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10 votes

Hide My Account in Napili Community

If you select the appropriate scope in your CSS, you can hide options in the Profile Header component: For the profile menu option: .profile.uiMenuItem{ display: none; } You can modify the CSS ...
glls's user avatar
  • 20.3k
9 votes

Lightning Community, can i make change password Lightning Page, not VF?

Lightning framework is evolving and Salesforce adds new features in each release. I see that documentation suggest that you might use Lightning Community Builder to use Lightning Components to modify ...
Patlatus's user avatar
  • 17.8k
7 votes

Favicon is not working outside of the Community

For the Favicon to work, I had to upload my image to the orgs assets library: Under Branding>"Select an image to generate a palette" : Only then was I able to reference my icon, which I had to upload ...
glls's user avatar
  • 20.3k
7 votes

Community - Navigation Menu - Remove or Change home

For Everyone who will need this in most recent version you can add this code in the css to hide the Home in the navigation Menu. .comm-navigation__list > li:first-child { display: none; ...
Mehdi Belcadi's user avatar
6 votes

Bell Notifications Lightning Components

You should be able to use lightning:icon in your component, as follows: <lightning:icon iconName="utility:notification" /> This is also in the standard SLDS library if you're using the static ...
sfdcfox's user avatar
  • 502k
6 votes

Community Workspaces and Builder are not available

Per @Dave Humm's original comment, I discovered that it's possible to remove your access to a Community Workspace | Builder links in Administration from inside the portal by removing the System ...
jordan.baucke's user avatar
6 votes

visualforce list button not working in Napili Community

Visualforce list buttons are not supported in Communities.
sfdc's user avatar
  • 13.8k
5 votes

Bell Notifications Lightning Components

UPDATE: Since Winter 17 forceCommunity:notifications! Finally, I found that ...
ransommule's user avatar
5 votes

Napili Community: delpoy navigation menu

Step 3 of the documentation/blog post you linked: Step 3: Go to the Community Management console and update your administrative settings, topics, moderation criteria, etc. as these do not carry over ...
glls's user avatar
  • 20.3k
5 votes

Auto-refresh Napili Community's standard page once in every five minutes?

Alright, with the guidance from @Mohith, I was able to find a work around for my issue. Here is what I made changes to his code which reloads the complete page, rather refresh the part of the page(...
SatyaV's user avatar
  • 1,533
5 votes

customizing header in Communities (Winter 18)

Re: ability to reference the Header Background image in the Customer Service (Napili) template If you need to reference the Header Background Image using the Customer Service (Napili) template the ...
D Green's user avatar
  • 66
5 votes

Error with Self-registration Lightning Component on Napili Community

Alright folks, I couldn't get this issue resolved here. So in my research, I found this issue as a Salesforce Known Issue which was opened two weeks prior to my post. As the fix was mentioned: ...
SatyaV's user avatar
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4 votes

Override background image/color in the community using the Napili template

To update the background, in the branding editor, there should be an "edit" pencil or brush referring to "Edit CSS" from there you can change the background with appropriate css styling. for Ex. ...
glls's user avatar
  • 20.3k
4 votes

Hide My Account in Napili Community

For the My Account menu option: .myAccount.uiMenuItem{ display: none; }
Łukasz Kojzar's user avatar
4 votes

Auto-refresh Napili Community's standard page once in every five minutes?

Create a custom lightning component for communities to do this .You will need to ensure this component is part of every Napili lightning page that you want to refresh Here is a version of untested ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
4 votes

Custom Fonts Not Working?

Thanks to @Pratima and @MohithShrivastava for posting a working URL path: Instead of: /sfsites/c/resource/MyFont.woff I used: /resource/MyFont.woff Now everything works as expected.
Adrian Larson's user avatar
  • 151k
4 votes

Napili Community - A Tab using Visualforce Page

The only real option is to create a page and embed the Visualforce page within it. That will allow it to be added to the navigation menu as a community page. The page would be a Standard page with ...
Dave Humm's user avatar
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3 votes

Navigation Menu

This feature is delivered in the Spring'17 release: Customize Community Navigation with Nested Menu Items The new Menu Label type in the Navigation Menu component lets you create parent ...
Bhargav Kodali's user avatar
3 votes

Lightning button to update a record

A couple of things, Your getCase method returns an object of type "case", But, you are setting the object to a String in the init method of your js Controller.Additionally, as N.B pointed out, you ...
Sumuga's user avatar
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3 votes

Is is posible to self register as a community user in the dev org?

The community creates a site by default .Whenever you spin a new community a site is automatically created by SFDC and linked in sandbox . In developer org sometimes you can create a site ...
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
3 votes

How to set the page layout using css conditionally - Napili Template Salesforce Community

You can create a Custom Theme Layout which basically involves creating a lightning component, referenced here and add the New Theme Layout through the community Settings: You will then want to ...
glls's user avatar
  • 20.3k
3 votes

Relentless error message for URL parameters when referencing Napili Standard Community Page

The record detail page aspect of the Napili Community is very confusing. Correct me if I am wrong but it looks like you created a set of record pages for Account. This gave you Account Detail, Account ...
dsharrison's user avatar
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3 votes

Custom Logout not working in Napili Community?

I would use window.location.href=salesforceurl/secure/logout.jsp This will use the current window to navigate to logout url
Mohith Shrivastava's user avatar
3 votes

Adding a link on click of login

Yes, you can modify the standard login component of napili and redirect user when make click. (You can view these component on lightning components section in setup) But if you want to manage the ...
AH3's user avatar
  • 556
3 votes

customizing header in Communities (Winter 18)

There is no Styling guide for customizing lightning communities, and Salesforce recommends using CSS sparingly and only when necessary, since all future releases of template components might not ...
glls's user avatar
  • 20.3k
3 votes

Lightning Community (Napili) URL parameters

Try force:navigateToURL event (docs). In your component controller handle click event like this: var urlEvent = $A.get("e.force:navigateToURL"); urlEvent.setParams({ "url": "/my-orders?active=...
edelrabe's user avatar
  • 799
3 votes

Lightning Community, can i make change password Lightning Page, not VF?

While it is still the case that you cannot directly override the Change Password page with a Lightning Component, you can always embed a Lightning Component within a Visualforce Page. You can call the ...
Doug Friedman's user avatar
3 votes

Inline Visualforce page is displayed as a link in Community, any idea why? and how to remove the link behavior?

Found this similar Known issue. Followed it's workaround, added below CSS to Community branding custom CSS. .oneAlohaPage .mask { display: none; } and that fixed the issue.
Pasan Eeriyagama's user avatar
3 votes

How do I create a custom login page in Lightning using Napili template

You don't create your own login page, you modify the existing one by using your own components and (if you like) your own theme and layout. See
Aidan's user avatar
  • 14k
3 votes

Custom Fonts Not Working?

If somebody is still struggling with this, after making sure the URL is correct, I changed: src: url('someurl/myfont.ttf') format('ttf'); To: src: url('someurl/myfont.ttf'); So simply removed the &...
Frederik Witte's user avatar

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