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Questions tagged [collaborationgroup]

Use this object to create, edit, or delete groups in an organization or in a community.

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sObject type CollaborationGroup is not replicable

When performing the following GET request /services/data/v58.0/sobjects/CollaborationGroup/updated/?start=[date]&end=[date] I'm getting the following error: sObject type CollaborationGroup is not ...
silverberry's user avatar
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Knowledge base sharing library file error

I have a problem when sharing a file from the library via knowledge base. I will explain the whole process and what the problem is. When sharing an article, Autolaunched flow is launched, which checks ...
Kacper Walat's user avatar
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Create ContentDocumentLink after insert ContentDocument error

I have pretty simple requirement but I am facing error and I can't understand what is going wrong. I need to add ContentDocumentLink to add file to CollaborationGroup after insert with C permission. I ...
Maciej's user avatar
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create CollaborationGroup in SandboxPostCopy Class

Anyone have experience in creating a CollaborationGroup using SandboxPostCopy class ? My requirement is to create a Public Group in newly refreshed sandbox. I have tried following ways but no success: ...
Chirag Verma's user avatar
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Minimum permission required to Modify Private groups

By default only admin can see Feeds in Private Group, I need a moderator who can also see and modify Feeds in Private group but is not 'admin'. The solution here Suggest to assign 'Modify all data' ...
AmanSharma's user avatar
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How to create collaboration group and assign network id?

This is in test class. I wanted to create a collaboration group and assign it to a network. Here's my code: CollaborationGroup group = new CollaborationGroup(); group.Name = 'My Group'; group....
Carl Ortiz's user avatar
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CollaborationGroupMember Not Inserted In Test Context?

I've a batch class which identifies the users which are not added to list of chatter groups (CollaborationGroups) and adds them to the groups by creating collaborationGroupMember records. In order to ...
sfdcnewbie's user avatar
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Access Errors on FeedAttachment for Chatter Test Class

I am designing a test class for a Chatter component controller I did not design, and I am having issues creating test data. I have posted code below my issue description. I have removed most of the ...
AusNC's user avatar
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Create TopicAssignment in apex

I am attempting to automate some chatter stuff. What I want to do is use apex and create a new chatter feeditem, attach it to a group, and then assign a topic to it. I am doing this for a community ...
Travis's user avatar
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How do I test that a ConnectApi.AnnouncementInput has been posted to a CollaborationGroup?

I have a trigger that posts a ConnectApi.AnnouncementInput, but how do I test that this has been posted, and to the correct chattergroup? I've created the test collaborationgroup in my test method, ...
rna7's user avatar
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Insufficient Privileges error on getannouncements() method

We have a created a Chatter group in salesforce. A group manager can post Announcements on the group we need to display this announcement on the community portal. I am using ConnectApi.ChatterGroups....
user50072's user avatar
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Mention private chatter groups

Can users @mention private chatter groups, that they are not a member of? The idea is to restrict members of a group (which is why I prefer private group), but non-member users be able to @mention the ...
yeselkay's user avatar
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Need to Combine value sets from two maps to create a third Map

I'm needing to associate new SF Community Users to the proper Unlisted Chatter Group within their Community via trigger/triggerhandler. Hard Part is ChatterCollaborationGroup has no reference to ...
Arnold Brown's user avatar
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Set User context in Email Template

I would know if it's possible set a "User" for an email template. In a my email template I use {!User.Name}. I have a class and a trigger on CollaborationGroupMember and I send an email each time ...
vt89's user avatar
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Relationship between Collaboration Group and Feed Item (of type QuestionPost)

I am researching into migration of chatter data between two instances of Salesforce. Specifically I need to migrate chatter data within Collaboration Groups in a Community. I found all the posts from ...
Ordos's user avatar
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Map a Custom Category String from a Custom Object to Map of (String,List<CollaborationGroup>), could use some logic help

Background: I need some sort of "Category" option for our Collaboration Groups for our community, and Salesforce doesn't offer custom fields or categories of any sort on CollaborationGroup ...
Morgan Marchese's user avatar
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Napili Community: Filter Groups List Based on Custom Criteria?

Problem: Our Napili (Customer Service) community site utilizes custom components and Salesforce's out-of-the-box "Page Variations" functionality to render different page variations and different ...
Morgan Marchese's user avatar
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Test Class - Existing Chatter Group - complication

Can someone tell me how I can avoid using (seealldata=TRUE) BUT still be able to access an existing Chatter Group in a test class? Example with use of the SeeAllData=TRUE clause; //Find Chatter ...
Matt M's user avatar
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How to check if user has access to make post into chatter group?

How to check by Apex code if user has access to make post into chatter group?
Patlatus's user avatar
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Trigger on CollaborationGroupMemberRequest

Is there a way to enable triggers on CollaborationGroupMemberRequest object? I know you can enable triggers on ChatterMessage by setting the correct permission in a cloned System Administrator profile,...
Andrew L.'s user avatar
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Exception Error for Trigger

I have this trigger where it adds new user to chatter group but it throws exceptions everytime when i reset the password or when i deactivate any user, how can i update the trigger to not throw any ...
Admin_BA's user avatar
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Export member from a chatter group not present in an another group

I have 2 chatter's groups, i would like to export the users present in the group A and not present in the group B. I have tried with custom report, but i have not access to Collaboration Group Member....
Thomas's user avatar
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Most efficient way to mass delete CollaborationGroups after 24 hours?

I want to purge all CollaborationGroups (chatter groups) every 24 hours. What is the most efficient way to do this? Creating an apex job?
user22261's user avatar
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I encountered the following exception when trying to insert a CollaborationGroup in a test: System.DmlException: Insert failed. First exception on row 0; first error: UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION, content....
Adrian Larson's user avatar
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Custom message on Add/Remove members

I have implemented an apex method that prevents a certain profile (let's call it A profile) from being removed from a Collaboration Group. The apex code works fine but I don't know if there's a way to ...
Iliablun's user avatar
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Access CaseFeed as a Chatter free License User

I insert comment on CaseFeed logged in as a System admin Profile. I have Chatter Free License User. I want those comments can alse visible to Chatter free license user and can able to Comment on those ...
Rock SFDC's user avatar
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How to display Join (Join the Group) Button in Visualforce page for CollaborationGroup?

I am beginner in salesforce. I have a visualforce page where i am displaying all the collaboration groups. Can anyone guide me to display inherent Join Button for groups in that page? Thanks!!!
user3253106's user avatar
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Change Public or Private Chatter Group to Unlisted

Is there any way to do this with the IDE, or any sort of workaround? It looks unlikely, but I just want to make sure before I create a new unlisted group and migrate the group contents to it. I ran ...
Brian Mansfield's user avatar