parent external id

I have two custom objects, the Rate Cards and the Rate Card Lines. What i need to do is to create rate card and rate card line records by deserializing two json files(one for the rate cards and one ...
Xrhstos Kolonis's user avatar
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Upsert without an external Id

We have external system that is pushing an event using Platform events saying that an asset is changed. I have created a Platform event object and a trigger on it, make a webservice callout to get ...
Balaji Pooruli's user avatar
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Set Packaged Custom Field as External Id After Initial Deployment

I've been struggling to find a definitive answer as I've seen contradictory information. In our managed package we have a custom field that we want to make an External Id, but is this possible at all, ...
aaron's user avatar
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Reference lookup external Id when inserting records in composite API call

I am trying to insert standard Account records at the same time as child records (designed by relation Related_Person_Account_Relations__r). I am using the Composite tree Account endpoint (/services/...
Pierrot's user avatar
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Get RecordID based on ExternalID

I always stumble upon this situation - I have csv file with 200 records and each record has an ExternalId. These records may or may not exist in Salesforce. In Salesforce I have an ExternalID field. ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
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Why use autonumber as external id [closed]

I can't figure out why use autonumber as External ID. There is some case when must be used an auto number as ExternalID? Thanks
DevOps85's user avatar
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Error when trying to Update using nforce to Product2 object

I am trying to update a custom field on the Product2 object, namely S3_Image__c - it is a URL field, linking to an image on AWS S3. Now, I've basically lifted the code from the examples given on the ...
Scott Harrison's user avatar
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Is there anything we need to check before mark a text field as External Id?

Do we need to check anything in a running org before making a text field as an External Id to avoid Non-selective query against large object type Exception? (Data loss, any apex errors, etc) I have ...
Hariprasath's user avatar
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Fetch record using External ID with specified fields

I would like to fetch a record over standard REST API via a field marked External ID (like here), but limit my fetched fields to just my required fields (e.g. using the fields parameter here). Is this ...
SFDC Dev 27's user avatar
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Alternative to making Formula Field as an External ID

I have a custom object which draws an External ID field from its Parent. I created a Formula Field to pull that data in to the custom field. However, I want to use that field on the custom object as ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
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Update using External Id

I understand UPDATE operation doesn't support ExternlID. Is there any other way i can use Dataloader to update Salesforce records using external id ? If i use UPSERT operation, i don't want to ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
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Trigger : External Id is not Linking Parent and Child

I am trying to build logic to clone Opportunity and all related Product (Custom) when Opportunity is closed won. I am using externalId to link it. It is cloning opportunity but for it is cloning but ...
Sfdc_1184's user avatar
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Dealing with failed records in an Upsert operation

With the help of responses to my previous posts I was finally successful in Upserting Contacts in Salesforce via Jitterbit using External Id. However two records failed. I am thinking these failed ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
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Dataloader - Upsert Contact and Relate to Account

How can I UPSERT Contact and relate it to the Account ? Data Structure Supplier_ID__c (External Id on Account ) Supplier_AdminID__c (External ID on Contact) Supplier_ID__c (lookup field on ...
GroundToCloud's user avatar
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Bulk API upsert with both External Id and SFID in JSON

I'm using the Bulk API to upsert records into Salesforce. The Request contains both an External ID and also a Salesforce Id. Even though in the job detail references using the external Id, will ...
Richard Lewis's user avatar