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Questions tagged [salesforce2salesforce]

Salesforce to Salesforce (also referred to as Salesforce2Salesforce or S2S) is a point-and-click integration tool that allows you to sync and replicate data between two orgs for custom objects and some standard objects.

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S2S Connection in Pending Stuck, but only for certain contact records

I have an S2S Connection set up between two orgs, org A and org B. As part of setting up org B, there are some contacts that we need to manually send from org A to org B. Every so often, this sync ...
Niharika Ray's user avatar
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Forwarding accounts back to the source org

I've found an odd behavior when studying about Salesforce to Salesforce Integration. Dunder Mifflin and Vance Refrigeration mutually publish and subscribe to Accounts from each other. They both are ...
Saulo's user avatar
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Is Salesforce to Salesforce a good choice for a new project?

Just watched a Jitendra Zaa YouTube video from 2 years ago Salesforce to Salesforce Connection within 10 Minutes. Having to use Classic to access the Setup for this is a bit discouraging, and at 8:30 ...
Keith C's user avatar
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Does Einstein work with Salesforce 2 Salesforce?

We have three different Salesforce instances in our organization. If we implement Salesforce 2 Salesforce and bring in all the data in one chosen instance, will Einstein work to show the reports from ...
Jarvis's user avatar
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What is preferable choice for integration: Salesforce to Salesforce or MiddleWare tool?

If there are two companies which use the same Order data and the data is created in company A and then the Order data should be sent to company B, should Salesforce to Salesforce integration be used ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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How to manually link existing records for Saleforce-to-Salesforce

I have Salesforce-to-Salesforce set up and working (with automatic sharing etc). It works great for go-forward records. I'm struggling to find out how to deal with existing records that exist in both ...
Adam Erstelle's user avatar
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Which tool to use for updating 10,000 records in salesforce in single transaction

I have a set up where an external integration will bring 10,000 records at a time into my salesforce org (update transaction, not insert). I need to test if my triggers, S2S connection (which updates ...
user2957592's user avatar
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Time delay @future method - need delay for recurring batch process to complete

I have the following requirement and am looking for advice for the best way to process it. We have multiple orgs linked to each other via S2S, with batch jobs running every 10min to pass updates ...
Irene's user avatar
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sharing files through s2s connector

We have S2S connection establishment between two salesforce instances and its working fine without any issues. In this S2S connection, we have a process to share the related records whenever we share ...
KSL's user avatar
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Salesforce to Salesforce (S2S) issue in sharing related records

I am new in Salesforce to Salesforce (S2S). I am trying to achieve a concept of share one record from one org with its related record. I am trying to share Account record with its related "Line ...
Chintan's user avatar
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How Much does it cost to buy Cross-Org Adapter for Salesforce Connect for Unlimited Edition [closed]

We are considering replacing Salesforce to Salesforce usage by Cross-Org Adapter for Salesforce Connect and use it for other cases. It is provided for free in Developer Edition but in client ...
Patlatus's user avatar
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Salesforce to Salesforce with Duplicate Management: How to detect duplicate lead error?

I have S2S set up between two SF orgs (Source and Target). When a lead is created in the Source org then S2S creates it in the Target org. However, the Target org has Duplicate Management set up so ...
D Gunn's user avatar
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Does Salesforce2Salesforce Support Delete?

I am exploring a Salesforce2Salesforce integration. Insert, update seems to be working properly between the Org but when a record gets deleted in the parent org, the same is not getting Synced with ...
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S2S picklist value missing on publish

We have an issue in our S2S connection. Our source org has published the PicklistField1, that contains Value1, Value2, Value3. Target org admin has reported that he has successfully subscribed to the ...
EvAzi's user avatar
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S2S: INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS_ON_CROSS_REFERENCE_ENTITY error when attempting to sync Notes and Attachments

I have S2S set up between 2 sandboxes. I'm successfully sharing opportunities between them. However, I then added notes and attachments to the sync: newConnection = new ...
D Gunn's user avatar
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Salesforce 2 Salesforce changes made on target are not being updated on the source? Suggestions?

