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Questions tagged [google-map]

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Get current location details from reverse Geocoding

I have succeeded in getting the Latitude and longitude of my current location. Then I need to use the lat and long to get the physical address of that particular location. later retrieve the physical ...
Anish's user avatar
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How to localize the country that will show when searching address using show-address-lookup on LWC?

I have a lightning-input-address element on my LWC and the show-lookup-address is set to true. How would I localize the address/ country that will be shown on the dropdown? Currently the lookup search ...
nami's user avatar
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LWC Input Address not populating Province [closed]

I'm trying to implement a standard lwc input address in a custom LWC component. When I search an Italian ...
Mike Thompson's user avatar
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Do you have to pay for the Google Maps API in order to use lightning:map feature?

My company has directly used the Google Maps API before and once we got above a certain number of API calls we had to start paying for the service. I've noticed that the lightning:map feature of Aura ...
Rozgonyi's user avatar
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lightning:map Account Locator Map markers not showing on map

I created an Account Locator application similar to the one found in the Trailhead example. I altered min slightly as I am using a custom object instead of the account object. I was able to ...
RMC's user avatar
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Google Map full-screen control is not visible on chrome [closed]

I have implement a web page that include a google map component. In the map all other map controls(zoom, satellite, and etc.) are properly visible except the full screen control. The issue recreates ...
Isuru Buddhika Herath's user avatar
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Google Direction api is giving bad response [closed]

From today morning we are receiving bad response from direction api in Salesforce: Here is the response : // normal response waypoint_order: Array(23) 0: 3 1: 9 2: 8 3: 10 4: 19 5: 21 6: 22 7: 1 8: ...
Nirav Tejani's user avatar
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Enabling CSP unsafe-eval support on other origins

I'm trying to build a component utilising lightning:component (external build) which has a dependency that loads code on init via a script tag. Specifically I'm trying to load content from https://...
Ben Naylor's user avatar
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Whitelist MyDomain Sandboxes

Now that I'm using MyDomain, I am noticing that sandboxes have a silly domain name associated with them (e.g., I'd like to whitelist production and all ...
Charles Koppelman's user avatar
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changing the language in the mailing address field into a local language

I have enabled the Map and location settings in my organization to get the address searched. Is there a way to return the address in the local language(just for the address fields) on the detail page ...
aditi sharma's user avatar
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Display/Rerender google map with the updated list of addresses

i have displayed google map for accounts(lets say 10 accounts) I have a accounts differentiated by segments. i want to filter out accounts using segment, and based on the result i want to rerender ...
Gauri Gaikwad's user avatar
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Google Maps - How do I Add Info Window to Marker? [closed]

I am developing a page where a user can press a button on an account and a map will display with markers created for each nearby account. I have been able to create the markers for each account, ...
Ryan Werner's user avatar
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How to set a popup window on markers with Google Maps API?

I have this code where I display and set all my markers. Right now when clicking on a marker, a new tab is opened with the information which is another visualforce page. How can I have this new window ...
IT.Beaulieu's user avatar
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Google Map Issues!

Using VF i am displaying google map based on geolocation field which is a formula field(Lat_Long_Values__c) contain latitude and longitude value. When i run this VF page if there is no value in ...
user7292's user avatar
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How do use Google Maps Places Autocomplete REST API in Salesforce

Does anyone have any example Apex code or Salesforce Lightning JavaScript code for using the Google Maps Places Autocomplete REST API within Salesforce? Specifically to perform a GET request to end ...
Robs's user avatar
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Need to get distance between source (latitude and longitude) and destination (latitude and longitude) using google API

Hi I need to calculate the distance of the first location to the second location using google MAP API but I am getting this Error [System.HttpResponse[Status=OK, StatusCode=200]]. I have tried the ...
Nitish Kumar's user avatar
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Turns address into latitude and longitude coordinates

How to retrieve or get the lat/lon by providing the address?, I'm using Google places auto-complete API and you typed the address in the auto-complete text-box and you select the address and the ...
Nick's user avatar
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How to place the google map address in account object?

