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SMS Character Limit with AMPScript

We're using AMPScript to create a send log for all email and SMS sends. In MobileConnect, I can include the AMPScript and the SMS text fine and it's reported as one send however, when using Journey ...
James Lunn's user avatar
-1 votes
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I have tried to trigger push notifications to my mobile number from sfmc mobile push

I tried to trigger notifications but the status seems to be sent but I did nt receive any push notifications. Even I didn't see any issue
SFMC Developer's user avatar
4 votes
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Marketing Cloud : Text Response works for the first time while issuing error messages afterwards

From MobileConnect, I have initiated a SMS send and a text response for the same. Both are working fine. I am able to send a text response which gets handled by my AMPscript shown below. %%[ var @...
Endless's user avatar
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InsertData ampscript function not working on SMS and cloud Pages

I am trying to use InsertData amp-script function in an SMS. But its not working. My ultimate objective is to update customer data into master data extension when someone subscribes to 'START' ...
Abhra Chowdhury's user avatar
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SFMC MobileConnect QueueMO : Pass & Get addtional parameters

I am using the below request for calling the /sms/v1/queueMO from external website. Basic one - Working { "mobileNumbers": [ "1xxxxxxxxx" ], "shortCode": "xxxxx"...
Milton Muthuraj Thangapandi's user avatar
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SMS not sent with LookupOrderedRows function

I used the LookupRows function in the SMS template, but when a new record with an existing ID inserts in the data extension, the SMS sent the old record info version and not the new ones. I found the ...
Slavik Kharkovskiy's user avatar
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Retrieve Mobile List attribute using ampscript in Mobile Push Message

I'm trying to retrieve Mobile List attribute using ampscript in Mobile Push Message and trying to insert a row based on that information in Data Extension. But when I try to send message, it gets ...
darkCloud's user avatar
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Trying to make API call to external server from SFMC

I'm trying to make API call to external system from a Cloud page, but when I publish I'm getting response Response:nullresultString. Is it something do with IP whitelisting or it's a code error. Below ...
Ramya's user avatar
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Passing attributes via SMS and capturing response to Data extension

I have an Outbound SMS message and a Text response message setup. These work as planned based on the Next Keyword 'INFO' When a customer replies with this keyword i want to save their information ...
Rahul's user avatar
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SFMC Mobile Connect Text Response/Outbound message - how to continue a conversation?

Here's what I have - an outbound message with NEXT keyword functionality which is intended to capture the recipient's responses. If the recipient replies with a response that my AMPScript code does ...
Mike Marks's user avatar
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Shortening URL problem with ampscript and dynamic insertion (

I have a Salesforce Marketing Cloud issue with respect to shortening a URL with AMPscript using the Bitly API. Context: I want to direct users to a very long URL (i.e. including several URL parameters ...
Andreas Pedersen's user avatar
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SFMC MobileConnect not sending SMS when using AMPScript/dynamic variables

Here's my SMS message: %%[ set @accountUserName = AttributeValue('Account_User_Name__c') set @QRCodeLink = AttributeValue('QR_Code_Link__c') set @eventName = AttributeValue('Event_Name__c') set @...
Mike Marks's user avatar
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How do you deal with Non GSM Characters in API driven SMS?

We are sending API driven SMS for things like product out of stock and order confirmation. The data being sent into our endpoint sometimes includes non GSM characters (like registered trademark), ...
Matt Morris's user avatar
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What's the best way to update Salesorce CRM upon SMS unsubscribe in Marketing Cloud?

We track SMS Opt-ins/outs in Salesforce. So, when someone texts STOP to Marketing Cloud - we need to update the CRM. What's the best way to go about it? Thinking maybe of adding AmpScript somewhere ...
LimeWeb's user avatar
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Shortening URL with AMPscript (

I am trying to send values to the cloud page. my code is this: %%[ SET @caseId = [CaseID] SET @lastremdate = [Last Reminder Date] SET @Subscriber_ID = [Subscriber_ID] SET @link = ...
Anisha's user avatar
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Trying to use AMPScript within the JOIN/STOP message, results in the message "There was an error processing your message"

EDIT: I moved all of this code into a CloudPage accepting _MobileNumber as a query string parameter, and replaced the Mobile Connect AMPScript with an HTTPGet call to the CloudPage. Same issue. END ...
Mike Marks's user avatar
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Access _MobileSubscription in child BU

We have an SMS shortcode that is provisioned in the Parent BU and in the Child BU. Unfortunately, the unknown/default message is only configurable in the Parent BU. %% SET @status = Lookup('...
Dough Boy's user avatar
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Marketing Cloud System Personalization Strings for SMS

Are there any AMPSscript personalization strings to identify an individual send available in Marketing Cloud's MobileConnect SMS sends? What I'm looking for is something along with the following ...
Radek Janhuba's user avatar
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Could AMPScript's RetrieveSalesforceObjects function used in SMS lead to performance issues with large sends?

