New answers tagged visualforce
Navigate to a URL Addressable LWC from a Visualforce page
The old-school VF solution would be to use an apex controller/extension that returns a PageReference object for the page you want to navigate to.
Edit the "New Contact" page
I have just recently found a working, work around alternative. I recommend setting field or tab visibility filters from the contact record page ie on record ID (only generated after saving) therefore ...
What is the best practice to let guest user update record?
Have you tried maybe executing the update asynchronously ? say maybe in future apex , or pass the data to a queueable job (through a DTO class) which I believe executes in System mode rather than ...
Help with aura component that works in standard org but not works in partner portal
I solved my problem. Apparently this was happening due to a series of access permissions to the vf page, aura component and apex classes that the user did not have, in addition to the fact that I was ...
Unable to hide/unhide second field based on picklist inputfield value
The event attribute should be onchange instead of onchnage. Aslo, Make sure the reRender attribute correctly targets the component that needs to be updated.
VF Page:
<apex:outputPanel id="...
Apex action function method is not getting called, only the page is getting refreshed/rendered
It looks like the page is refreshing before the callContollerMethod action function is called. This can happen if the form is being submitted when the button is clicked. To prevent this, you can use ...
Getting Unknown method error in visualforce page, even though the method present in controller
Your code hasn't compiled, because you're missing a parentheses in the if statement:
public Boolean getGeneralInsurance(){
// ⬇️ Missing )
If(case.customer__c == 'yes')...
How to test Salesforce Sites Error Pages
According to this article, to preview the pages you can simply navigate to:
Setup > Sites > Name of your Site
From the Site Details page, you can simply select 'Preview' to see the page you have ...
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