I am trying to use Google Maps for my Organizations SalesForce account. We have around 100 users and they might access map frequently. Should I get any licence to use Google Map API ?

I found this Terms of Use which says

  • You use the Google API to get a Google map view inside of your salesforce.com instance

  • You have inserted a public key (as opposed to a Google Maps API for Business licensed key) into a VisualForce page to render a maps view

  • You have installed any AppExchange solution that makes calls to Google (i.e. “Find Nearby”) that do not have a commercial agreement with Google

If you use Google Maps or Google Maps API in any of three categories outlined above, we recommend that you visit this page: https://developers.google.com/maps/support/availability to get a Google Maps for Business license.

  • Can you talk more about how your organization wants to use Google Maps? Do you just need a map embedded somewhere within an object or do you need something more elaborate?
    – eyedar
    Commented May 8, 2014 at 19:51

1 Answer 1


Not sure how much this relates to Salesforce specifically. If you need to use Google Maps in your VF pages, you can try Google Maps JavaScript API. Here is a guidance to integrate it with your VF page(Please modify any version related mismatches by going through documentations).
About the license and pricing check here. It's upto you to decide based on the number of API requests that will be sent.

If you think your website or application will generate high map loads consistently in the long-term, you should consider one of the following options:

  • Modify your application so that your usage is less than 25 000 map loads per day.
  • Enroll for automated billing of excess map loads in the Google APIs Console.
  • Purchase a Maps API for Business license.

For web applications, JavaScript API is the simplest way to integrate Google Maps in my experience.

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