Can users @mention private chatter groups, that they are not a member of? The idea is to restrict members of a group (which is why I prefer private group), but non-member users be able to @mention the group.

And can I use @mention on email addresses? Can I use @mention on a public group?

Edit 1: This is for a support team containing 20+ users. Currently we're mentioning all users, but some get missed at times. The team works in shifts, so mentioning only a few doesn't seem to work, hence thinking of Chatter Groups.

1 Answer 1


Only members of a private group can @mention it.

Any user can @mention a public group. At Mention Help Page

Using the Connect API (REST API) you can @mention a username (effectively their email address). Message Segment Input: Mention

  • Thank you. Can I restrict membership in a public group?
    – yeselkay
    Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 2:46
  • No, you cannot restrict membership in a public group.
    – Paul B.
    Commented Oct 11, 2017 at 16:26

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