I have created visual force pages for Google map using auto complete functionality. It's working fine in visual force page only but I need to place the account object in billing and shipping address. ...
Nikitha's user avatar
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Google maps for SalesForce

I am trying to use Google Maps for my Organizations SalesForce account. We have around 100 users and they might access map frequently. Should I get any licence to use Google Map API ? I found this ...
Maria's user avatar
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Lightning-map is not getting updated as I am updating the map-marker through JS in LWC

On a click of a button I am setting the latitude and longitude in the map-marker but lightning-map is updating/refreshing. Here is the code: HTML: <template> <lightning-button label='Click' ...
jegoxab's user avatar
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Cannot Display exact adress on the map (LWC)

I seem unable to display exact adress of an account shipping adress on a google map! import { LightningElement, api,track ,wire} from 'lwc'; import getRecentModifiedAccounts from "@salesforce/...
Oumaima's user avatar
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How to define size and zoom out of a google map in LWC?

HTML : <label for="pays">Pays</label> <lightning-output-field field-name="Country__c" variant="label-hidden" id="pays" ></lightning-output-field> </br> <...
Oumaima's user avatar
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lightning-map does not show markers

I've got a parent-child-relationship where the parent is called portfolio and the child called property object. All child objects have geolocation and address information. I am implementing a ...
Christian Schwabe's user avatar
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Typeahead google api on flows

I currently have a custom page that accepts addresses as user input. This addresses use Google API in the back-end and gives user suggestions as they type. Due to some changes in the process, we ...
Anurag's user avatar
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How to call java script function without refreshing page?

When I'm trying to solve witout refresh page (Map should not blink on increasing of list index). I have tried it , but it's not happening without refreshing and i want to solve this problem with java ...
Manish Mourya's user avatar
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Google Maps position with postal codes

Is it possible to show a pin on google map for a postal code? I have only the country name, state name and city name with postal code. Is it possible to show a pin for such postal code? Or do we need ...
Nagashruthi Chakilam's user avatar
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Geocoding - get lat/long for 110,000 address

What I have: List of 110,000 address (street + city+ state+ zip code) all address are from US What I am looking for: get "geocodes" (latitude/longitude) of all address. using a opensource API, or a ...
Murali Mohan Mandadi's user avatar
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Google Static Map API specifically for HTML Email?

Has anybody ever tried using Google Static Map API or something similar to generate dynamic map images to be used within HTML emails? There's over 2k store locations and I'm wanting to avoid ...
Nolan Maratas's user avatar
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Google Map on salesforce custom object detail page [closed]

I am not able to view the map on the Custom object detail page. I am able to save the page, and also I am not getting any errors, but still unable to view anything Please help me with the possible ...
happy's user avatar
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How to populate multiple coordinates on map

I have two custom objects in Master-Detail relationship, there is a GeoLocation field on child object, now I have to display pin all the location of child record on the Master object page. I am able ...
MJain's user avatar
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Googlemap Not visible in Vf Page

I have used the below code and it is worked fine while runing as HTMl file. But if I used with the Visualforce page. the map not visible. Map not showing please look the below image. Googlemap code ...
Alex's user avatar
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Error with Google map API

I have an aurra component with an embed VF in IFRAME. The VF is displaying map using the google map API, I have some fonctionality in it, and it is working very well. When I try to access to the ...
Raphael D's user avatar
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Google map with API key not allowing marker change

I'm currentlly working on a LWC to open up a google map. This map receives some coordinates that come from another integration, and then the final user has to be able to move the marker to the exact ...
Renzo Gambino Fornasin's user avatar
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GeocodeService.Search returns ZERO_RESULTS From some values

Lightning map works good for most of records we used, but for some returns zero results. We have a for describing purpose i cut out &callback=XXX&key=YYY&token=ZZZ from each link below ...
BearsTester's user avatar
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Cannot get lightning-map in LWC to refresh

This works to display some accounts in a given zip code on a map, but after it has worked once, I cannot get it to change to another zip code when clicking "Search" again. Interestingly, if ...
number41's user avatar
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How to hide address fields and just show address lookup on lightning-input-address?

