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Questions tagged [remote-access]

We speak about remote-access to mean an access done from outside a certain environment. For example, if a certain platform requires a log-in user and password to see some pages and there is a page accessible from outside the platform, that page has a remote-access.

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CalloutException: Read timed out error after increasing timeout

I have simple code to send a get request to our webservice that returns a small json response: System.HttpRequest request = new System.HttpRequest(); request.setMethod('GET'); request....
evelyn's user avatar
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Remote Access -> Connected App - App has dissapeared

I originally had a "Remote Access" app in a developer org. I am still using this today to log Cases's via a web form. I wanted to make a few changes and I can't find it via Setup...I have checked ...
sfdc_beginner1's user avatar
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How to get access token for my integrated application?

Scenario: Here is a web application which is integrated with salesforce. The integration part is: After user completed a contact form and submitted, our logic will deal with it firstly, then pick ...
Phoenix's user avatar
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446 views facebook toolkit integration

Was using the facebook toolkit,_Version_3.0. Followed all the instructions as mentioned in the ...
Nitin Kundapur Bhat's user avatar
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How do I block a specific 'Remote Access 2.0' Application that does not appear to have an associated Connected App for a specific User?

I'm looking for the best practice to block a specific "Remote Access 2.0" application within Salesforce. For whatever reason, when I go to the connected apps, the Application isn't listed. ...
rmarq423's user avatar
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Avaya Communicator web is not working

We use Avaya communicator web to run our call center. When I open Avaya web extension (Google chrome) and click on login through Salesforce credential and login. I got an error message: “License ...
Russel baker 1's user avatar