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Questions tagged [remote-access]

We speak about remote-access to mean an access done from outside a certain environment. For example, if a certain platform requires a log-in user and password to see some pages and there is a page accessible from outside the platform, that page has a remote-access.

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How do I block a specific 'Remote Access 2.0' Application that does not appear to have an associated Connected App for a specific User?

I'm looking for the best practice to block a specific "Remote Access 2.0" application within Salesforce. For whatever reason, when I go to the connected apps, the Application isn't listed. ...
rmarq423's user avatar
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API Enabled User Use Which Sharing ? Extenal Default or Internal

I am making a user API Enabled. By turning ON the permission 'API Enabled'. What I am trying to figure out is, when this user is accessing data from salesforce with an external application. Which ...
Vivek Makkar's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

@RemoteAction in Lightning web components [closed]

How i can migrate this code to Lightning web component: <div id="totalAccounts"></div> <script> Visualforce.remoting.Manager.invokeAction( '{...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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3 answers

RemoteAccessAuthorizationPage Insufficient Privileges

While logged in community as Partner Community Licence user I am making a oauth with external system using special button and last redirect is a RemoteAccessAuthorizationPage.apexp with ?source= ...
user's user avatar
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22 votes
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Authentication using JWT

I am new to use JWT for authenticating external requests. I went through this help article. I am trying to implement above for the following usecase: External application (client) wants to access ...
sf_user's user avatar
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How to retrieve custom setting using javascript remote object

In apex, normally we can consider retrieving info from a custom setting just like an object using query. But the simpler way remain the use of the getInstance method. But I want to use javascript ...
vanessen's user avatar
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How can I stayed logged in as ADMINISTRATOR itself after logging out from a user?

I was able to login as a different user from Admin User using the "login" link available in the user record of "Users" once I enabled the "Login Access Policies". But whenever I am logging off from ...
Robert Thomas's user avatar
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Avaya Communicator web is not working

We use Avaya communicator web to run our call center. When I open Avaya web extension (Google chrome) and click on login through Salesforce credential and login. I got an error message: “License ...
Russel baker 1's user avatar
3 votes
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Remote Access -> Connected App - App has dissapeared

I originally had a "Remote Access" app in a developer org. I am still using this today to log Cases's via a web form. I wanted to make a few changes and I can't find it via Setup...I have checked ...
sfdc_beginner1's user avatar
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Populate picklist options with remote data?

I have a custom picklist field in the opportunities object that is on a standard simple page layout with nothing complex going on. The only complex point is that my custom picklist should ideally have ...
AdamJones's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a synchronous Visualforce remoting call?

I have a VF page where i need to make synchronous call.Is there any possibility for making Visualforce remoting call synchronous.
cloudy-ritz's user avatar
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API for Validating OAuth Access Token

Here is my usecase, I have two apps, one written in rails and other is written in R. App written on rails acts as landing page. From there we can go in to app written in R. We are using Salesforce ...
Samuel Alexander's user avatar
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Is redirection to user from 3rd party web app to salesforce dashboard is possible and how?

I created a login form at my domain, now user enters salesforce username and password on form residing at my, if credentials correct redirect user to salesforce dashboard otherwise ...
Nesh's user avatar
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Visualforce page: access from a guest

In my org I have a public Site SSLazio (i.e., it is accessible from a guest not logged in Salesforce). The Visualforce page JohnPage is in the Site Visualforce Pages list of the SSLazio Site. Is ...
Andrea Ianni's user avatar
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Block IP in Salesforce

I know that we have Trusted IP ranges/ Remote Site Setting for API calls. My scenario is something like, I have my users all over the world and they access via API. One of the user with ...
Vignex's user avatar
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How to get access token for my integrated application?

