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Questions tagged [lightning-map]

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Polygons on Lightning Map on ZipCode areas

I'm attempting to illustrate a specific Zip Code area using a colored polygon to fill the region within the zip code boundary. My attempt: Currently I'm able to plot them only using markers. This ...
MnZ's user avatar
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a href link to google maps not working on Lightning community page

I am designing a lightning community page using lWC. I have this code where the user will get directed to google maps when clicked. I can see the correct value being generated when I log the address ...
sumchans's user avatar
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How to show the lightning-map location list on the bottom?

Normally, the location list is shown on the right side like this: That is until you have a lot of markers - around 100 in my case. The map looks awful with many markers but users noticed that it ...
Semmel's user avatar
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Google map with API key not allowing marker change

I'm currentlly working on a LWC to open up a google map. This map receives some coordinates that come from another integration, and then the final user has to be able to move the marker to the exact ...
Renzo Gambino Fornasin's user avatar
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How to customize the lightning-map location list?

Is it possible to modify how the locations on the right are displayed? And if so - how? I can control the title but below it, it will always display either latitude and longitude or the address. It ...
Semmel's user avatar
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GeocodeService.Search returns ZERO_RESULTS From some values

Lightning map works good for most of records we used, but for some returns zero results. We have a for describing purpose i cut out &callback=XXX&key=YYY&token=ZZZ from each link below ...
BearsTester's user avatar
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Cannot get lightning-map in LWC to refresh

This works to display some accounts in a given zip code on a map, but after it has worked once, I cannot get it to change to another zip code when clicking "Search" again. Interestingly, if ...
number41's user avatar
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Show URL in the title of LWC lightning-map

The image from my Lightning web component That's what I want to achieve I am implementing lightning-map for one of my clients. I actually need to show the URL or a button that would open google map ...
Areeba Irfan Ullah Khan's user avatar
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Use SVG in Static Resource with LWC:Map

I am implementing the LWC Map component as defined here. I want to implement a SVG Icon on the map, and I can successfully do that by defining a path definition but I'd like to store the ICON as a ...
BritishBoyinDC's user avatar
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Using custom shape type with the LWC Base Map Component

I am trying to implement the option of "Marking Locations with Shapes" in the LWC Base Map Component as outlined here:
BritishBoyinDC's user avatar
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lightning-maps footer - guest users can't open in google maps without login

I create a custom lightning web component and utilized the lighting maps element which quite simply is configured as... <lightning-map key={res.resId} map-markers={...
Crash667's user avatar
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How can I remove or change the icons from the listView field from the lightning-map?

Explaining my question: I want to be able to remove, and-or change the green icons in the "listview" field. (circled in red) Would this be possible? My HTML Code: <template> &...
Pinto's user avatar
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How can I move the list-view field from the lightning-map to the bottom of the map?

To explain my question: I have the "list-view" as visible, so I can see all the map-markers addresses. Its working correctly for me, but Its populating on the right-hand side of my map. I ...
Pinto's user avatar
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Show icon map -- Lightning map LWC

Hello guys I am working on a LWC that contains a lightning-map. The apex controller brings to the javascript wire method a list of different records that come from different objets. so for this case I ...
Rash's user avatar
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Uncaught promise in LWC

Hello everybody I am getting the next error: 'Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: LWC component's @wire target property or method threw an error during value provisioning. Original error: [...
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Lightning Map with apex list LWC

Hello everybody I am currently working in a LWC Lightning map where I want to show a list of directions saved in an Address field of an SObject. But I am having some troubles. I read the lightning-map ...
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LWC lighting-map not showing custom icons

I'm trying to create a map and I need to add a custom icon as there will be two types of markers on it. I've been following the documentation almost verbatim but I still get the standard icon on my ...
Gusk's user avatar
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'Open in Google Maps' button text is not clear in lightning-map component because of branding theme

I am using lightning-map component , the footer button 'Open in google maps' text is not seen because of the brand theme we use. Unfortunately we cant change the branding theme. Is there a way to set ...
Sowmya's user avatar
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How to change the lightning-map marker icon to current object icon?

I am trying to change the default red map marker in the lightning-map using mapIcon property of mapMarkers. What I want is to get the current object's icon and show it as map marker. PS - I am able to ...
Ravi Sharma's user avatar
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Lightning-Map Runs Outside Container On Mobile

I've been trying to figure out how to get a lightning-map to not overflow on mobile, but everything I seem to try to get it to stay contained will not work. Has anyone had to work with this before and ...
Jack Gimbert's user avatar
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Why does LWC map behave differently when put in lightning communities?

I have this map component that shows the info window when one clicks on a marker but the nothing happens when I put the same component in communities. Is there an extra configuration step I need to do?...
Pauline's user avatar
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How to dynamically append to a lightning map marker list

I am building a LWC which shows markers on a map after a user searches for an item. I have tried to create the markers dynamically but I can't seem to get the proper way of doing it. I have an array ...
Pauline's user avatar
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Why is my lightning map disappearing after a split second?

I am trying to use a lightning map in communities to visualize some data and I started by using the example in the documentation to simulate what I need. I want to have two options. Either show a list ...
Pauline's user avatar
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Looking for options to Overcome lightning-map Property Limitations using LWC

I have a working solution of marking Salesforce Account Address/co-ordinates on google map using lightning-map component. However, I am looking for options to include non-standard (properties not ...
ForceJourney's user avatar
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Lightning-map select marker

I have a lightning-map component in my LWC component. I hide the list of markers as I do not like what the component has and provide my own. If user clicks on a marker in the map, I can handle and ...
zaitsman's user avatar
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