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Topics against objects in Lightning Experience

According to these release notes for Summer '17: Use Topics to Organize Your Content in Chatter You can use topics on a record’s feed, but topics on objects aren’t available in Lightning Experience....
JRiffe's user avatar
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4 votes

Dynamically create TopicsForObjects metadata from Apex

I see TopicsForObjects in apex-mdapi. This is the below snippet from their code and taken from what's available in their github. public class TopicsForObjects extends Metadata { public ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
3 votes

Follow Navigational Topic Using SOQL

Following a topic is specific to a community. For example, you can follow a topic in community 1 but not follow it in community 2. Entity Subscription object has network Id field which determines ...
Anmol Kumar's user avatar
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SOQL Knowledge Articles by Topic

It needs to use "TopicAssignment". Try this: SELECT EntityType, EntityId, Topic.Name FROM TopicAssignment WHERE Topic.Name = 'Test' AND EntityType = 'Knowledge'
Cray Kao's user avatar
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How can I get Topic based on specific record in Salesforce

What you need here is TopicAssignment. Represents the assignment of a topic to a specific feed item, record, or file. This object is available in API version 28.0 and later. So your query should ...
Jayant Das's user avatar
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2 votes

Automatically Adding Articles into Community Navigational Topics

This idea already delivered by the Automatic topic assignment feature.
MaCsi's user avatar
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Assigning the topics you've selected ins't allowed. A Salesforce Admin must enable topics for objects for the article type/s

This means that for the Objects related to knowledge (Lets say you have objects like FAQ) needs to have Topics Enabled . To enable the topic navigate to Set up|Customize|Topic| Topics For Objects and ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
2 votes

How to enable and configure topics for objects in lightning?

Bumping a year later: In Summer '18, Topics rolled out in Lightning. To make Topics visible in ...
Charles T's user avatar
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How to enable and configure topics for objects in lightning?

Switch to classic and search for topics for objects in the quick find box, this option/setting is not yet available in lightning experience. LEX: Classic: Enable and Configure Topics for Objects ...
glls's user avatar
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How to get subtopic related to Community topic in apex?

there is a method for it ConnectApi (reference). I think you need to use that. ConnectApi.ManagedTopicCollection topics = ConnectApi.ManagedTopics.getManagedTopics(communityId); for (ConnectApi....
ytiq's user avatar
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A topic with the name,XXX already exists. How to mass rename a Topic to an already existing one?

You can't edit the Topic itself. You need to interact with the assignment of the topic which means you have to essentially delete the wrong association and create a new association for the same ...
Kris Goncalves's user avatar
2 votes

How to prevent from adding new topic to a record with the specific status?

Topic's association to an SObject is via TopicAssignment object which you can write a trigger on (untested) trigger TopicAssignmentTrigger on TopicAssignment (before insert) { // Pass 1 - get ...
cropredy's user avatar
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Metadata Location For 'Topic Assignment Rule' aka 'Automatic Topic Assignment'

This is not yet exposed via the Metadata API. Hence you will have to manually do it again in the Production application as of Today. I confirmed with the Salesforce Metadata API team.
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
1 vote

Which permission allows user to edit topics inside community in salesforce?

Unfortunately, you cannot stop community user's from editing topics in community. Kindly review Idea and vote for this feature. You can remove 'Assign Topics' on profile if you still need, however ...
Vinay's user avatar
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How to best cope with unpackageable metadata (TopicsForObjects) in SFDX

Create a separate package folder called "unpackageable" that's in the same force-app folder but not part of the package that you'll be publishing. Put your topicsForObjects metadata in there. It will ...
abd3721's user avatar
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Articles not displaying in Lightning Community

As an update regarding this question, I opened a case with salesforce regarding this and got a response that way. The issue was that our community was created with the language English (US) and at ...
Sean Davey's user avatar
1 vote

How to get subtopic related to Community topic in apex?

The children become visible when you provide the depth parameter Integer depth =2; ConnectApi.ManagedTopicCollection topics = ConnectApi.ManagedTopics.getManagedTopics(communityId,ConnectApi....
user682217's user avatar
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Knowledge Articles in English are not visible in the community for the users with other languages

I did not find any other solution than creating a custom component that retrieves articles by topic Id. Well, works fine.
m_konyk's user avatar
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Cannot create an existing topic within a test class

First Understand about Test Data in Salesforce:- Apex test data is transient and isn’t committed to the database. This means that after a test method finishes execution, the data inserted by ...
sanket kumar's user avatar
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How to Assign Multiple Topics to a Knowledge Article Via API or Apex

The Salesforce Knowledge Developer Guide contains a list of sObjects and resources you might need to know in order to precisely work with knowledge, you will notice that the TopicAssignment is in the ...
glls's user avatar
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1 vote

Salesforce Topics lightning component

Assuming you want to utilize the standard Topic component on a custom lightning component, you cannot use it the way you want to. For your questions: Is there a lighting component ready for this? ...
Jayant Das's user avatar
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Visibility Problem on Community Featured Topics Questions

I got this to work.  I needed to change the default sharing access for Users to Read for External Users.  It was set to private.
Michele Kleinhomer's user avatar
1 vote

Two topics with the same name, but different ParentID. Only one selectable

You will have different ParentIds for Topics that are internally available vs those Topics that are in the Communities. When you add Topics to Articles internally, they're only visible for internal ...
ClarkBranson's user avatar
1 vote

Napili Feature Topic Images

Using the community builder, under Branding, Edit CSS You can reference the element>class and modify the size: li.topicItem.forceTopicFeaturedTopicItem{ width: 50px; height: 50px; }
glls's user avatar
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This feature is not currently enabled either for this record type or the given user type or org

I was also having issues with this. I was following along with the link posted ( and noticed I had to switch to classic to enable the ...
Shelby Inloes's user avatar

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