I'm trying to set up a proof-of-concept for using Salesforce to Salesforce to permit access to a subsidiary's SF instance (Accounts, Contacts etc.) within my company's SF instance. I've set up ...
Jordy's user avatar
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Trigger to forward related account with Opportunity in s2s

Right now I am using the below trigger to forward an Opportunity via Salesforce2Salesforce. Is it possible to transfer related account along with it? Trigger Description: Whenever ...
Admin_BA's user avatar
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Is it possible to prevent a Case from being forwarded to a S2S connection by looking at a specific field on the Case?

We would like to set up a S2S connection to publish Cases to another org. But we only want cases with the custom field, Client Type = 'TypeA' to be sent. How can we prevent a user forwarding cases ...
Cindy F's user avatar
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Search in all Production Orgs at once and Display in one single org

I have an urgent requirement, my client has 3 Production orgs due to the versatility of business, sales users search for an account name eg: 'Johns Garage' in one Production org, users should be able ...
Jayesh Tejwani's user avatar
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Automating Salesforce to Salesforce with Apex

I came across Rakesh' Salesforce-to-Salesforce sharing through Flow & Process. But I am curious on how to get it down with Apex. I was able to create this trigger and save it: trigger ...
B Wayne's user avatar
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How to implement salesforce in my hotel businesses [closed]

I run multiples hotel in different locations, Bali, Ibiza and Marrakesh, each hotel have a website, how to optimize salesforce in my processes work and what task i need to organize for my team in the ...
Burgerkill's user avatar
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How to enable/see Org Sync Log tab in Salesforce

I am trying to figure out how I can see Org Sync Log tab in Salesforce - I have a ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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How to programatically share a record in S2S

I have established a connection between two salesforce org using S2S - I am trying to use a programatic approach to ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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Using Salesforce to Salesforce Connection to update object & Fields

I am connecting two salesforce org using salesforce to salesforce connection - For this I have published an object ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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How to connect to salesforce instance

I am exploring some option to connect two Sales force Orgs. My requirement is the following: Any update to a record in one org should update the records in another org. Both org has an object with ...
SfdcBat's user avatar
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Trigger on S2S's successfull sharing

Use case: I need to update all related opps in our org if their parent account was successfully shared through S2S (Sharing status = "Active (sent)". The account record on our side's not updated when ...
EvAzi's user avatar
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Salesforce to Salesforce connection - Update existing record during insertion

I have salesforce to salesforce connection between two salesforce org(org 1 and org 2 ). But I don't want the record to be inserted in org 2 whenever a new record is inserted in org 1. I want to check ...
Sam R's user avatar
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How to skip validation rule in trigger in "onafterinsert" without inserting any field on object? [closed]

i need to skip validation onAfterInsert method without adding additional field on object.
Chintal Somaiya's user avatar
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how many child records can an object have in a lookup relationship? [duplicate]

Does anyone knows how many records can an object have in a lookup relationship? I've found in the documentation that as a best practice, don't exceed 10,000 child records for a master-detail ...
MANUELAN00's user avatar
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Writable External Objects between 2 salesforce Org

I am working on a requirement in which I need to write on some external object between 2 salesforce org. I have tried to use the s2s connect but they are not working as Writable external objects aren’...
cloudy-ritz's user avatar
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Mass Record insert using Salesforce connection for two org

I have created a salesforce to salesforce connection using trigger for new record and for update using the basic functionality. But as during the deployment I may be need to put million of data and ...
cloudy-ritz's user avatar
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rendering error after enabling salesforce to salesforce data migration

after enabling salesforce to salesforce migration. It gives me error while displaying all fields of my custom object on visual-force page. public class MyClass { public Map<String,String> ...
Rahul Singh's user avatar
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Salesforce 2 Salesforce Picklist fields

I'm unable to transfer a picklist field between 2 orgs using S2S. I added a formula field and in the formula TEXT(CustomPicklistfield__c) The formula works beautifully in the source Org. But when ...
S2S newbie's user avatar
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Do I need to establish a new connection between sandbox to sandbox

I have already established connection between two production orgs, now I want to share records from sandbox to sandbox, so how can I do it?
Atul Rakate's user avatar
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modifyiing master record of detail record in Master detail relationship in salesforce to salesforce connection

