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Questions tagged [google-map]

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Google Map API in LWC [closed]

As we know that standard base component lightning-map has limited customizations, so I am planning to use a custom map using Google Maps API. I know that we can import the JS file and use it as ...
Ajay 's user avatar
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How to use Google API related javascript inside an LWC

Is there any way we can use Google Address plugin related javascript inside an LWC component like we have used inside the Visual force pages like below, <apex:component > <script src="https:/...
Hariprasath's user avatar
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Page renders properly only if showHeader="false"

I have a page that will render properly only when showHeader="false" in the apex:page tag. When it's set to true I get the following... However, when it's set to false, I get a full-page map from ...
sberley's user avatar
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How to display salesforce data on a Google Map?

I am a beginner user here, but I've been tasked with developing maps of our volunteers. There are two types of volunteers (contacts), CDL Drivers and Plain Volunteers. I have researched a few pages ...
Stephen McKitrick's user avatar
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LWC - Cannot read property * of undefined

I'm trying to implement a Google map using LWC, the component is on the record page called Project__c, I want to use Address__c as an input: import { LightningElement, api, wire } from 'lwc'; import {...
Json's user avatar
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Simple way to generate object from JSON that return from Google Geocode API?

I receive JSON file from Google API Geocoding.Refer to JSON file here.Is there any other easy way to extract the data from this JSON in Apex?I want to retrieve a state value and result status code ...
unidha's user avatar
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google map not showing on Visualforce page

I am trying a very simple exercise to display a google map on visualforce page. But nothing is showing up. Below is my page code - <apex:page controller="SampleLocation"> <head> &...
apn's user avatar
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Google maps api request from apex batch

everyone. I am trying to run batch, wich will fill the geolocation field on accounts. And for now, i have an issue with http request, that fails. so, here it is public static String[] ...
Igor H's user avatar
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Enable VisualForce Map Component apex:map

I have found to my delight that there is now a standard map component. However, it is apparently not enabled for my org. How do I enable them? Is this feature still in beta? All the listed features ...
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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Google Maps with Salesforce VF Page

I created a new VF Page where I have 3 dependent dropdowns of country,state and city. Upon selection of the three dropdowns, I get a list of postal codes of the selected city where I have my installed ...
Nagashruthi Chakilam's user avatar
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Visualforce - Apex - Google maps

I have been trying to get something to work with Google maps in combination with Apex and Visualforce pages, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. What I want is to set different icons with ...
Carlos Naranjo's user avatar
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is it possible to fill address lead fields automatically with geolocalization from within salesforce1? [closed]

I would want customize my salesforce1 app so that we can add a new lead and auto-fill the address lead fields with a location button using the geolocation feature of my mobile device. Would it be ...
Jaime Ruiz Pallarés's user avatar
2 votes
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Content security policy error

I developed a Visualforce page with an integration that visualizes a Google Map, but when the page is opened, in the console browser I can see the errors: -Unrecognized Content-Security-Policy ...
L.benedettini's user avatar
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Access Javascript variable inside of an Apex:repeat

I am currently trying to add some customer markers to a map. I can add a single marker to the map but when I move that same logic inside of an Apex:repeat I no longer have access to the map variable. ...
Sam Maton's user avatar
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returning distance in soql select

Has anyone found a way to use the DISTANCE function in a SELECT phrase. I've seen how to use it in the WHERE and ORDER BY clauses, but what I'm trying to do is something like... SELECT id, name, ...
sberley's user avatar
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Account Address search(Powered by Google) in Salesforce

I am trying to implement Address Search in Account Mailing and Shipping Address. I went through the following documentation
Madhurima's user avatar
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Finding geolocations within the bounds in Apex

I am working with Goole map in a VF page.Consider that Account object has Geolocation field. Based on the user location I have mapped the center point in the map and got the bounds of the map using ...
wAitIng dOg's user avatar
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Simulating containers from VF layout editor on page w/o sObject

(n.b. While the underlying problem described here was originally asked days ago, this posting asks for assistance from a totally different perspective) I have a VF page containing a map that works ...
sberley's user avatar
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apex:mapMarker marker events and color

I'm looking to add some of the new apex:map functionality to one of the orgs I manage. While it's pretty fantastic how they've made it so easy, there's also some basic things I've noticed lacking. ...
sberley's user avatar
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Is it possible to use the setHeader method on HttpRequest Class to set the referer?

Using an Apex callout to Google Maps geocoding API, I want to authorize narrowly within Google to protect the client ID from being reused by anyone else. I believe the referer header needs to match ...
Bradley Thomas's user avatar
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How to navigate to Salesforce Account record on clicking the Google Map marker

I am displaying all account record close to my current location on Google Maps. I need to navigate a user to the particular account record in Salesforce once he chooses a marker on the map and clicks ...
Roger Francis's user avatar
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Lightning-map select marker

I have a lightning-map component in my LWC component. I hide the list of markers as I do not like what the component has and provide my own. If user clicks on a marker in the map, I can handle and ...
zaitsman's user avatar
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CORS Policy Error with Third Party Javascript Library

I'm trying to build my own Google Maps LWC. I understand and am aware that there is a native Lightning Map component, but I am wishing to build my own, and utilizing my own billing independent of ...
Kyle B.'s user avatar
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Is it possible to have a google map fill the page space while having the salesforce header?