We intend to use AMPScript's RetrieveSalesforceObjects to return Campaign Member ID from Service Cloud. SMS is sent within the journey and we expect some large numbers of contacts to enter this ...
Artur Krotkov's user avatar
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Get SMS template name using ampscript

Is it possible to get the mobile connect SMS template name using ampscript? I cannot seem to find any article that has this use case though I found something for email using the Email data strings. I ...
MC Learner's user avatar
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Opt-in SMS keyword with AMPScript + Sales Cloud

Actually what I would like to implement is that whenever a subscriber replies JOIN to the short/long code he/she will be opted-in to all of the keywords under that code. is that possible? What would ...
Ivan Santana's user avatar
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How to retreive ContactKey of the subscriber in the SMS message

I need to retrieve a value from a data extension (DE) into the SMS message. Specifically, the GlobalID value which is the same as the contact key. The contact key is existing in the system table - all ...
Juraj Resko's user avatar
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dynamic from name for SMS

Is it possible to change the from name (sender ID) for MobileConnect with ampscript? Based on telecom regulations we need to send SMSes with different from names based on which country we're sending ...
dev's user avatar
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Contacts not receiving SMS again once sms is Received once - Marketing Cloud Mobile Connect

I have an issue in regards to contacts not being able to receive sms again once they received an sms before. Orignally, I created a keyword attached to the "Stop". I changed it to be attached to the "...
imajmdf's user avatar
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SFMC Mobile Connect, Update Data Extension After sending a Response in SMS

I need to update sales cloud and a data extension whenever a customer replied UNSUB to the sms that we send using Marketing Cloud. This is how I get the response IF Uppercase([MSG(0).NOUN(0)]) == "...
imajmdf's user avatar
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RetrieveSalesforceObjects no working in text response International long code

I'm coming across a strange issue. Texting companystop to a international long code that runs this code You have been unsubscribed %%[VAR @mobilenumber,@rc,@rows SET @mobilenumber = [MOBILE_NUMBER] ...
Johhnytska's user avatar
2 votes
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Get the Name of a MobileConnect message as an AMPScript variable

I'm building a "master sent log", which is essentially a DE that captures info about all email and sms messages sent from Marketing Cloud. It captures this using AMPScript in the email that uses a ...
Ben's user avatar
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Ampscript Error in SMS

I am writing an IF statement for subscribers that do not have a first name: %%[IF Not Empty(First_Name) THEN]%% %%=Concat(ProperCase(First_Name)," ",you)=%% %%[ELSE]%%You%%[ENDIF]%% I am getting an ...
Marsha VIllasenor's user avatar
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Storing a Full Name in a custom Data Extension from an Info Capture response

We are trying to store a full name response from an Info Capture message into a custom data extension via AMPScript. We decided to use this approach instead of adding a new attribute to the ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Ampscript not Saving in SMS Configuration

I am trying to save a message which will be guided by ampscript for a single opt-in message. Am I doing something wrong? %%[ SET @Row = LookupOrderedRows("SMSData_FromWeb_ToMC_Test",1,"DateTime Desc",...
Alex Tejena's user avatar
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Amp Script for updating a DE from mobile connect

I am trying to set up a text through mobile connect where when the customer replies to text with a keyword it gets loaded against a DE in Marketing Cloud. In the text response template, I have the ...
KendallCochrane's user avatar
3 votes
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AMPScript SMS InsertDE() function not working in SMS

It seems InsertDE() function is not working when triggered via SMS send (the code resides in the message body). I have tested the same function with a dummy cloud page and it was working good. Has ...
jc_mc's user avatar
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Redirect link in SMS messages

Is it possible to add the URL link to a specific word in an SMS? For example: Please visit our website for more information.
fromero's user avatar
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Is there a LogUnsubEvent/Log an UnsubEvent equivalent for MobileConnect?