Scenario: Here is a web application which is integrated with salesforce. The integration part is: After user completed a contact form and submitted, our logic will deal with it firstly, then pick ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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Temporary access of admin

I have a consultant to do some email work, integrating with Salesforce, asking for access to Salesforce. Is there a way to give a temporary access with admin. We can give him admin access and then ...
Vml's user avatar
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Generate ClientId/ClientSecret in Salesforce for external application to connect

I am attempting to recreate the sample console application found at This also leverages the NUGET ...
Jason W's user avatar
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CalloutException: Read timed out error after increasing timeout

I have simple code to send a get request to our webservice that returns a small json response: System.HttpRequest request = new System.HttpRequest(); request.setMethod('GET'); request....
evelyn's user avatar
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HTTP Post issue - unable to redirect when authenticated

We are experiencing an issue with our HTTP Post method. We have the need to POST some information to an external server. We have created some code in visualforce to do this for us but it seems to only ...
Chris's user avatar
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ApexDevNet in the remote site

Just found a remote site in the Dev Org. I didn't add it before. What is the remote site "ApexDevNet" ? Can we just disable it ?
Cray Kao's user avatar
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Is it possible to turn-off verifications related to a user logging in from a new IP address?

I am creating temporary user accounts to train new users and am using a single email address to manage these accounts. The issue is that it appears Salesforce notices if a user is accessing the site ...
blunders's user avatar
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Add wild card in Remote Site Settings for Managed Packages

Is it possible to add Wild cards in the remote site settings for HTTP Callouts. For example I have a web service called My customers have accounts on my service as , ...
Abhinav Arora's user avatar
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446 views facebook toolkit integration

Was using the facebook toolkit,_Version_3.0. Followed all the instructions as mentioned in the ...
Nitin Kundapur Bhat's user avatar
12 votes
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Dynamically set remote site Setting in Apex

I have created a managed package that uses tooling API for updating class, trigger etc. Everything runs fine with all sorts of testing. I have created this package in my Developer org. I had to set ...
Soberano's user avatar
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Get a refresh token or other offline access with Apex?

I would like to pass a refresh token to my server to store and use for offline access. I am currently using an iframe into the server and, in Apex, getting the session_id and passing it to the server. ...
freyley's user avatar
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What is the use of setting OAuth Callback URL as

I'm using Salesforce developer account and trying to obtain OAuth access token using curl and it returns 500 Server Error giving the message specified in [1]. Used curl command is curl -v -H "Content-...
DarRay's user avatar
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7 votes
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How to access SQL, Oracle and Access databases from within Salesforce?

A lot my clients use different databases for different applications e.g. Sage Line 50, QuickBooks, Legacy database apps, etc. I have developed several utility apps that synchronizes data from those ...
Mustafa Turab Ali's user avatar
2 votes
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Salesforce Lead not created and Lead Id not returned when using Rest API?

Hi guys i have been using salesforce Rest Api for logging and now i wanted to create lead using access token that is returned to me by the Login call. But when i try to create the lead using the ...
Sheraz Ahmad Khilji's user avatar
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How to create an app/package whose sole functionality is to redirect? [duplicate]

I want to create an app/package to be published on the appexchange. The only functionality of that app/package will be to redirect the user to a configured URL in the app. This will happen once ...
auny's user avatar
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Is there a way to retrive client id and call back url from the entries in remote access by just knowing login details

Is there a way to retrieve client id and call back url from the entries in Setup -> Develop -> Remote Access by just knowing login details? Like if I want my desktop app to be dynamic and should be ...
Sathya's user avatar
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Outlook plugin and LoginHistory

Is there a way to recreate the function that shows and counts Outlook plugin accesses on the user detail page ? My aim is to see which users connected successfully through Outlook, and when, so as to ...
Martin's user avatar
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Salesforce Developer Workbench Hosted Version OAuth Error - Remote Access Authorization Error

On attempting to log in to the hosted Workbench site with my credentials, I am constantly getting an error that seems to be OAuth flow related. But I am ...
user2289's user avatar
6 votes
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OAuth API doesn't send refresh token with custom redirect_uri

If I put this link in my web browser (I put them on separate lines for readability): ?response_type=token &client_id=MY_CONSUMER_KEY &...
Corey Farwell's user avatar
4 votes
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How to publish a connected app (the replacement for Remote Access settings)

So I am trying to setup a remote access piece for using OAuth for a rails app. Remote Access in this org seems to have been removed and replaced by the new Connected Apps feature. When I create a ...
pbattisson's user avatar
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