Currently I have a google map displaying in salesforce. If I set showheader="false" in the apex page tag, I can set the map div to 100% height. If I set showheader="true" then I need a specific ...
Ronan's user avatar
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Disable Google maps for few pagelayouts/objects

Right now you can enable or disable the google maps feature by going to Customize > Maps and Locations > Settings -> Enable Maps and Location Services This will either enable or disable for all ...
sfdc's user avatar
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Draw on Google Map within Visualforce

I'm wanting to be able to free-form draw on top of a map within a Salesforce page if possible. I believe this can be done but am having a hard time getting the code to work. Any help is appreciated. ...
Sesaco Admin's user avatar
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Nested <apex:repeat> in an <apex:map>

I'm running into some odd errors with a nested apex:repeat inside of an apex:map (on API 34.0). My code looks like this: <apex:map width="500px" height="500px" center="53704"> <...
Christian Carter's user avatar
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Lightning Web Components - how to customize a map? [closed]

It is easy to create a Google Map control with the standard Salesforce Lightning Web Components map control, but how can you set the Google Maps control options that allow you to make configuration ...
Andrew's user avatar
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lightning-map Satellite default

I have LWC component lightning-map. How to make the default satellite view? I did not find such an option in the documentation and I can't change it through the code because it's an iframe. By default,...
Vladimir Butsco's user avatar
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Visualforce Google Maps has stopped working [closed]

The code has not been amended for more than 4 years and now Google maps does not load, say: This page has not loaded Google Maps correctly. See the details technical of the problem in the console of ...
Nathalie eXe's user avatar
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Google Maps not rendering with 100% height

I have a simple page with a search that shows the results throught the Google Maps API. The problem is, when I put on CSS height:100%, the map dont shows up. If I change it to 500px, it works fine. ...
danielpm's user avatar
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How to display Google Map based on Latitude and Longitude?

I am using google map based on billing address field its works fine. But now i need to display the map based on Latitude and Longitude value, when i given using the latitude and longitude value it is ...
user7292's user avatar
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Finding the distance between two accounts in salesforce using google map integration [closed]

We are currently working on finding distance between two accounts using Google map integration. So, we are unable to find the solution for this. Can any one please help me out. We are able to display ...
user1672012's user avatar
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Create a map showing all town locations

I have a custom object on SalesForce called clients. This object contains address line 1, town and postcode fields. I am looking for a way to show all the towns on one map as we would like to be able ...
Chris's user avatar
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Polygons on Lightning Map on ZipCode areas

I'm attempting to illustrate a specific Zip Code area using a colored polygon to fill the region within the zip code boundary. My attempt: Currently I'm able to plot them only using markers. This ...
MnZ's user avatar
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An internal server error has occurred on Experience cloud site with embedded Google Map

On our experience cloud site there is an embedded google map location which throws this error everytime we open it. That map was already working earlier but now it started to produce this error in the ...
Márk Kaposvári's user avatar
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Named Credentials - Google API Key

As google required to pass API key in the URL, I am trying to use Named Credentials, however, I am not how to figure out how to pass the key in the URL using a secure way. Named Credentails: I tried ...
Ajay 's user avatar
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Google geocoder status is OVER_QUERY_LIMIT Lightning Map

I have an aura lightning component that uses Lightning:Map. When i have more than 10 addresses, i get the message Google geocoder status is OVER_QUERY_LIMIT. 1) Are there any limits on how many ...
Giorgos Galaios's user avatar
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Plotting a map(poly-shaped) area dynamically?

I am trying to implement a Lightning component/VF page that could render a shape/layer on a Map(may be a Google Map) after successfully capturing the plotting. Initially the end user submits a ...
SatyaV's user avatar
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OVER_QUERY_LIMIT and ZERO_RESULTS error when address passes from apex class

I am passing an array of address from my apex class. The addresses are coming over fine in JavaScript but I get an error mentioned below. The marker works fine when I hardcode the same address in the ...
Samir's user avatar
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How to geocode in Lightning?

Anyone know if its possible to use the google geocoder API from a Lightning component? Using visual force and javascript I have can make use of google maps goecoder API to get the geolocation of ...
monkeyhandz's user avatar
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Google Map in Visualforce Modalpopup

Hy i am new to salesforce and I am trying to display the google map in Bootstrap modal when the row is clicked . The modal shows up but google map does not display but when i click on Inspect element ...
Muhammad Sheheryar Afsar's user avatar
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Adding Apex pages to lead layout page

I'm trying to add a Google Map to my lead page layout. I've made the page in Apex, how do I insert into my lead page layout? Alongside my custom fields, etc? Thanks!
t56k's user avatar
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Autocomplete in google map

I had wrote a script to use the Google map in Vf page. I want to use i want to use the auto complete city text box. Can you help me out Guys. Here is my script:- <script> var marker=null ; ...
Anurag Pareek's user avatar
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Google Maps... What about Google Earth Code

I have this code which only shows the google map. I would like to have another code that shows "EARTH" and a seperate code for "Tilt View" So I will have 3 different maps. An example is like this......
Ninja King's user avatar
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Geo location not visible

Hi I have used the below code but the map not showing in visualforce page. Code: <apex:page> <html> <head> <title>Geolocation</title> <style> ...
Alex's user avatar
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How to find whether Google Maps API is licensed or not? [closed]

I am using Google maps API in my salesforce application. I am using this javascript file to integrate my application with google ...
LazyBones's user avatar
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Salesforce1/Google maps tutorial example now shows blank page

About two months back, I was tinkering with the Salesforce1 warehouse tutorial ( Salesforce1 Mobile Workbook. It's the one where you show the location of your warehouses (Salesforce data) on a Google ...
Jagular's user avatar
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generate signature in apex to call Google Geocoding API but Signature not valid on certain postal code

I hope the title is correctly defined.I am passing postal code to Google Geocoding API and required to generate signature with private key provided.I successfully generate the key based on reference ...
unidha's user avatar
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Google Maps in VisualForce problem

I am new using VisualForce and this is the first time I'm using this technology. I have to use the google maps api in VF because of the limitations of LWC lightning-map. My VisualForce looks like this:...
sinpasharmi's user avatar