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Questions tagged [client-id]

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Is there any way to add more values in Default scopes in Auth providers?

Not able to add more scopes in Default Scope in Auth Providers as there is character limits. Is there any other way to sort this out?
Shyamala Varadharajan's user avatar
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Updating External Credential Principal's Client Id and Client Secret via Apex

Using Apex, trying to: Create an External Credential for Client Credentials with Client Secret Flow Add a Principal with a Client Id and Client Secret Associate it with an existing Named Credential ...
nstuyvesant's user avatar
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Query (SOQL) on connectedApplication to get clientId and clientSecreet

I am creating a connected app through metadataservice. But i am not able to retrieve the clientId and clientSecret from this newly created connected app in apex class
Vivek Tendulkar's user avatar
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Need to show Client ID within the Search box in Opportunities when linking a Beneficiary

I want to be able to see the “client ID” which is a custom object for each client and beneficiary when I do a quick search in the opportunity section. For example when I’m adding a new opportunity and ...
Ahmed Ali's user avatar
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External named Credential is not able to fetch in Apex code for Winter 24 Pre

Created the External Named credential with name Samsung Test Added the Principal Added the permission set However I am not able to fetch this named credential in Apex code. HttpRequest req = new ...
neha rai's user avatar
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How to Configure Named Credentials in Salesforce for External Callouts Using Client ID and Client Secret?

I'm in the process of integrating Salesforce with an external service. In our scenario, an LWC page calls a method in its Apex controller. This method then initiates an external callout to obtain a ...
Akif's user avatar
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Getting an "invalid_client_id" error after setting all the OAuth data properly

I created a new connected application, configured all the OAuth settings as shown in the guides. I did this: I created a new application. I added full access scope. I changed the IP policy. And yet ...
liy's user avatar
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What happens to the Client Id and Client Secret in the connected app for the package subscriber?

I have created a connected app in my org to perform the REST API call to the Metadata API. Now if I will make this connected app as part of my 2nd Generation Managed Package, Now my question is - Will ...
Amit Kumar's user avatar
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How to freeze client id at sandbox refresh

Hy, I created a new connected app in production. This connected app has been replicated on my test sandbox when I refreshed It from production. So, I have a new client id for Security reasons I think. ...
Antoine's user avatar
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GET Request with Client ID and Client Secret as Parameter

We are working on an AppExchange app which integrates with 3rd Party application. To connect external app with Salesforce, a Subscriber System admin needs to connect External System using Client Id/...
snehakem's user avatar
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How to deploy connected App [closed]

I have created a Connected app in source Org for Tooling API when I am trying to deploy connected App to target org using Gearset....deployment is to going to success but functionality is not working....
Diwan 's user avatar
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Why Connected App's client_id and client_secret still valid after a sandbox refresh?

Imagine you have a Connected App foo I've noticed that even after refreshing a sandbox, you are still able to use the client_id and client_secret of the foo Connected App of that sandbox before it ...
Leandro Ferreira Fernandes's user avatar
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Not able to see client id and client secret in the connected app [duplicate]

I have created a connected app with below configuration in Salesforce Developer edition: But not able to see client id and client secret in the app. I tried opening the connected app through Setup->...
वरुण's user avatar
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Getting ClientID, Client secret, subdomain, and other endpoint details (in marketing cloud)

We are a marketing cloud ISV. We are in the process of creating our first app for marketing cloud. We wanted to know that when we list the app on appExchange and some client/organisation/marketer ...
Sarthak Chauhan's user avatar
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Client Credential call for OAuth 2.0 providing "unsupported_grant_type"

{"error": "unsupported_grant_type","error_description": "grant type not supported"} I am creating a app to connect Salesforce to communicate(app-myApp to app-salesforceApp). So we took the channel "...
SaviNuclear's user avatar
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Specify a clientId during a REST api call in Salesforce

I am trying to make a REST api call from my node.js script to invoke a REST API in my Salesforce Org using OAuth.I wanted to track the Client from which the call was being made using the standard API ...
Anee's user avatar
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Retrieve the subscribers from each business unit

Starting from the All Subscribers list of the parent business unit, I'm trying to know which subscribers are being part of each child business unit. As it is not defined any Subscriber Filter, how ...
fromero's user avatar
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Client Id and Client Secret

A simple question : where can I find the client Id and the client Secret in Marketing cloud? I saw some doc about this but it was only on the previous version of marketing cloud Exact Target AppCenter ...
Otor's user avatar
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What is SOAP Endpoint while connecting SFMC using Mulesoft?

What is SOAP Endpoint while connecting SFMC using Mulesoft? Whether endpoint is generic or for email we need some other endpoint?
Suman's user avatar
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Connected App built in SANDBOX has access to PROD

I created a ConnectedApp in my Sandbox environment (see below img for settings details). I noticed that I can use the consumer key and secret from my sandbox connected app to attain a PRODUCTION ...
Eric Luu's user avatar
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REST API Custom Client in Call Options Header

I'm trying to assign a custom name for the client element in Call Options header. Sample code: headers = { "Authorization": "Bearer {}".format(auth_token), "Sforce-Call-Options": "client=...
Michelle's user avatar
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Where should "FuelSDK_config.xml" live in my project? Getting "clientId or clientSecret is null" error

I'm getting the following error: "clientId or clientSecret is null: Must be provided in config file or passed when instantiating ET_Client" I have a "FuelSDK_config.xml" with my clientId and ...
MikeAC's user avatar
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Generate ClientId/ClientSecret in Salesforce for external application to connect

I am attempting to recreate the sample console application found at This also leverages the NUGET ...
Jason W's user avatar
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Populating Client ID for API Call reporting purposes

This is loosely in reference to another Question: Client Id blank in "API Calls Made Within Last 7 Days"-Report I'd like to find out, so that our Developers can implement it, where ...
AMM's user avatar
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