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How to fetch data from html tag that stored in Salesforce marketing cloud data extension? [closed]

Example : I have stored below html tag as one field in data extension. I need to retrieve the href url from this. How to retrieve this ? and also How to retrieve "Visit!" from ...
Test SFMC's user avatar
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Salesforce Marketing Cloud File Organization

I'm trying to think if there is anything in SFMC where if I start moving things around and folders around, it could break existing automated emails. I inherited a SFMC platform that is chaos. While it ...
Melanie's user avatar
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Add Internal Email Distro to All Marketing Cloud sends

We have 40 distributed teams that send emails and they use multiple lists and DE's. How can my team be copied on every email we send through SFMC? Other email platforms allow for you to CC an ...
Kevin G's user avatar
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How to optimize the email AMPscript code that has a lot of lookups?

I have built a dynamic email template. This email template pulls the data from the Data Extension based on email name ( example: subject line, pre-header, content area, headers etc). For each field ...
avi's user avatar
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Pass the value from email to a content block using AMPscript

In my email, I am calling a Content Block. The content block uses a lookup to pull out content from a Data Extension. Example code in content block: set @SourceDE = "DE_NAME" ...
avi's user avatar
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How to convert the String to a ampscript code in email?

I am storing the email content in the google sheet and then importing it into the data extension. The email is dynamic & is fetching data from the data extension. For one of the fields i,E URL , I ...
ananya's user avatar
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Is it possible automatically to save content builder published urls into a DE?

I have 3 images (imagine: logo, img1, img2) uploaded and published in Content Builder. I want to add thos published URLs to a DE, so in logo's line I add url from logo image. If there a just 3, its ...
Constanza Sosa's user avatar
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Displaying nothing or default content in the event of no row match using AMPscript

I've got a data extension I'm storing content in for templated emails, then referencing the content using AMPscript as below: %%[ SET @MEMBER_EVENTS="MEMBER_EVENTS" SET @ITEM_1="...
Antonio De Palma's user avatar
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Creating a new Child Business Unit(BU) in order to given access to shared DE for Email Developer

We have a single Business Unit (BU) for our organisation. We are working with some external agency who design email templates for us. We want to give them access only to 4 Data Extension and not other ...
user0151's user avatar
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Use {{each}} dataobject tag inside a drag and drop content block - I get one extra set of content

I get a json array into a single field in a DE. I am then using dataobject tags to get each tag out and render it in an email. I am using drag and drop content blocks to make it easy for end-users to ...
Ben's user avatar
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2 answers

Send a test without being Subscriber

If I have a DE and is properly linked using SubscriberKey, when try to send a test, it says success but is not sent. So there's no way to create a test if I have not added manually this email as an ...
mario ruiz's user avatar
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How to Identify unusable assets in Marketing cloud

Is there any way by which we can identify unusable assets(email , content , DE, filter,automation,journey) in marketing cloud BU using SSJS or query ? Any other way to get this data ? We need to ...
RKNauhwar's user avatar
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User CRUD permission for content builder in marketing cloud

Is it possible in Marketing cloud to have folder-based user role for CRUD operations in both Email Content Builder and Data Extention as well? So, for example a user A will only have access to create ,...
Sandeep Thapa's user avatar
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How to fetch the values from two DE's and insert into another DE

I'm trying to track the landing pages opens/clicks data into a Data Extension. I'm fetching the CHILD BU details and LANDING PAGE details through two DE's (here I'm storing and fetching the data )and ...
sai's user avatar
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How to record customer preference from SFMC email template

I need your valuable advice to confirm about one of my problem. We have a use case where have to send a SFMC email which have a URL about some event. We would like to give the preference to customer ...
A Vashisth's user avatar
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Migration to Content Builder from Classic Content

I mainly use an AMPScript email to create&send emails using Triggered Send. The AMPScript email (script) loads the required information from content html files and values from the Data Extensions ...
mario ruiz's user avatar
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MC Content Builder email template with data relationships

I would like to be able to send an email with different merge fields (are they called like that in MC?). So far, I've figured out how to merge the fields regarding the data extension from where the ...
Javier García's user avatar
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Using relational data from Data Designer

I have a question regarding Contact Builder. What exactly does the Help page mean when it says: "The app also links customer data back to the original contact record."? Getting Started with Contact ...
Shmuel Herschberg's user avatar