I'm looking for a MobileConnect version of LogUnsubEvent where you can unsubscribe a contact at the All Subscriber level -- or in MobileConnect terms: All Contacts. My current options I see are: ...
Jackson Chen's user avatar
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Using cloudpages in SMS messages

I would like to know if it is possible to, once I add the link of a cloudpage in an SMS message, retrieve the info of the customer like to store it in a Data Extension: SubscriberKey ...
fromero's user avatar
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SMS is not sending

I have ampscript to be used for mobile connect triggered in Journey Builder The SMS does not send but when I replace with just plain text, it does. Is there any errors with my code? Test SMS via ...
sfdclearner's user avatar
4 votes
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How to resubscribe a subscriber in mobile connect

We have a use case where we want to house all unsubscribed in Salesforce CRM but not in Marketing Cloud. This works in email sends as I can always send the transactional emails from Marketing Cloud , ...
Chandan's user avatar
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Sending SMS tracking data to the connected Sales cloud?

I have captured all tracking data from the "_smsmessagetracking" into the DE. Now I want to update object wherein sales cloud org with the respective tracking details like SMS delivery status, ...
Rushikesh Pandit's user avatar
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Update Data Extension with keyword in Mobile Connect Text response

I was trying to trigger a specific MobileConnect text response keyword which should update a Data extension. When I add some ampscript to the outbound response, I get an error saying "There was an ...
Alex's user avatar
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API From Mobile Connect Via Ampscript

I am trying to take all responses from Mobile Connect and dump them into a third party resource for analysis via an ampscript api. I am trying to do this within mobile connect using ampscript but I ...
Nate Harris's user avatar
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MobileConnect AMPSCript not working properly

We have two Data extensions, one contains the information about the contacts to which we need to send the SMS(User_Information) and other contains the Date and the SMS content(SMSContentInfo).At ...
shashank tewari's user avatar
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How to send Outbound SMS Triggered Send from AMPScript

I need to send out SMS from Email using AMPScript. I already found a link where SMS can be triggered from automation. Basically, I need to know if I can trigger SMS by just using AMPScript & NOT ...
user36778's user avatar
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Error when executing UpsertData in MobileConnect

I have a SMS which executes an UpsertData command to update data in DE. here is the code AMPSCRIPT %%[ SET @msg = "Vous êtes maintenant désabonné(e)" SET @rows = LookupRows("ENT.CUSTOMER_LOT_6", "...
Med Amine's user avatar
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Unsubscribe SMS through Journey

We need to allow people to unsubscribe from an SMS that is sent through Journey Builder. We bring them to a Cloud Page where they confirm they want to unsubscribe. We also need to unsubscribe them ...
Daniel's user avatar
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Dynamic Lookup in SMS

I am trying to have a dynamic Date in my SMS, called PaymentDueDate. The date is in a DE, that will be the source of the journey that I am using. The code that I am using when building the message is:...
catarina's user avatar
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SMS personalization in Journey Builder

I'm trying to personalize an SMS in a journey but the SMS isn't sending. If I leave out the code, it works. To set up the code, I'm using data from the Entry Source "Test_B2C_Contracts_Renewals". If ...
David van den broeck's user avatar
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Formatting time into 12 hr in Mobile Connect

I have the following ampscript written to display a time in SMS in mobile connect, but whenever I test it out the result shows up in 24 hr time (e.g. '17:00 PM') is there an ampscript function for ...
ZackB's user avatar
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Sending SMS with Ampscript? Is it possible?

There is an attempt I would like to try but I would like to ask if it's even possible. I have an automation that send out emails. I would like to send a text message out the same time that the ...
tkhuynh's user avatar
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Can you use a dynamic content block from content builder in Mobile Connect?

Is it possible to use a dynamic content block created in content builder in a Mobile Connect SMS? For example the SMS content would read "Hi this is a fancy message here is your coupon %%=...
cmccarra's user avatar
4 votes
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CloudPageURL via SMS broken link

I've found that using CloudPagesURL via SMS will always result in the Server Error 500 page, no matter if the URLEncode is used or not, even if the CloudPage itself just holds simple text. CloudPage ...
Rain's user avatar
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