I am able to use <lightning-input-address> to create a way to use address lookup functionality to prepopulate address fields. However, we want to hide the address fields and just show the ...
usernameabc's user avatar
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OmniSript Type Ahead Blck Google Maps Autocomplete does not work

I have created an OmniScript which includes a Type Ahead Block with Google Maps Autocomplete. The component works as expected when I preview the OmniScript and it is capable of displaying matching ...
Isuru Buddhika Herath's user avatar
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Issues loading Google JS library in LWC

I am trying to load the google places library into an LWC. I ripped the js from the src url(below) for a normal google script tag and loaded it as a static resource.
SMH_RI's user avatar
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Can I customize "Maps and Location Services (powered by Google)" locale when searching for an address?

Below you'll see the result of auto-complete operation by using the Google Location Service: After typing "mokotowska 1" I got a correct result, choosing which resulted in filling all the ...
Przemysław Długoszewski-Tamoń's user avatar
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I have trouble creating Map location hyper link using geolocation fields

We have a requirement to create hyperlink which will take the user to the google maps page of the address. I followed the salesforce standard solution on creating the link. as per the below link https:...
Samuel Robert's user avatar
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Uncaught Action when setting mapMarkers for Aura Component Map

Please note this question is about the Aura Component Map not about a collection of key/value pairs. Specifically, I'm getting an error when trying to set the required mapMarkers attribute on an Aura ...
Josh's user avatar
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Not able to get Distance from google distance matrix JSON format

Hi I am working on calculating distance from one location to another. I got the JSON format from the response but further I am not able to get the distance from JSON in my apex code. I have also taken ...
Nitish Kumar's user avatar
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Google Map static map not working in Visualforce pdf

I have a page which is being rendered as pdf and in it there is a google static maps image which is not being displayed. This used to work fine but for some reason seems to have stopped working. The ...
Stephen Gillen's user avatar
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Alternative for google maps api?

We use geocodes(google map APIs) in our healthcare application to locate how far doctors and clinics are located from the patient. The locations are pointed on the map embedded into salesforce and ...
Sara's user avatar
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Lightning Map Markers not getting populated

I have used lightning:map in one of my lightning component. It is working fine in my laptop but while opening the same in other laptops markers are not getting populated. I have checked location ...
Gaurav Chauhan's user avatar
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Geolocation location fields in Contacts/Account

I know Salesforce has some custom hidden fields that stored geolocation coordinates based on the Mailing and Billing address fields. (and I believe this is how the plot Markers in the inline Google ...
Deployment Failure's user avatar
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lightning:recordForm display addresses fields as google maps reference with image

I'm working with lightning:recordForm and when adding an address field it displays like this: And that text is a redirection to the google maps page: But what I really want is that field to have the ...
molinet's user avatar
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How to convert latitude and longitude, received from Google Maps API, to N, S, E, and W coordinates, to be sent to GeoNames webservice?

The requirement is to track a list of Earthquakes after the user inputs the City name. I'm able to successfully send the City (and state + country etc.) name to the Google Maps API of GeoCoding (https:...
Abhijeet Mitra's user avatar
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How to display mapMarkers eventhough lat and log is same for multiple records

I am displaying the Accounts in google Maps with Latitude and longitude. But Most of the records has same latitude and logitude. If Suppose latitude and longitude is same for 10 records but in Maps ...
Mahesh's user avatar
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Render google map in Page Block Section

My Vf page have 3 steps. And I'm try to show google map in step 3. <apex:PageBlockSection title="Google Maps" columns="2"> <body> <input id="pac-input" ...
Viktor's user avatar
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