I've set up a connection between 2 sandboxes. PL box and JIRA box there is a master detail relationship between product launch and JIRA (product launch is the master and JIRA is the detail) Now ...
Ashish Padakannaya's user avatar
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Salesforce to Salesforce - Pending(sent) External Sharing Status

I have programmatic record forwarding for a Salesforce to Salesforce integration. For unknown reasons 1 out of every 4000ish records get stuck with the pending(sent) external sharing status and never ...
Steel Reserve 211's user avatar
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Salesforce search setting "Lookup Auto-Completion" not working inside jquery datatable.for page 2 and above for 1st page it's working fine [closed]

I am using Salesforce search setting "Lookup Auto-Completion",and i am populating multiple records and for dispaly i used JQuery Datatable.Autocomplete is working for page 1 but not for rest of the ...
Gaurav Prakash's user avatar
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Salesforce to Salesforce Multi-level child records

I have a parent record that has a child record, and that child record has a child record, and when I publish the parent record I want all the records down the heirarchy to be published to the target ...
Brohibition's user avatar
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Does Salesforce2Salesforce work with Person Accounts?

Has anyone successfully shared Person Accounts to another Salesforce org using Salesforce to Salesforce? Does it work well? If there are any gotchas, please tell me. In both orgs, the data will be ...
georg w.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to automate s2s configuration / s2s fields mapping? [closed]

Is it possible to make it in apex? Kind regards.
user3443471's user avatar
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Target org triggers (after insert, after update) don't get fired when insert/update happens on source org using Salesforce2Salesforce

I'm using Salesforce2Salesforce. When a new entry is inserted/updated inside of the source org, the target org's triggers (after insert and after update) are not getting fired. Is there any way around ...
OneSky Foundation's user avatar
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Apex Class Unit Test for PartnerNetworkConnection and PartnerNetworkRecordConnection without SeeAllData=true

Is there a way to create unit testing for PartnerNetworkConnection and PartnerNetworkRecordConnection without using live data(SeeAllData=true)? I've been having a lot of issues trying to deploy S2S ...
OneSky Foundation's user avatar
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Test Class - Error: Compile Error: Field is not writeable: Opportunity.ConnectionReceivedId

I have a re-parenting trigger that fires if the connectionReceivedId is of a certain value. The sad part is that it looks like that field is not writeable, so testing is not possible. I know I could ...
Steel Reserve 211's user avatar
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SOQL Query Error: Compile Error: unexpected token: 'SELECT' at line x column y

I am trying to gather Account record Ids so I can re-parent some Contact records. I only need to gather records where a certain Account field matches the same value as the corresponding Contact field. ...
Steel Reserve 211's user avatar
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List has more than 1 row for assignment to SObject while autoforwarding objects using S2S [duplicate]

I am trying to implement S2S (Salesforce to salesforce) And I have written a code on Custom object called "ABC" to allow auto forwarding of records. After making the trigger active, I cannot manually ...
harshitha's user avatar
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Pull accounts from partner org using S2S programmatically

Currently, I'm exploring salesforce to salesforce (S2S) and I have S2S setup on 2 of my dev orgs. I have read couple of examples on sharing/inserting records from one org to another, but I couldn't ...
Mahmood's user avatar
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When updating the ParentRecordId lookup field in a PartnerNetworkRecordConnection, is it normal for ParentRecordId not to update on the other org?

In my Salesforce to Salesforce connection, each time a case is inserted and/or updated in my source org X, a PartnerNetworkRecordConnection is created (after insert and after update) to forward the ...
Benjamin Jones's user avatar
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Session expired or invalid

I am trying to build Salesforce to Salesforce integration using Named Credentials. Followed steps from below blog.
sfdc's user avatar
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Salesforce to Salesforce integration using Named Credentials

I am trying to build Salesforce to Salesforce integration using Named Credentials. Followed the steps from below blog.
sfdc's user avatar
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Salesforce2Salesforce testclass help

I have batch class that publishes the opportunities to other Salesforce Org for shared accounts. In testclass, I create an account and insert the accountid in NetworkConnectionPartner record. Call ...
Razu's user avatar
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